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The Empire of Zanaro [a]
Koto'Ara no Zanaro
Flag of Zanaro
Imperial Coat of Arms of Zanaro
Imperial Coat of Arms
Motto: "Strength is the Mediator of Peace"
Anthem: "For The Koto'Ara"
Zanaro Map 2.png
Official map of the Empire of Zanaro
Largest cityTorman
Official languagesZanarite
Recognised national languagesZanarite
Recognised regional languagesZanarite, Ashahierun, Ositijanii
Ethnic groups
Zanarite 86.32%
Ashahierun 5.26%
Ositijanii 4.73%
Others 4.69%
GovernmentFederal Monarchy Aristocracy Federation
• Kotonashi
Kazuto Kurohiun II
• The Founding of Torman
• Founding of the Dai'Ara of Karasa
April 13th, 327bce
• First Koto'Ara of Zanaro
November 20th, 234ce
• Sha'Gunate of Zanaro
March 15th, 1000ce
• The Second Koto'Ara of Zanaro
August 11th, 1510ce
• The Third Koto'Ara of Zanaro
May 12th, 1900ce
• 2014 estimate
32,458,000 (27)
• 2016 census
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
• Per capita
CurrencyThe Imperial Credit (TIC)
Date formatddmmyyyy
Driving sideleft
Calling code+08
ISO 3166 codeZN
Internet TLD.zin

Zanaro, officially The Empire of Zanaro (Zanarite: Koto'Ara no Zanaro), is an island country in East Nori. Located in the Aurum Ocean it is located east of the Nori continent, north-east of Meniti island, west of the Gulf of Fei and south of the (unnamed) pennisula. Zanaro is a stratovolcanic archipelago consisting of about 4,324 islands. The three largest are Oshima, Kojima, and Kitajima, which make up about ninety-seven percent of Zanaro's land area and often are referred to as home islands. The country is divided into 57 Aras in twenty-one regions, with Ositajan being the northernmost region and Ashahieru being the southernmost one. The population of 32 million is the world's (number) largest, of which 86.32% are ethnic Zanarite. 70% of people live in cities, while 30% live in the countryside. About 10 million people live in Torman, the capital of Zanaro. The Greater Torman Area is the second most populous metropolitan area in the world with over 18 million people inhabiting it.

The Norundra Archipelago where Zanaro resides showed habitation as far back as 1000bce, though major political or societal structure would develop until approximately 400bce when the first of the petty kingdoms of Zanaro would form. From the years 400bce until 234ce the Norundra archipelago would be beset by a period of warfare and nation-building. The first Koto'Ara was founded after the unfication of Oshima into one nation. The other major islands and the Dai'Ara (kingdoms) would become client states of the first Koto'Ara. The first Koto'Ara stands as the example to most modern Zanarites of an 'idealized society'. Peace bloomed throughout the early parts of the Koto'Ara. During this time period both technological and cultural advances spurred the Koto'Ara forward. There were several major civil wars during the middle of this time period that threatened that peace, but each war saw Zanaro arise stronger then before.The Koto'Ara remained united until the year 999ce when it was split by a civil war.

From the years 999ce until 1507ce the Koto'Ara of Zanaro was split into two opposing nations. The Sha'Gun of Zanaro, which ruled over Oshima, and the Imperialis of Zanaro, which ruled over the Ashahieru isles. The Imperial Family was caste out of Oshima and they settled in Ashihieru with their loyal followers. After the Kurohiun Imperial Family was expelled from Zanaro Yoshikawa Mirumachi, the Inpuku Pronjii of the Erintaru Inpuku claimed the title of Sha'Gun and installed a distant cousin of the Kurohiun family onto the Imperial throne and gave him the last name Kurohiun. The 'Imperial family' had basically no power during this time period, save to proclaim the new Sha'Gun upon the death and usurpation of the prior one. This period was filled with near nonstop warfare, political backstabbing, and the creation of an extremely complicated imperial bureaucracy to ensure all lords were granted some position of power in the national government. The island of Kitajima was conquered by the Sha'Gun during this period adding it to Zanaro.

In the year 1502ce the Imperialis of Zanaro had successfully led and invasion of Oshima and Kojima and reunified it under their rule by the year 1534ce. With a unified Zanaro it was declared as the secone Koto'Ara of Zanaro. This period see's the reformation of the Koto'Ara of Zanaro, the removal of the position of Sha'Gun, and the rise and fall of Zanarite Imperial holdings. This era is also well known for its technological innovations, the empowering of the Imperial Family, and the curbing of the Great Families power. This period saw the return of the Zanarite ambition to unify the Norunda Archipilego by conquering the last independent great island of Kitajima and the two Dai'Ara that still divided it. Near the end of the second Koto'Ara they engaged in a massive naval war with the Kingdom of Produz-Amidia, and managed to fight them to a standstill. The weakened military after the war though led to a civil-war.

