New Oros

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The Island of Oros

National Emblem
Motto: Long Live The Island, Long Live New Oros
Map of New Oros
Map of New Oros
Official languagesEnglish, Orosian
Demonym(s)New Orosians
CurrencyOrosian Credit (OCD ☄)
Date formatdd/mm/yyyy
Driving sideleft

The Island of New Oros, commonly referred to as New Oros (new·o·ros; pronounced nyew-oh-ros), is an island nation on Eurth. New Oros has a population of 10 million as of 2024.


Ancient Oros

Tribal Conflicts in 400 BCE

In the era around 400 BCE, the island of New Oros was a land of rugged beauty and untamed wilderness, inhabited by several distinct tribal groups vying for dominance and territorial control. Among these tribes, three prominent factions emerged as key players in the tumultuous landscape of ancient New Oros: The Cerynian Tribe in the east, The Orosan Tribe in the south, and The Gwentish Tribe in the west.

The Cerynian Tribe

To the east of New Oros lay the vast and formidable territory of The Cerynian Tribe, a coalition of clans known for their martial prowess and fierce independence. Led by chieftains who claimed descent from legendary warriors of old, the Cerynians were renowned for their expertise in warfare and their mastery of the island's rugged terrain. Their domain encompassed sprawling forests, craggy mountains, and fertile valleys, providing ample resources to sustain their burgeoning population. The Cerynian Tribe would often wear white clothing in day to day life and in battle.

The Orosan Tribe

In the southern reaches of the island, The Orosan Tribe held sway over a vast expanse of territory, stretching from the sun-drenched shores of the coast to the verdant plains of the interior. Governed by a council of elders and shamans, the Orosans were known for their agricultural prowess, skilled craftsmanship, and sophisticated cultural traditions. However, their hegemony was often challenged by rival tribes seeking to assert their own claims to power. The Orosan Tribe would often wear golden yellow clothes.

The Gwentish Tribe

To the west, across rugged highlands and rushing rivers, lay the domain of The Gwentish Tribe, a confederation of fiercely independent clans united by a common heritage and a shared sense of identity. Resilient and resourceful, the Gwentish warriors were renowned for their prowess in battle and their unwavering commitment to their ancestral lands. Despite their decentralized structure, The Gwentish Tribe posed a formidable challenge to any who dared to encroach upon their territory. The Gwentish Tribe would often wear red clothing.

Tribal Rivalries and Conflicts

Throughout this period, the tribes of ancient New Oros were locked in a perpetual struggle for supremacy, with shifting alliances, territorial disputes, and skirmishes erupting sporadically across the island. The Cerynian Tribe clashed with The Orosan Tribe over control of strategic trade routes and fertile farmlands, while The Gwentish Tribe waged guerrilla warfare against both factions in a bid to safeguard their ancestral territories.

Legacy and Remembrance

The era of tribal conflicts in ancient New Oros left a lasting legacy on the island's history and culture, shaping the identities of future generations and leaving behind tales of valor, betrayal, and resilience. Today, the descendants of the Cerynian, Orosan, and Gwentish Tribes continue to honor the memory of their ancestors, preserving their traditions and heritage as a testament to the enduring spirit of ancient New Oros.

Image of the rough borders of the tribes; circa 400 BCE