Pre-modern era

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Pre-modern era
LocationWider Realms
← Preceded by
Middle era
Followed by →

The pre-modern era, also known as the modern era, was the period that followed the Middle era and ended with the Slowdown after the Visit of 1954.

Globalization was a defining tenet of the pre-modern era. The period was marked by the development of international trade, science and technology, Western colonization, secular civil politics, and nation states.

Nationstates emerge

Kingdoms emerge as nationstates across the Wider Realms.

Western colonization

Avelon, Cordovar and Lumeria in search for trade routes and expanding religuous influence began to create settlements and engage in conquest in the Southern realms, mainly the South-West. The colonial federation of Odevia rebelled and formed its own federal state.

Federate movement

The Federate movement formed republican regimes in Tasia and Olegria, spreading a wave of revolutions across the Eastern realms which led to the establishment of a secular federal state known as the Federate Union.

East-West War and Inbetween Era

The East-West War erupted between Odevia and the Federate Union. Lasting for a decade, it had no clear winners but the two powers exanded their influence significantly, leading to the Two Powers System of the inbetween era before the onset of the Slowdown.

See also