National Subdivisions of Carinansia

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The Serenacy of Cárinansia comprises twenty-five federal states and one federal district; The Central District. This District is legally described as a whole constituent entity neutral of any state, having almost all powers and autonomy relegated to states (except some national park and governmental functions). Because of a clause in the Cárinansian Constitution, as it is the seat of the powers of the federation, it can never become a state or within a state or the capital of the country has to be relocated elsewhere. This was the case following the incorporation of the District of Tadea as the State of Tadea, with the new Central District being declared the city of Nojawa and the surrounding borders, which were already federal land.

The most populous state since the National Declaration has not always been São Lenoas, originally being San Luis until São Alberto was incorporated into Vóclaria City and Tadea was declared the new capital of the nation in 1967; this move had resulted in a substantial reduction in government funds to the state and a 20-year exodus. Furthermore, Mangulak was formerly the third-largest state until the Royalist destruction of Oligi during the Civil War, causing a mass capital and population flight from the state until the governorship of Andrés Blanco Morelos in the late 80s.

The states have substantial autonomy and powers to establish and administer local laws. This is evident from the variation in the country’s drinking age; Haxith has a minimum age of 20 whereas Sierna Sur, San Luis, and Mangulak have ages as low as 13 in certain municipalities. They typically use a constitutional model based on the serene one, but certain states have unique variations. For example, three states employ parliamentary systems of government for the state legislature, six are unitary, and eight are bicameral.

List of states
State Map Date of Admission Capital City Largest City Governor Population Senators Notes
Flag of Panama.svg Ipudorm Example 1 September 1966 Puerto Adinerado Plaimo Marco Nores 19,575,269 27
Flag of Catalonia.svg San Luis Example 20 September 1966 Bahía de Diamantes Voclaria City Noé Mina 19,788,302 27
Flag of Patagonia.svg Najolk Example 28 September 1966 Ciuarcia Ana Salgado Canto 4,860,714 12
Bandeira de Salvador.svg São Lenoas Example 13 December 1966 Aexodiana São Lenoas Diego Alves Nakamura 45,831,470 50 Home to the largest city in Oikoia
Bandera de la Provincia de Córdoba 2014.svg Mangulak Example 31 December 1966 Comalteca Reydacay Cíntia Câmara Nogueira 9,800,455 18
Flag of Jalisco (2008-2011).svg Anáheiro Example 1 January 1967 Anáheiro Juan Martín Berrocal 34,567,101 39 Has the largest state population on mainland Oikoia
Flag of Natalia Republic.svg Tlanukoy Example 20 February 1967 Penbaro Juan Diego Nores 5,004,889 14
Proposta de bandeira do Amazonas.png Terfloria Example 25 March 1967 Cidade do Ouro Sílvio Araújo Maldonado 7,815,598 16
Flag of Pasco Department.svg Tohuecotl Example 2 March 1973 Villa Céspedes (Legislative & Executive)
Teecamatl (Judicial & Ceremonial)
San Ferpa Geraldo Bitencourt Fontes 3,972,281 12
Flag of Nayarit.svg Haxith Example 6 February 1984 Ũvýita Alipiri Teresa Graciani 4,544,374 13
Flag of Baja Verapaz, Guatemala.png Nuevo Paraíso Example 23 May 1989 Jacámka Xmucane Garrido 4,016,824 12 Least populous state on Lekeadia
Haiyato flag.png Haiyato Example 2 September 1999 Balés City Tzacuanyaitzcuhtli Kuntur Pillpe Won 6,425,237 16 Only majority Runasim-speaking state
Banner of the Qulla Suyu.svg Platencía Example 24 November 2003 Chetusillo Guajeres Sartaña Kantuta Tunupa 2,718,460 9 Least populous state on the Oikoian mainland
Bandeira de Diamantino.svg Ávigena Example 12 July 2012 Nova Gracemaria Ezequiel Graciani Donitz 1,998,553 7 Independent until 1974, when President Cárintecatl annexed the republic
Flag of Huanta.svg Caluma Example 29 April 2030 San Marcingo Coyopa Tafalla 4,189,628 13
Flag of Ñuble Region, Chile.svg Nova Enstel Example 13 October 2042 La Enstel Nicolás Amengual 15,303,646 23 First formerly Valoran state admitted
Flag of La Araucania, Chile.svg Sierna Norte Example 17 November 2050 Albarez Goda Veronica Pinto 13,023,271 21
Flag of Casanare.svg Sierna Sur Example 1 January 2051 San Esteban Arapuava Amanda Mastache 11,899,447 19
Flag of the Republic of Yucatan.svg Embardoro Example 5 September 2051 Matagoza Zates Lorenzo Cicerón 5,156,392 14
Bandeira do Distrito Federal (1960-1969).svg Tadea Example 16 June 2053 Tlajoyotl Enrique Aparicio 8,316,870 17 The former national capital from 1965 to 2053, it is constitutionally defined as a city-state
Bandera Regionalista de Arica y Parinacota.svg East Kanju Example 1 January 2054 Tanne Caremanga Rafael Tokko 21,298,015 29 First Kangsuan state admitted in 2054
Flag of Tegucigalpa.svg Nepida Example 23 May 2056 Cabreco Leru Andrés Montes Song 21,532,265 29 Most populous former Kangsuan state
Bandera de la Provincia de Los Santos.svg West Kanju Example 30 May 2056 Juncatatu Abenatti Umberto Sarmiento 12,681,969 20
Former flag of North Chungcheong.svg Niwang Example 19 July 2058 Séoyan Juan Muk 20,051,344 28
Former flag of Busan.svg Yenjo Example 4 October 2079 Eson Kangsan Tomas Hyo Kwon 10,175,860 18

Federal districts are areas described as independent of any state within the Serenacy of Carinansia and thus automatically under the national government's jurisdiction. They can be established by an executive order or an act of the National Congress. The State of Tadea was admitted in 2053, and Article 12 Section 4 of the Tadea Admission Act specifically stipulated the creation of a new federal district in federal land in Ipudorm. The District of Tadea was formed on 1 January 1966 via an executive order issued by President Xiutecuhtli Cárintecatl.

List of federal districts
Name Map Date of Creation Capital City Largest City Head of Government Population Senators Notes
Bandeira do Distrito Federal (Brasil).svg Distrito Central 16 June 2053 Nojawa Esmeralda Venegas 3,367,490 11 National capital
List of Serene Territories
Name Map Date of Creation Capital City Head of Government Population Notes
Navamanca Island Territory 29 May 2054 Altar Gov. Alfonso Gaos 912
Sarrol Atoll 31 July 2054 Fort Quesada Gen. Silvana Fonseca 150-300 soldiers No permanent population
Zalava Special Administration 9 January 2055 Namsu Gov. Kwang Villa 231,984