The civil war ended in the year 1899ce, and led to the formation of the Third Koto'Ara. This period marks the development of a fully realized modern nation, with the military, and government fully united under the rule of the Kotonashi. This period saw the inclusion of Zanaro in the Olympic War, the formation of the Nori Co-prosperity sphere, and the official expansion of Zanaro into both Ashahieru and Ositijan. The modern Zanaro economy is dominated by tech and manufacturing giants such as Future Tech Industries, Imperial Solutions Network of Zanaro, Software Developers Guild of Zanaro, and the Zanarite Clean-Tech League. These major companies have led to the growth of the Zanarite economy of an improvement in the overall quality of life in Zanaro.



The Norunda Archipelago has long been inhabited by human beings who have often fought over the limited resources the islands could easily provide to hunter-gatherer cultures. The islands are covered in the blood of near constant warfare, fighting, assassinations, and sacrifices. The history of Zanaro is intricately tied to the islands, and will forever be tied to them.

Prehistoric Norunda

1000bce-400bce Various polytheistic tribal peoples dotted the Norunda Archipelago, a vast majority remained nomadic up until 1000BCE when large City-States began to slowly appear throughout the islands. The native faith focused primarily on ancestral worship and the worship of the Gami, or nature spirits that inhabited the region. The people of Norunda were also very warlike, with the highest ranking members of the tribes and city-states being the warriors that defended them. The Head of a Tribe was called a Kashi and was expected to also be a capable warrior. The Head of City-States was called a Dai'Kashi, and was believed to be chosen by the ancestors, or by the Gami to defend the people of the city-state. Writing didn't appear until the year 350BCE with the introduction of the Kai'Hon. This writing became the first united alphabet for all of the Norunda archipelago, and a naturally evolving version of it is still used in the Koto'Ara of Zanaro today.

Warring Kingdoms Era

400bce-235ce Before the Unification of Norunda into the Koto'Ara of Zanaro the land was filled with chaos and bloodshed. The formation of the Dai'Aras (Kingdoms) did little to stem the ongoing war, instead just bolstering the strength and power behind these vicious conflicts. This period of time saw the foundation of Soriven, the spread of a written alphabet that is credited to Kurus Minimo. The period ends with the unification of the Norunda Archipelago into the First Koto'Ara of Zanaro.

The First Koto'Ara Era

235ce-1000ce The first Koto'Ara stands as the example to most modern Zanarites of an 'idealized society'. Peace bloomed throughout the early parts of the Koto'Ara. During this time period both technological and cultural advances spurred the Koto'Ara forward. There were several major civil wars during the middle of this time period that threatened that peace, but each war saw Zanaro arise stronger then before.

The official founding of the First Koto'Ara was after the complete unification of the island of Oshima under the Koto'Ara of Zanaro. The Dai'Ara's of Korasa, Nogarun, and Erintaru officially ceased to exist and became the first Inpuku in recorded history. This period saw the conquest of the island of Kojima and the two Dai'Ara that had long split the island forced into the Koto'Ara.

The Divided Empire Era

1000ce-1507ce The Divided Empire Period After the Kurohiun Imperial Family was expelled from Zanaro Yoshikawa Mirumachi, the Inpuku Pronjii of the Erintaru Inpuku claimed the title of Sha'Gun and installed a distant cousin of the Kurohiun family onto the Imperial throne and gave him the last name Kurohiun. The 'Imperial family' had basically no power during this time period, save to proclaim the new Sha'Gun upon the death and usurpation of the prior one. This period was filled with near nonstop warfare, political backstabbing, and the creation of an extremely complicated imperial bureaucracy to ensure all lords were granted some position of power in the national government. This period saw the return of the Zanarite ambition to unify the Norunda Archipilego by conquering the last independent great island of Kitajima and the two Dai'Ara that still divided it.

The Second Koto'Ara Era

1507ce-1855ce This period see's the reformation of the Koto'Ara of Zanaro, the removal of the position of Sha'Gun, and the rise and fall of Zanarite Imperial holdings. This era is also well known for its technological innovations, the empowering of the Imperial Family, and the curbing of the Great Families power.

The Kurohiun Restoration Era


The Third Koto'Ara and Modern Era

1900ce-present This period marks the development of a fully realized modern nation, with the military, and government fully united under the rule of the Kotonashi. This also is the beginning of Zanarite Imperialistic policies and involvement in several major wars. The Third Koto'Ara also saw the beginning of large international alliances and international entanglements.


Zanaro is a mountainous archipelago located in the western part of the Aurum Ocean. It has tectonic active on a fairly regular basis, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunami do occur within the Norunda Archipelago. The south of Zanaro is warm and tropical, while the far north is cold and rocky.



The government of Zanaro is overseen by a massive Imperial Bureaucracy that ensures all aspects of the nation are run in accordance with the will of the Kotonashi. To achieve this various levels of Peerage exist, as well as regional divisions for the increased efficiency of administration of the government at all levels of society. The Kotonashi is the executive and primary authority of the government and is the reigning monarch.

Each subject region is ruled over by it's own sovereign who in turn sends a representative (or multiple depending) to the Imperial Diet to represent their interests on the national stage. The local sovereign rules over their region in accordance to the regions laws and regulations, allowing each region to be slightly different than the others.

When the Kotonashi dies and the heir is to ascend the throne they must first be confirmed by the Imperial Diet. After being confirmed all members of the Imperial Diet are the first to pledge their loyalty to the new Kotonashi. In the case a Kotonashi is not confirmed the next in line will be automatically confirmed to the throne and become the new Kotonashi.

