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Historic flag of Tasia and modern flag of Tasians.

Tasia (Tasian: Тася); romanized: Tasya) is a nation and historic country in the Eastern realms. Part of the Federate Union, its traditional boundaries include the constituent countries of Upper Tasia, Lower Tasia, and Moldoss. Often a misnomer or pars pro toto for the entire state, Tasians are the largest ethnic group in the Federate Union with Tasian being the most spoken native- and second-language of the federation. The Tasian world is used to describe the nation broadly and the global community of Tasians.

Tasians formed a state in the Middle era, forming the Kingdom of Tasia. It was at various times a considerable power. The later Olegrian-Tasian Empire became a major power but was overthrown by the Federate movement with Tasia becoming an integral part of the Federate Union, which emerged as a world superpower alongside Odevia which culminated into the Two Powers System. Tasian emerged as the lingua franca in the Eastern realms. Tasia statehood was divided between three constituent units of the Federate Union into Upper Tasia, Lower Tasia, and the capital Moldoss.

Tasians are the largest and most widespread ethnic group in the Eastern realms. Across the Tasian world, Tasian, otherwise officially known as Standard Tasian, is the accepted register, although differing lects persevere, with two major dialects Western Tasian and Highlands Tasian, recognized as national languages of the present Federate Union. There are dozens of differing Tasian dialects that form diverse ranges of mutual intelligibility with the standard language.

See also