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Castillian Federation

Castillian: La Federation Castillia
Castille flag.jpg
Motto: Fraternité sous notre Fédération
Largest cityBeziers
Official languagesCastillian
Recognised regional languagesAnglic, Díenstadi
Ethnic groups
Castillian, Mokan, Closian, Macabean
GovernmentFederated presidential constitutional republic
• President of the Federation
Marlène Backès
• Vice-President of the Federation
Maïté Bacque
• Cassier des Cinqcents (Speaker of the Five-Hundred)
Léo Rousselle
LegislatureÉtats-Généraux (States-General)
Fédéralsénat (Federal Senate)
Assemblé des Cinqcents (Assembly of the Five-Hundred)
• Castillian Unification
1749 CE
• Imperial Formation
1753 CE
• Socialistenat Regime
2005 CE
• Federal Constitution
2030 CE
GDP (PPP)2034 estimate
• Total
$4,010 trillion
• Per capita
HDI (2032)0.831
very high
Date formatdd-mm-yyyy CE
Driving sideright
Calling code+411
Internet TLD.cas

Castillia, officially the Castillian Federation, is a federated presidential constitutional republic located in Greater Díenstad. Comprising the entire Viridian continent, a large island landmass in the Dienstadi orient, it is among the largest countries in the region by square mileage. The country's capital and second-largest city is Preslaff, also the cultural capital of Castillia. Beziers is Castillia's largest city and financial capital, being the headquarters of some of the most prominent financial and corporate entities in Greater Dienstad. Other major urban areas in the country include Ariège, Marais Besançon, Élancourt, Nogent-sur-Marne, and Villeparisis.




The earliest known estimate of Homo Erectus settling what is known as the Viridian Isle occurred around 1.8 million years ago, presumably crossing an ice bridge from a now-submerged continent. Controlled use of fire is estimated to have started around 800,000 years ago, with modern humans Homo Sapiens appearing on the Viridian Isle around 200,000 years ago. Spreading along the coastline, they often clashed with Erectus and completely wiped out the species 195,000 years ago. The most significant advent of the Upper Paleolithic was agriculture, developed by Sapiens on the Viridian continent around the 9th millennium BC. Evidence proving this was found in an archeological dig near Vensel in the Province of Le Bouscat. By the 5th millennium the wheel had been invented on Viridia, whether that and the concept of agriculture was the first to be discovered in Viridia is unknown and highly contested. Within 2900 BC literate cuneiform has been developed as well as proto-Aacevi, a tongue attributed as being the forebearer to Romance Aacevi. This ends the Neolithic era late in 3200 BCE and begins the Bronze Age in Viridia, where the development of sturdy tools, formidable weapons, and economy-based civilizations flourish on the continent. This is also noted as the end of the Neolithic for three reasons: (i) the collapse of the Hexatopolic supercontinent due to the eruption of a supervolcano designated "Dominus Priebe", (ii) the subsequent ash cloud that covered the northern area of Greater Dienstad for at least one year, killing 42% of the Sapiens population, and (iii) rise in sea levels covering any existence of the Hexatopolic continent. These events were marked by the first recorded events of history in Viridia. It was treated by many civilizations as an apocalyptic end-time event, however human society flourished after the event, as well as formed significant pantheons.

Early Civilization

The Aacevivan Kingdom is established around 3219 BCE, the first known major society and civilization to establish themselves in Viridia. They become rivaled by the Gaellian peoples who establish loosely-confederated farming states in present-day Castleclose. These neighboring states span from the northern tip of Castleclose to Ulster. To the south in what is the original borders of the Castillian state, several city-states vie for power as they are overlooked by the growing Balochians and their wealthy merchant-based economy. Iron Age states such as the Balochians developed mercantile cultures, the concept of barter and currency, and developed military strategy, as evidenced in the Battle of Brivstasvl against the Maecaynites, which was the first recorded battle between civilizations in the Viridian continent. The Balochians victory against the Maecay people at Brivstasvl led to conjunction of the first organized empire. The Balochian people had subsequently liquidated the Maecaynites and either sold them into slavery or killed them outright. The destruction of the Maecay was the first recorded conquest of another ethnic tribe in Viridia, and the Balochians further flourished as they conquered city-states like Helsindi, Gast, Melatia, and Videmal. The most prominent of rulers of the Balochians, Bathkyr, or Bathkyr the Great, led campaigns as far north as the Chaleur Mountains, where inexperience in fighting in cold elements as well as lack of familiarity of terrain led to defeat at the hands of the tribal bands in those areas, such as the Kepti. Retreating over thousands of miles through the brutal winter, pursued by the Kepti and Vegtik tribes back to Balochia, Bathkyr found his empire in disarray as Melatia and Gast had rebelled and the incredible distance he had went to the Chaleur mountains had given him lack of communication with his court back home. With the Kepti and Vegtik warrior closing in on Becik, the capital, and Gast mounting a large army, Bathkyr committed suicide and thus ended the Balochians as they were submitted into slavery by several different tribes and peoples. Becik was razed and sacked by the Kepti, and left to ruin. Becik lies near the modern-day city of Beziers, and some ruins still stand, such as the Temple of Bacidalus.