Imperial Diet

The Imperial Diet consists of three Representatives from each of the Inpuku, two Representatives from each of the In'Ara, one Representative from The Dai'Ara of Ashahieru, and one Representative from the Kota'In of Torman. These representatives are typically selected by the sovereign of the region, but some regions may dictate other ways of selecting these representatives. The Kenjin of each Ara also elect from among their number a Kensai to the Imperial Diet, these Kensai cannot vote but instead serve as advisers, staff, and bodyguards to the Representatives of the Imperial Diet. The Imperial Diet will debate various ideas for implementation into law, these ideas are formed into bills which will be debated further and refined further, once a 3/4 majority of the Diet supports a bill to become law it is sent to the Kotonashi/Kotonashi-Ko, who will then decide whether to imbue it with Imperial Authority and make it a law or else to dismiss it. If dismissed the bill will not become a law, but the diet can further improve the bill in the hope of having the Kotonashi/Kotonashi-Ko approve it. The Imperial Diet also hosts several important positions that are granted to various members of the Diet by the Kotonashi/ko.

Imperial Diet Positions
  • The Voice of the Kotonashi/ko: This position is in charge of starting and ending all meetings, as well as bring the Diet to order whenever the Kotonashi/ko is going to address the Diet as a whole. This position also has the power of two votes on the Diet instead of the typical one vote.
  • Hand of the Kotonashi/ko: The Hand is in charge of ensuring the various minutes of the Imperial Diet's meetings are recorded, as well as that proper precedent and procedure are followed for all meetings. The Hand also receives two votes instead of the typical one vote on the Diet.

Imperial Bureaucracy

The Imperial Bureaucracy is divided into various departments, those departments are further divided into ministries, which are further divided into agencies. This large bureaucratic system is primarily manned by nobles from various families throughout the Koto'Ara at the department and ministry levels with the agencies having a higher percentage of non-nobility filling its ranks. It originally existed as a way to maintain a centralized power and authority, but over time was used as a way to ensure the compliance of the growing nobility. The Imperial Bureaucracy has allowed for the Koto'Nashi to maintain power at the expense of some inefficiency, corruption, and nepotism.

Administrative Divisions

The Koto'Ara of Zanaro is overseen by a combination of a massive Imperial Bureaucracy as well as being heavily divided up into smaller feudalistic chunks. The combination of bureaucratic and feudalistic rule has led to many complications in government over the years, including infighting between various levels of government and the bureaucracy about who has authority over certain projects. When these get to heated these issues appear before the Imperial Diet who have to make a decision regarding who has authority in the situation based upon precedent and case-law. In cases where they cannot make a decision the Kotonashi must make a ruling as the absolute authority of the nation.

The highest level of the nation is the Koto'Ara which is ruled over by the Kotonashi, and overseen by the Imperial Diet. This is also where the Imperial Bureaucracy is dictated from as the Bureaucracy is seen as an extension of the Kotonashis will. Beneath the Koto'Ara are the Inpuku and the In'Ara. These are semi-independent federal regions that are ruled by local sovereigns. The Inpuku are further divided into Ara, which are divided into Ka-Ara, which are divided into Omachi, which are finally divided into Chomen. Chomen is the only level where non-nobility have any leadership as the Chomen have a citizen council that advises the noble who rules over the Chomen from their noble estate. The In'Ara are divided in a similar matter at the Inpuku with the biggest difference being that they start at the Ka-Ara level instead of the Ara level.

The Koto'Ara of Zanaro is divided into 57 Aras. These Aras are split up between nine Inpuku (Principalities), ten In'Ara (Grand Duchy), one Kota'In (Imperial Lands), and one Dai'Ara (Kingdom). These various types of sovereign regions make up the whole of Zanaro and have allowed for its continued prosperity and existence.

Zanaro Map Minor.png

The Inpuku

There are nine Inpuku within the Koto'Ara of Zanaro, each Inpuku contains five separate Aras. The Inpuku is ruled over by a sovereign who holds the title of Inpuku Pronjii (Sovereign Prince), or Inpuku Pronjii-ko (Sovereign Princess). These Pronjii rule over their respective lands as the prime authority within their region, only able to be overruled by the Kotonashi of Zanaro as a whole.

Karasa- Karasa is dominated by the metropolitan area of Torman making it the most densely populated of the Inpuku. The actual city of Torman is not considered part of Karasa and is instead the Koto'In of Torman. The other major political city in Karasa is the city of Mei'Hoji, which is the seat of the Nara family. Karasa is highly developed being mostly a massive metropolis, with a large coastal forest reserve still in existence. The massive trees, known as Black Wood Trees, make up a vast majority of the coastal forest. The trees climb to heights of 350 feet (106.68 Meters). Karasa consists of the following Ara's:

  • Torai
  • Tsugimori
  • Atsuyama
  • Tankai
  • Toishihara

Korasa- A large peninsula to the northwest of Karasa, part of the Torman metropolitan area spreads into this Inpuku making it the second most populous of the Inpuku. Korasa consists of the following Ara's:

  • Uetsuka
  • Motomichi
  • Chiyu
  • Shuku
  • Jahi

Nogarun- A coastal region that is dominated by the lumber industry. Nogarun produces a large amount of the Empires lumber goods. During the unification of Zanaro it was made a primary target for conquest by Karasa. The capital city of Hoshikawa is a dominated by massive ports, lumber mills, factories, and it has a small area that is kept clean and modern where the nobility live in luxury. Nogarun consists of the following Ara's:

  • Arimai
  • Akimori
  • Gamihara
  • Yuzumori
  • Tamori

Erintaru- The first nation to be conquered by Karasa during the unification of Zanaro it provided a pivotal amount of new troops and taxable population for the growing Empire. The Naihina family had remained in power since the conquest, until their betrayal of the Imperial Family at the end of the First Koto'Ara. They were eventually replaced by the Naigu family during the second Koto'Ara. The capital of the region, Umikawa, was once the capital of Zanaro during the Sha'Gun Period. Erintaru consists of the following Ara's:

  • Tayama
  • Motoyama
  • Umikawa
  • Hajiutsu
  • Kubidoma

Darisarin- Darisarin is one of the poorer regions of Zanaro focusing mostly on the production of foodstuffs due to its relatively flat arable coastal lands. With a majority of its population being farmers the nobility of the region have slowly been decreasing in power and authority in the growing global market. Darisarin consists of the following Ara's:

  • Tenha
  • Natsuku
  • Nishiki
  • Shichikuchi
  • Tensui

Taranaro- The region is well known for its iron mines, which made it a major target for conquest by many Kingdoms during the War of Unification. It is one of the major producers of high quality iron within Zanaro and its economy is based around mining, refining, and shipping out Iron. It is one of the few parts of the nation that is not dominated by the service or manufacturing industry. Taranaro consists of the following Ara's:

  • Hikei
  • Kaisou
  • Shiosen
  • Sanaken
  • Sakoro

Irodin- Irodin is a heavily mountainous region that was once a major producer of rice for the Empire, which during the First Koto'Ara and Sha'Gun Periods made it one of the wealthiest regions. It still produces a substantial amount of rice, but with changing times it has since transitioned into a service industry dominated region. The city of Iroshiki is well known for several major Film Studios and for producing a vast majority of the movies within Zanaro. Irodin consists of the following Ara's:

  • Tsutate
  • Jinka
  • Himori
  • Shun
  • Hagen

Herisai- Herisai is a fairly rural region of Zanaro that is dominated by the ranching industry. It focuses on producing high quality meats be it Cow, Sheep, or Pig. The nobility in the region are down to earth and have a tendency to work alongside the peasants who still work their ancestral lands. Herisai consists of the following Ara's:

  • Oyama
  • Kawaken
  • Yoshikai
  • Daichi
  • Unteki

Buruntiru- Buruntiru is well known for its high qaulity sea-food and low taxes for merchant vessels. This has made the region a favored port-of-call for many vessels. The inland of Buruntiru is still fairly rural dominated by large forests and mountains with the sailing being the easiest way to travel between the major cities of the region. Buruntiru consists of the following Ara's:

  • Kyurin
  • Betoku
  • Ogatani
  • Boaka
  • Noriyo

The In'Ara

The In'Ara of Zanaro are single Aras that have been given special dispensation to rule over themselves separate from an Inpuku. These are often referred to as Grand Duchies by Lirans. An In'Ara is ruled by an Inpuku Arahaku (Sovereign Duke) or an Inpuku Arahaku-Ko (Sovereign Duchess).

Kashanai- Kashanai is a island off the western coast of Zanaro. It is well known for being both beautiful and quiet, having escaped the horrors of the Warring Kingdoms period, and choosing to join Zanaro at the start of the first Koto'Ara. It does host a naval base, but it has thankfully remained a peaceful island.

Esein- A semi-busy trade hub, known for a small lumber industry with minor raw resource development.

Uhein- The Uhein In'Ara was invited to join Karasa as it was an independent religious state dedicated to Soriven. It joined Karasa halfway through its conquest of Zanaro. It has since largely remained independent of Politics instead focusing on its control of Imperial Soriven. The Minimo family was granted Nobility status and is the head of the In'Ara. The region has recently seen an increase in mining, with refining taking place in other parts of Zanaro.

Furusu A series of small relatively poor islands that have a mostly traditional population focusing of subsistence farming and fishing. The islands are also a major thoroughfare for sea travel between the larger Zanarite islands which has helped to bolster the rather meager economy.

Turoji A series of islands that have long been used as a free-trade zone for foreigners during the Sha'Gun period. It has the most foreign influences within its culture compared to any other part of Zanaro.

Asata A beautiful forested land that has no access to the ocean. The population here is relatively small and isolated. With the largest city Asatacho only having a population of 50,000. While timber is a major product from the region it is through sustainable lumber practices that the forest continues to thrive and grow.

Ositajan The most northern expansion of Zanaro, this once independent region was conquered by the Koto'Ara during the Olympian War and has remained part of the nation ever since.

Edoesaru The region is well known for its delicate artwork and the beauty of its mountain peaks.

