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??? generally refers to a region of Esquarium to the west of, and sometimes encompassing the western fringes of, Monica, and to the east of [geographic feature]. A narrower definition restricts the region to the landlocked steppe area north of the ??? and west of the ???.


Early history

??? has generally been dominated by the ???, a term used to refer to a loose group of linguistically and phenotypically diverse peoples characterized by their common practice of pastoral nomadism, sharing of other cultural features, effective political homogeneity, and (occasionally) membership in a sprachbund. The ??? were most dominated by speakers of the Yultric languages beginning in ???.

The ??? peoples' range spanned the flat interior and roamed a space which connected the ???, ???, and Monic civilizations. The formation of a greater 'steppe system' may have allowed their influence to be felt further west in !Nordania. Interactions of the ??? peoples were essential to the rapid transmission of technologies between these distant civilizations whose contact was otherwise hindered by the barriers of overland travel, and furthermore the ??? secured the establishment of trade routes between these regions.

??? was dominated by nomadic empires, mostly ephemeral confederations of tribes and clans which possessed great but often temporary influence. These posed no small threat to nearby sedentary states and peoples. It was very common for ??? groups to invade and take over sedentary kingdoms, transmitting the customs of the Interior to these regions, causing the gradual formation of a ??? superstrate in practically all adjacent regions.


There was a rise of city-states beginning in ??? for [reasons].

Settled civilization expanded upstream and into the flatlands, assisted significantly by the adaption of ??? to this lifestyle. However, Yultric elites remained typically mobile.

The productivity of the developing inner regions was massively bolstered by the concentration of technologies from across 'subject regions', and a slave trade dealing in Machy, laborers brought from regions such as Ianxia.


In ??? the Solar Khaganate was established.

Radiance and Hierophany

In the east, the consolidation of Monic powers allowed them to be released from subjugation under the Khaganate and of the Interior's economic system. The Khaganate's fragmentation left it with little ability to change this situation. Unbridled exploitation of the Monic coast was completely ended, and trade with the east dwindled, with only Leney and Aprosia still able to enjoy exchange with the eastern powers. A more serious problem was present in the complete cutoff of the interior from its supply of Machy, on which its production of many goods had relied on.

Technological and organizational innovations were driven by the shortage of slave labor, seeding the development of industrialization. This was further accelerated by another blow on the labor force from the ??? war which left the Kadarian Yegyezi population decimated, and land reforms that favored a new entrepreneurial middle class.

Fall of the Khaganate

The Khaganate was embroiled in political crisis for [reasons] by the end of the 17th century, still reeling from the effects of the ??? wars, and the condition was worsened by social conflicts caused by economic changes.


The internecine struggles for supremacy and indeed legitimacy among the successor states was finally ended with universal agreement to end abrogation to the title of the Khaganate in 1802, which also marked its formal dissolution.

Post-Khaganate and contemporary history

The rivalry between Kadaria and Cadasia did not terminate with the 1802 declaration however and continued. <...> some nuclear war

In 19?? Qartuzhia would invade and occupy Taghavan in an attempt to reclaim the Khaganate's title. This ill-fated stunt was immediately crushed by a combined Cadasian and Lenish force, and the Qartuzhian monarchy was deposed by a military junta. However, the extreme levels of sacrilege shown in the act provoked horror, and then outrage, across ???.