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Vinstria is a geographical and cultural subregion of Northern Lorecia. It most commonly refers to the countries of Caledonia, Nynorsk Ostlijord, Ostrothia, and Valkea, with Romberg sometimes included in other definitions.

Geographically, the region is quite diverse, with mountain ranges covering parts of Caledonia, Nynorsk Ostlijord, and Valkea, the flat regions of southeastern Caledonia, southern Valkea, and Ostrothia, as well as several lakes scattered throughout each country. Most of Vinstria's population lives in the southern areas, where the climate is more temperate, while the central and northern areas experience long and cold winters.

Vinstria is one of the most prosperous regions in Lorecia, featuring several large, developed economies. Valkea, Caledonia, Ostrothia, and Nynorsk Ostlijord all maintain robust welfare systems, as well as share egalitarian economic and social policies to varying degrees. Cooperation between Vinstria's nations is based in the Vinstrian Union.


Vinstria encompasses a diverse range of geographic features. Some of its most notable include the Clàr Mòr (Caledonian: "Great Plateau") covering southern Nynrosk Ostlijord and northwest Caledonia, the Suurvuoret mountain range along the Valko-Caledonian border, the East Vinstrian fjords, the lowlands of Ostrothia, southern Valkea, and southeastern Caledonia, the Gleannmòr Corridor, and several coastal archipelagos. Valkea and Caledonia also feature many lakes and moraines, which have been formed from the last glacial maximum.

Much of the population lives in the southernmost parts of Vinstria, where they experience a temperate climate. Despite its northerly latitudes, the western portion of Vinstria experiences mild weather due to the effects of the Occidental Current, which carries warm ocean water along the western coast of Lorecia. However, the interior regions continue to experience a continental climate, with cool summers and long, cold winters.


About 85 million people currently live in Vinstria, with over 47 million living in the western third. Valkea is the most populous country with 44 million inhabitants (~52.3% of the population), followed by Caledonia with 32 million, Nynorsk Ostlijord with 5.2 million, and Ostrothia with 2.8 million.

The languages spoken in Vinstria fall into three main linguistic families: Valkenic languages, Galatic languages, and North Germanic languages.

The Valkenic languages are the largest linguistic group, mainly comprised of Lumian, Ostli, Ostrothian, Valkean, and Velgi. There are also various East Valkenic languages that are spoken in western Caledonia. Valkean is the most widely spoken of the Valkenic languages, with over 40 million speakers.

The Galatic languages are the second largest group and mainly comprise of Caledonian, Ryhull, Lax, and Kerlyn. Caledonian is the largest group.

Nynorsk belongs to the North Germanic language family and is spoken in Nynorsk Ostlijord.