Sekureji The iron production in Sekureji has long fed the Zanarite war machine, allowing it to extend its powers far beyond its borders for centuries. Sekureji is well known for its production of Zanarite black steel.

Bakirua The island is fairly isolated, and focuses on being a trade port.

The Dai'Ara

There is but a single lone Dai'Ara within the Koto'Ara of Zanaro. The islands of Ashahieru had long been an independent nation until they were conquered by the Kingdom of Produz-Amidia. During OW1 Zanaro liberated the nation and helped them to rebuild as well as reinstated the local royal family. After fifteen years the Dai'Ara of Ashahieru requested to join Zanaro as a client kingdom. This was accepted and they have remained a part of Zanaro ever since. The Dai'Ara is ruled by a Dai'Kashi, an otherwise extinct rank.

Ashahieru- A relatively sparsely populated region that contains limited seasonal groves for food production. The region still retains a fair amount of autonomy, while hosting several Zanarite naval bases, and paying taxes to the Imperial government. Ashahieru is also often visited by people as a resort region and idealistic vacation destination.

The Kota'In

The Kota'In of Torman is the lone Ara under the direct control of the Imperial Families. This Ara consists of the Imperial estates, national governmental headquarters, the bureaucratic hub, and the surrounding neighborhoods. The whole area is approximately 87 square kilometers in size, making it the smallest Ara in Zanaro, but also one of the most densely populated. The Kota'In is considered directly ruled by the Kotonashi, but is typically ruled by a Pronjii from one of the Imperial Families.

Torman- The official capital city of Torman makes up the entirety of the Kota'In of Torman. The region is entirely urbanized and is centralized around a large hill where the Imperial Palace. From the Imperial palace a sizable portion of the city can still be seen even with the massive city sprawl.



The military makes up approximately 1% of the population of Zanaro. It is a highly trained and well equipped military force focusing on small fire teams, and naval forces. Due to their naval specialization the army focuses mostly in the defense of the nations capital, and official military parades. Their expeditionary forces specialize in quick strikes and being mobile, allowing them to strike and move quickly, but they are not very effective at holding ground at one location for an extended period of time. A vast majority of the military exists in the form of the Navy and Marine forces, with the Army and Air-force being far smaller. The Military of Zanaro uses only one ranking structure for the whole of its military forces. This was done so as to create less confusion and conflict between the various military branches in service to the Kotonashi. In addition it sets a clear line of authority in joint operations with certain branches having higher authority in situations of shared rank.

The Zanarite military is flawed in that it is dominated by nepotism throughout the officer core. A vast majority officers are members of the nobility, either through birth, or through becoming a Kenjin. Officers who are not members of the Nobility are very unlikely to attain any major post or position, instead relegated to secondary positions, rarely attaining anything higher than O-4. Due to this nepotistic mentality among the higher ranking members of the Kenjin rarely attain ranks higher than O-6. The Zanarite ground forces focuses more on being a quick mobile force, which keeps them from being particularly effective in a head on head ground fight, they prefer to be on the move. Tanks and slower moving vehicles are typically in rare usage as such, reducing their capability to fight in traditional ground warfare.

The Imperial Legion

The Imperial Legion primarily focuses on the defense of the capital city of Torman, as well as being the honor guard for the Imperial Family. Often times the Imperial Legion will be at the center of military parades, alongside special units from the other military branches. While the Imperial Legion is the smallest branch it is still highly trained.

The Imperial Navy

Imperial Naval Ship doctrine focuses on the use of Aircraft Carriers and support ships to defend them. Many of these carriers will serve as the command ship for their taskforce, with special focus going to the Super Carriers. The ships are designed to be able to strike nearly any nation that would threaten Imperial interests, and secure the territorial waters of Zanaro and its allies. While slower than most other naval forces with the use of aircraft they are able to strike from a sizable distance before being detected.

The Imperial Airforce

The Imperial Airforce is designed to support Imperial Naval air-ops and the security of the Norunda archipelago as a whole. The use of the STOVL system on many of the Airforces jets allow for them to be exceedingly maneuverable for their deployment locations. In addition it is expected the Imperial Airforce pilots can land aboard Imperial Navy Aircraft carriers.

The Imperial Marines

The Imperial Marines are the second largest branch within the Zanarite Military and their training and equipment emphasizes the use of Maneuver Warfare over Attrition Warfare. They focus on small unit tactics and out maneuvering their foes.

Six main elements of the Imperial Marines war doctrine

  • Tempo: Noting the shift of battles and utilizing those shifts to push for a strategic victory.
  • Focal Point: Finding and targeting the enemy at the right place at the right time, striking vital locations that are under-guarded.
  • Deception: Utilizing false information and trickery to ensure surprise and advantage.
  • Combined Arms: The use of a variety of weapons systems within a combat element as well as the support of non-ground elements. eg: Naval Air command
  • Flexibility: The ability to adjust equipment, gear, and plans on a moments notice. These units must be well rounded, have redundancies, and be self contained.
  • Decentralized Command: Lower level leadership must be able to make decisions quickly without need to communicate with higher ups at all points. This means that lower level leadership must know the intent and overall strategy prior to beginning missions but have the flexibility to adjust a tactical level to ensure command operations are completed.

