Sinking of P205

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Sinking of P205
P205(left) and P210 (right) on patrol September 2nd, 2021. One day before the sinking of P205.
DateSeptember 3rd, 2021
LocationRâu drag, Ardeal
CauseNaval mine strike
OutcomeSinking of P205, death of 2 crewmen
SuspectsAnti-Patrian Dissidents

The Sinking of P205, also known as the P205 Disaster occurred around 7:15 A.M. local time on September 3rd, 2021 when P205 an Anguille-class Landing Patrol Vessel operating under the command of the 22e Marine Regiment struck a naval mine while operating in the river Râu drag within Ardeal as part of an ongoing Patrian Legion mission in the region. The resulting explosion sunk P205 and killed both crew members of the vessel almost instantly. Following search and rescue efforts and the recovery of the vessel by Notreceauen heavy wreckers, an investigation was launched. The ensuring effort, coordinated between the Patrian Legion, the Notreceauen National Intelligence Directorate and local authorities in Ardeal culminated in Operation Righteous Havoc, leading to several raids against anti-Patrian dissidents in Ardeal and Oltenia.


After the resolution of the Eminescu Dam Crisis in February of 2013 following Operation Jackpot, the Patrian Legion and specifically the Patrian Special Energy Commission assumed control of the Dam. As a result a permanent Patrian Legion garrison was stationed at the dam, and likewise began assisting the governments of Oltenia and Ardeal in counterinsurgency operations. The vast majority of these operations were (and still are) centered around the river Râu drag. The mission types primarily conducted are: drug interdiction for vehicles operating on the river, illegal border crossing interdiction, and ensuring general order around the Eminescu Dam and its feed sources. During the first stage of the Patrian deployment (2013-2018), the intensity of operations at the dam was generally considered low with no recorded Patrian casualties during this period.

Beginning in 2019, the Oltenia Sovereignty Front (OSF) conducted a series of terrorist attacks throughout Oltenia and Ardeal which generally marks the beginning of the low-intensity insurgency that continues to this day. One of the primary demands of the OSF was the removal of Patrian Forces from the Eminescu Dam, and the cessation of the dam and conjoining territory to the Republic of Oltenia. Beginning in early 2020, OSF members conducted a series of shootings targeting Patrian troops transiting on the Râu drag. One such attack which occurred on March 23rd, 2020 resulted in the death of Private Arnoldo Cantoni serving with the Lumenic 2nd Battalion, 3° Reggimento Cacciatori as part of the Patrian Legion detachment. Outrage over the attack led to an increase in Patrian presence at the dam, leading to the deployment of the Notreceauen 22e Marine Infantry Regiment (Riverine), 4e Marine Infantry Brigade, 5e Marine Infantry Division in December of 2020.

The 22e Marine Infantry Regiment immediately began intense patrols of the river, utilizing their recently upgraded Anguille-class LPVs. During the first four months of their deployment, the rate of stop and searches on river-borne traffic increased 68% year-over-year, and various firefights between the 22e and shore-borne OSF members resulted in the killing of some 33 (Patrian estimate) fighters between January and July 2021. Recovered OSF internal documents dating from the time show that hampering the 22e and specifically their riverine operations became a top priority during this time period. As a result, the OSF initiated what was internally known as "Operation Rough Waters" in July of 2021, an asymmetric and multi-leveled plan to disrupt 22e operations.