While Balochia was liquidated circa 250 BCE, Gast had filled the power vacuum and reformed itself into the regional power. With their capital of Viridius on the glimmering shores facing what is now Mokastana, the people of Gast had reformed themselves into the Viridius Republicae, using what technology the Balochians had developed and with the minds of some of the greatest philosophers and inventors such as Saetonius, Fiscus Pilus, Contarch, and Belphaestus, over the course of 50 years, develop Viridius into a beautiful flourishing city with freshwater brought in from lakes on hundreds of miles of aqueduct networks. The Senate, the ruling class of citizens who dictated the policy of Viridius Republicae, was led by a triumvirate of princeps, or "First Citizens". The Triumvirate reached the peak of its power in 192 BCE, when it was led by the "The Three Good Men", namely Cassius Lucidus, Albinovanus, and Aeschrion of Aethella (also known as Aeschrion the Undaunted), and was notable in history for being the last triumvirate before the Junia Conspiracy in which led to a three-year power vacuum and formed the Republicae into the what is now known as the Viridian Empire.

Cassius Lucidus was a well-known financier in the Viridius forum, and had considerable influence in buying his way into the Senate using his vast fortune. Cassius had owned silver mines north of Viridius, in the border regions between the farthest reach of the Republicae and the Pantharian Kingdoms, and also invested much of his fortune into wine and olive oil production, owning a considerable chunk of the market in those two products. Albinovanus came from an already-powerful political dynasty, being the fifth senator of his family. Albinovanus was also an accomplished statesman, having brokered peace between the Republicae and the Galatia Thalassokratia in 194 BCE after nearly a decade of bloodshed between the two neighbors. Aeschrion, who was not a native of the Republicae but of Aethella and was "naturalized" after being sent to train under the tutelage of Cathellus, a skillful early Republicae military commander, who had seen many engagements in the Thalassokratian Wars and had considerable victories at Amnisos, Berge, and Edessa. Aeschrion, becoming a military commander alongside Cathellus and earning his right as a Republicae citizen, earning a reputation for fierce tenacity in battle and wise command decisions while also racking up much debt living a lavish lifestyle much beyond his means. His place in the Triumvirate was only guaranteed by Cassius, who paid the debts and funded an expedition for Aeschrion to then repay his debt to Cassius. In 193 BC, Aeschrion set out with 10,000 men, IX Aavecrates Legio, to rally against the Sullenic tribes to the east in Sulla. After nine months and numerous victories against Gastian (scholars debate whether his name referenced the origin of the Viridian Republicae and its people, despite being of Gaellian ethnicity) and his Sullenic warriors, defeating them finally after a month-long siege at Taevel (near present-day Élancourt), and taking all of the city's coffers in silver by the pound a thousand, as well as nearly five-thousand slaves, which were sold at home in the Republicae and abroad. By 190 BC, Aeschrion had paid his debts to Cassius and emerged as a wealthy rival to him. Conspiring to eliminate opposition to him, Aeschrion arranged for the assassination of Albinovanus, which occurred on Juin 19, 190 BCE when mercenaries organized by Aeschrion publicy beat Albinovanus to death with wooden poles in the middle of the forum of Viridius.

Albinovanus' assasination was never connected to Aeschrion, as he controlled the city garrison and enjoyed the discretion of its commanders, who led a lackluster investigation into the murder. Cassius saw this as a warning sign to not only his power in the Republicae, but his own life, and lobbied the commanders of several military units to his cause, calling for the dissolution of the Triumvirate and the arrest of Aeschrion. Despite this, most of the political elite in the Senate, including the military officers who held office in the Senate, sided with Aeschrion and organized their troops to go to battle against Cassius' forces. This power struggle culminated in the Battle of Viridius, which tore the city apart as the two armies clashed. While the city sustained much damage, Aeschrion's forces ultimately prevailed and Cassius was cornered in the Temple of Sianius, where he was captured and paraded through the streets while tied to a stake. In his first act as the newly established Diktat, Aeschrion tried Cassius in the Senate, where he was found guilty and in a stroke of fortune for Cassius, was sentenced to exile. Aside from the fact that he traveled north into the Montagnes des Chaleurie. Most academics concur that he likely died somewhere in the mountain range.

Middle Ages

Castillian Unification

Modern Empire

National Socialism

Federal Unification


Government and Politics


Political Divisions

Foreign Relations





Banking and Finance



Income, Poverty, and Wealth





Art & Literature