Special Forces

The Imperial Intelligence Agency while not directly part of the Department of War it acts as the Special Forces and Special Operations for the Department of War. The entire agency even utilizes the military ranking and command structure.

Domestic Security


The economy of the Koto'Ara is a mixture of limited capitalism, state capitalism, and socialism depending on the business/industry. Healthcare (medical and dental), utilities, and insurance are all socialized. Most industries are under state capitalist control. Most commercial industries are privately owned and operated. Each major part of the economy is overseen by a major 'Company' that is run by a noble lord/lady in service to the nation. Energy production is primarily natural gas, and a variety of renewable sources (eg: Solar, Wind, Tidal) with the intention to be fully renewable within ten years.

Zanaro's economy specializes in the production of various defensive military technologies, and weapons systems. These include ships, and aircraft. In addition the nation is well known for its advancements in the software and computer sciences. These advancements are typically leveraged for the benefit of the military industrial complex, but there is a growing demand for electronic media in the form of video games. Zanaro continues to make huge strides in the field of Renewable Energy and has begun to export its completed systems to other nations.

  • Economy Type: Service/Manufacturing
  • GDP: 664 billion


  • Science- Renewable Energy
  • Information Technology- Cyber Security
  • Defense- General Naval Systems
  • Defense- Stealth Airplanes
  • Information Technology- Software

Major Imports Fossil Fuels, industrial metals, civilian vehicles, and food stuffs.

Economic History

Agriculture and Fishery



Sex Workers

Sex Workers in Zanaro find themselves in a relatively well-regarded societal position. Sec work is not viewed in a negative light and is instead viewed as a privileged profession where only those with skill can truly be masters of it. Sex workers as such have formed a guild to self police, and ensure they maintain good living conditions, pay, and other benefits. This guild also distributes the Sex Worker licenses, registrations, and is in charge of ensuring all sec workers submit themselves for monthly STD screenings.

Due to the acceptability and openness of the sex industry in Zanaro sex workers of all genders are commonplace. In addition most soaplands and brothels will accept clients of any gender. This acceptance of others has made sex work a booming industry in Zanaro, but it is restricted to Zanarite citizens only. Non-Zanarite citizens are not allowed to become sex workers in the country, or to purchase the services of sex workers.


Science and Technology

Renewable Energy

Information Technology

Cyber Security


Stealth Aeronautics


Density map of Zanaro


Caste Structure

The Imperial Caste Structure was developed over many generations, but the existence of the Imperial Family traces itself to at least the founding of the First Koto'Ara in 234ce. The position of the Great Houses, and nobility in general, has fluctuated throughout the history of Zanaro, but with the founding of the third Koto'Ara the Imperial Caste Structure found itself re-codified, and enshrined in the Imperial Constitution. This Constitution is the basis for the Zanarite Governmental structure, and social order.

Zanaro has long been ruled by Nobles, with the precursor Dai'Ara (Kingdoms) having also been led by Nobles. For many millennia Nobility was only attained through birth, but as the merchant class grew more and more wealthy and more and more powerful Nobility was able to be purchased so long as they swore loyalty to a house. This has led to Noble families not only ruling the government but also owning and operating the largest of corporations. When the third Koto'Ara was formed this practice was ended, and the entire economic system reworked. It is still possible for non-nobles to become nobility through a special process known as the Right of Ascension.


Imperial Family

  • Kotonashi/Kotonashi-Ko(Emperor/Empress)
    • The highest level of Peerage.
    • Rules over the Empire of Zanaro, controls the Zanarite military, and oversees the Imperial Diet.
    • Use -heika as the honorific.
  • Koto Pronjii/Koto Pronjii-Ko(Crown Prince/Crown Princesses)
    • The Heir to the Kotonashi or Kotonashi-Ko.
    • May lead the Zanarite military in the stead of the Kotonashi/Kotonashi-Ko.
    • Use -ue as the honorific.
  • Pronjii/Pronjii-Ko(Prince/Princesses)
    • A member of one of the Imperial Families.
    • The Pronjii/Pronjii-ko are able to fill any post and position as dictated by the Kotonashi/ko.
    • Use -ue as the honorific.

The Nobility of Zanaro serve either a Great House or a Minor house depending on their birth, and perhaps that is what defines this position most. The Nobility of Zanaro are raised in a strict controlled environment to serve as the Koto'Ara's leaders and bureaucrats, to ensure the security and prosperity of Zanaro as a whole.

