Saltbrook Channel

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Saltbrook Channel is a major port city within The Republic of Pentium, sitting on the Eastern Coast of the Republic. The city was founded on a natural inlet that has expanded upon several times throughout its history, the port has been modernized dozens of times in its history as well. Serving as the main port city and the headquarters of the Eastern Naval Command for the Warden Navy, millions of tonnes of goods and cargo are shipped in and out of the city each year. Additionally, serving as the capital city of the Region of Endless Shore. The city shares a long history of egalitarism and democracy, being one of several cities that took part in the September Revolts that established the Modern Republic of Pentium.

Saltbrook Channel
Port City
Port of Safi city, Morocco.jpg
Saltbrook Channel.png
Home of Democracy
CountryRepublic of Pentium
First Settled98 BCE
Founded byUnknown
SeatTown Hall
 • TypeMayor-City Council
 • MayorIsla MacKenzie
 • Port City733 km2 (283 sq mi)
 • Estimate 
 • Urban
 • Rural

History of Saltbrook Channel

The history of the city is far more peaceful than that of several other cities around, but is closely tied with the smaller city states around it. Being one of the founding cities of the North River Federation, the city fought alongside Whedon's Row to defend the peninsula against rival clans and mercenaries.

1st Siege of Saltbrook Channel

Saltbrook channel has had a siege put to it twice in its history during the September revolt, the people of Saltbrook Channel fought through their local guard post and overthrew their mayor with support from elements of the city guards. Arming themselves against any retribution that would come, the King of the Federation would go through several smaller cities before reaching Saltbrook Channel. The kings forces were tired of fighting their own countrymen, and were weakened from a long and hard campaign. Faltering as they assaulted the walls, the king's army mutinied and delivered him to the revolutionaries.

Establishment of the Republic

The king was forced to abolish the monarchy and step down from his position without a successor in 1819 AD, he was not killed or exiled despite his crimes. Instead, he was given a small villa nearby the city with armed guards, his successors still live in the same home to this day, however the guards are no longer there to keep the king's descendants in their watchful gaze, but to defend the property and the remnants of the Royal Family. During this period of revolution, a council formed to start up a proper republic. It took several years of effort, but in 1821 a strong constitution was established. The council would remain in power until 1822, where Josiah Saltbrook was elected as the first president of the Republic of Pentium. The city was also changed to Saltbrook channel to honor the founder of the Republic, and the name of the republic itself was to Ancaster Pentium, who had proposed a republic over the monarchy in 1232 AD.

2nd Siege of Saltbrook Channel

The 2nd Siege was during the Pentian-Union war, where the city was invaded by sea and by land by the troops of the Southern Union. The city would fall after six years of protracted urban fighting and little supply, despite the crushing loss of the city during the war. It would only be under occupation for a few months, when a offensive from the Warden Defense Corp and local militia pushed the invaders out. The damage was moderate, but would be restored to functionality near the end of the war.


The city is built around the natural inlet that it the city was initially built on, several old and historical buildings are still standing despite several wars taking place in and around the city. Though many buildings are reconstructions of destroyed or damaged buildings, mostly from the Pentian-Union war. Little of the battle's effects have persisted on during the modern era, the terrain is mostly flat and has been converted into extensive industrial space, manufacturing centers and power generation centers.


The Economy of The City is mostly based off manufacturing, trade and commerce, power generation, shipping, fishing, tourism and service industries. It is the beating heart of the Republic of Pentium's industrial capacity and the largest local economy within the Republic. The ports are expanding to keep up with increasing trade volume and shipping requirements, as well as the refurbishment of old sections of the ports and hiring of new staff. As the first port of entry for many immigrants into the Republic, it has a variety of different cultures and smaller districts that provides a vibrant and interesting place for people to live and work in.

Government and law

The city has 18 elected representatives and its mayor, that form its city council that oversee and maintain the bustling economy and social services that are directed by them from the Federal Government, as the port is run and owned by the federal government due to its extreme importance. The city is compensated with extra federal funding and greater autonomy over its own affairs than other cities in exchange for the port. The mayor is elected in a city wide election, and the district council members are elected in roughly equal sections of population across the entire city. The city operates its own police force and fire brigades.