Warden Land Army

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Warden Land Army
Warden Army Flag.png
Flag of the Warden Land Army
CountryRepublic of Pentium
AllegianceWarden Defense Corp
Size145,000 Active Personnel 195,000 Reserve Personnel
Motto(s)Down, but never out
EngagementsThe Great War
Commander-In-ChiefIain Callahan
Minister of DefenseLachlan Sinclair
Senior GeneralDougal Fraser

The Warden Land Army is the ground based forces of the Republic of Pentium, and one of the three branches of the Warden Defense Corp. Serving as the largest branch, it oversees the defense requirements and responsibilities for defending the nation against any external and internal threats to the safety of its citizens. The army is currently undergoing a large scale modernization effort overseen by the Ministry of Defense, acquiring new infantry equipment, tanks, IFVs and other kinds of desperately needed equipment to bring the

army up to speed with the rest of the world. The Army has over half of the active duty soldiers and reserved forces available to them and is currently deployed abroad in ANSC operations.

Notable Modern Operations

ANSC Velaheria is a peacekeeping operation aimed at bringing stability and security to the recently invaded nation undergoing a democratic transition.