Great Houses

  • Inpuku Pronjii/Inpuku Pronjii-Ko(Sovereign Prince/Sovereign Princess)
    • The Heads of the Great Houses are granted the title of Inpuku Pronjii/Inpuku Pronjii-Ko.
    • They rule over a specific Inpuku (Principality) and act as the head of government there.
    • Use -dono as the honorific.
  • A'Pronji/A'Pronji-Ko(Prince Heir/Princess Heir}
    • The Heir to the Head of a Great House holds the Title of A'Pronji/A'Pronji-Ko.
    • Use -dono as the honorific.
  • Arahaku/Arahaku-Ko(Duke and Duchess)
    • Inpuku are divided into Ara's. Each Ara (Duchy) is ruled over by a Arahaku/Arahaku-Ko.
    • Use -dono as the honorific.
  • Kahaku/Kahaku-Ko(Count and Countess)
    • Ara's are divided into Ka-Ara's. Each Ka-Ara (County) is ruled over by a Kahaku/Kahaku-Ko.
    • Use -dono as the honorific.
  • Kaihaku/Kaihaku-Ko(Viscount and Viscountess)
    • Kaihaku/Kaihaku-Ko serve a Kahaku/Kahaku-Ko as heads of Administration for specific cities or regions. Sometimes they serve as an overall administrative head.
    • Use -dono as the honorific.
  • Daihaku/Daihaku-Ko(Barons and Baronesses)
    • Daihaku/Daihaku-Ko serve Kaihaku/Kaihaku-Ko as direct representatives to specific cities, acting as the Mayors of the city.
    • Use -dono as the honorific.
  • Haku/Haku-Ko(Lord/Lady)
    • Haku/Haku-Ko are the lowest level of Peerage. They directly serve a higher level of the Peerage.
    • Use -dono as the honorific.

Minor Houses

  • Inpuku Arahaku/Inpuku Arahaku-KoGrand Duke/Grand Duchess
    • A Inpuku Arahaku/Inpuku Arahaku-Ko rules over an In'Ara (Grand Duchy), they are not beholden to an Inpuku Pronjii, instead they serve the Kotonashi/Kotonashi-Ko directly.
    • The Inpuku Arahaku/Inpuku Arahaku-Ko acts as the head of government within their realm. Often served only by Haku/Haku-Ko instead of the traditionally large Peerage that the Inpuku Pronjii have access to.
    • Use -dono as the honorific.
  • A'Haku/A'Haku-Ko(Lord Heir/Lady Heir)
    • Where most heirs to the lesser positions just utilize the title of Haku, the Heirs to a Minor House utilize A'Haku/A'Haku-Ko as a way to signify their position.
    • Use -dono as the honorific.


  • Dai'Kashi/Dai'Kashi-Ko(King/Queen)
    • The Dai'Kashi/Dai'Kashi-Ko rule over Dai'Ara (Kingdoms).
    • Prior to the integration of the Dai'Ara of Ashahieru the position of Dai'Kashi/Dai'Kashi-ko was an extinct rank.
    • The Dai'Kashi/Dai'Kashi-Ko acts as the head of government within their realm. Often served only by Haku/Haku-Ko instead of the traditionally large Peerage that the Inpuku Pronjii have access to.
    • Use -dono as the honorific.
  • A'Kashi/A'Kashi-ko
    • The heir to the Dai'Kashi/Dai'Kashi-ko.
    • Use -dono as the honorific.

While referred to as Knights by Lyran's the position of Kenjin in somewhere between soldier and noble. These are warriors trained from a young age to lead from the front, to serve as battlefield commanders, to act as elite bodyguards. Their lives are ones of service to the Nobility and the Koto'Ara that they represent.


  • Kensai (Sword Saint)
    • Only 56 Kensai exist at any one time as they are elected to the post for life from among their peers within a specific Ara. More Kensai had existed in the past when Zanaro ruled over more territories.
    • Kensai serve in the capital city of Torman as direct servants to the Imperial Diet.
    • Kensai are the head of their Knightly House.
    • Use -hanshi as the honorific.
  • Kenjin (Knight)
    • During the divided Zanaro period the position of Kenjin was created as a sort of hybrid of Nobility and Soldier. They served the exiled Imperial Family, and those loyal to them.
    • Kenjin must serve in the Zanarite Military to retain their rank. Kenjin are always officers within the Zanarite Military.
    • Kenjin are considered higher than any commoner in the peerage, but are lower than the lowest of the nobility.
    • Use -kyoshi as the honorific.
  • A'Kenjin
    • A member of a Kenjin family who has yet to attain adulthood, and thus has yet to join the Imperial Military and attain the rank of Kenjin.
    • They are expected to be constantly striving to better themselves to better serve the Imperial Military as an officer.
    • Use -renshi as the honorific.

The position of Non-Nobles covers Subjects, and Outsiders. Even within the Subjects of Zanaro though there are rankings and structures so that everyone knows who to look to for leadership, and what to aspire to achieve through hard work and diligence.


  • Heisho
    • Members of the Imperial Military are referred to as Heisho, and are considered of higher position then all other subjects, but they are beneath the Kenjin, and below even the lowliest of the Nobility.
    • After completing service the Imperial Military these people will retain the position of Heisho and often fill up local leadership positions among the subjects of the Koto'Ara.
    • Use -sama as the honorific, unless you are higher ranking in the peerage, then you use -san.
  • Heimin
    • The average every day person, commoners make up apx. 90% of the population of Zanaro, and their daily lives are not overly hard.
    • Within the Heimin Caste there are many classes of people depending on the level of wealth they, or their families, have attained.
    • Use -san as the honorific.
  • Hinin
    • Any person who has committed a 'major crime' will lose all their status and power and become a Hinin.
    • Hinin can only hold specific jobs related to uncleanly activities, and they are relegated to specific ghettos.
    • Children of Hinin are taken from their parents to be raised among the Heimin.
    • Use -yogisha as the honorific.


