Cassonnais-Zwiebish War

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The Cassonais-Zwiebish War was a conflict from February to October, 1820, between Cassonne and the Heidish Federation led by Zwiebelland.

The war ended in the defeat of Cassone and the withdrawal of Cassonais forces from the territory of Schmalzbach and Apfelstadt. Cassonais forces, however, would continue to remain in Brezeldorf, leading to ongoing hostilities between the Heidish and Cassonais throughout the 19th century.


In 1784, the Beriquois army invaded Apfelstadt, Brezeldorf, and Schmalzbach, which sent shockwaves throught the Heidish speaking world and led to the formation of the Heidish Federation.

In 1798 the Empire of Berique splintered due to the Beriquois Revolution, and the former Beriquois royal family sought refuge in Cassonne.