  • Gaijin
    • People from other countries who have not sworn to serve the Imperial Family, they exist outside the Caste structure and are generally seen as outsiders to society.
    • Typically you will use -san as the honorific for gaijin. If they belong to another nations government you will use -sama as the honorific.
Extinct Ranks

Many ranks have existed throughout the history of Zanaro. The following ranks have existed historically within Zanaro but are not enshrined within the Imperial Constitution and have not seen use since at least the founding of the Third Koto'Ara.

Extinct Caste Ranks

  • Sha'Gun(Commander-in-Chief)
    • The Sha'Gun was both a political and Noble position that was created during the first Koto'Ara Period. It was in theory supposed to oversee the military for the Kotonashi, in actuality the position became the defacto ruler of the Koto'Ara during the Sha'Gun Period. The position was removed with the creation of the Second Koto'Ara.
  • Hahaku/Hahaku-Ko(Noble Bastard)
    • During the Warring Kingdoms Period and the First Koto'Ara Period the Bastard children of nobles were often considered 'Half-Noble' and were granted a title stating that fact. The title saw wide spread use during the Divided Empire Period.
    • With the founding of the third Koto'Ara this rank was removed and all bastards were to be recognized as true nobles, and potential heirs. This shocked many among the nobility and has reduced the number of bastards born for fear of them inheriting their power instead of their true-born children.

Right of Ascension

Individuals who are not born into the Noble caste can attain nobility by climbing up the social structure of the Heinin, as well as showing their ability as paragons on honor and culture. Individuals who can truly show they have a noble spirit can be submitted by any lord or lady who is a member of the noble caste to the Ascension Agency. The Agency will then work with the individual and their sponsor to create a packet showing their contributions to society, as well as testemony regarding their noble spirit. Once this initial process is completed it will be routed up through the agency whereupon the first decision on it's approval will be dictated. Once it has been approved the individual and their sponsor can therefore begin the process of releasing them from their current oaths as a heinin and swear new oaths to the house of the sponsor as a Noble-in-Waiting.

As a Noble-in-Waiting they are considered to hold the lowest position among nobility, but cannot yet act with that authority. Once a year the Kotonashi will gather together all Nobles-in-Waiting and will officially make them part of the Noble caste. Each Noble-in-Waiting will be brought before the Kotonashi and will have the blessings of the Kotonashi given to them. A hand will be set on one shoulder and on the forehead, representing the acceptance both of the mortal flesh and of the noble soul into the peerage. The individual will then have to go through noble training and integration, but for all intents and purposes they are a fully fledged member of the peerage of Zanaro.

Stripping of Position



The Zanarite language is often viewed as a deeply complex language due to it's varieties of forms and conjugations based entirely off of your social position compared to another's.



Education in Zanaro is seen as one of the core pillars of society, and the nation as a whole. Due to this mentality the Zanarite Education system has focused on high quality, in-depth, and specialized education to ensure its citizens can best serve the Koto'Ara to the best of their ability. All schools beyond tier one provide room and board for students who will live on campus at the school for a majority of the year. During vacation times they will return home to their families to reside with them.

Tier One

Elementary School Preschool - 5th Grade All Classes are Mandatory and well rounded in all subjects, allowing for children to grow and develop in many ways. This is also where children usually study Zanarite, and any secondary languages required by the Inpuku or In'Ara. Some of the mandatory classes include Math, Science, History, PE, and Art.

Nobility Early-Life Academy Preschool - 5th Grade The children on Nobility are sent to a specialized school where they begin to be educated in the responsibilities that they will one day have to fulfill as the future leaders of the nation. This is in addition to the education that is taught in the non-Nobility Elementary schools.

Tier Two

Vocational School 6th Grade - 9th Grade Schooling that begins to specialize students towards a specific vocation, be it a trade, religious service, or something else. This school is meant to be an introductory level, and still has many of the general classes available, allowing students to pick a different Tier Three school should they so choose.

Academy of Science and Technology 6th Grade - 9th Grade A school for kids who were in the top ten percentile in Math, or Science in the National Standardized Tests (N.S.T.). The school focus's on the development of the students progress in the sciences and in mathematics.

Academy of Military Sciences 6th Grade - 9th Grade A School for students interested in Military service as either an Enlisted or as an Officer. This school focus's on development of leadership and in strategy (Both Militarily and Civilian side).

Middle School 6th Grade - 9th Grade A well rounded school that aids in the development of a well balanced student and future member of the Empire of Zanaro. This is where most students begin taking a third language.

Nobility Middle Academy 6th - 9th Grade The school further teaches the Noble youth leadership skills, governance, military leadership, as well as important life skills such as reading, writing, mathematics, sciences, and history. Students also are given a number of options for elective classes such as martial arts, music, art, and creative pursuits.

Tier Three

Academy of Advanced Sciences and Technology 10th-13th Grade A school for those that after completing the N.S.T. were in the top 10% of the nation for Math or any of the sciences. This will begin to set the student up for a career as a scientist, researcher, inventor, or engineer.

Academy of Art and Music 10th-13th Grade A School for those who were hand selected because of there skill and talent by the Arts and Music Administration (A.M.A.), the students will focus there natural talents into a beautiful skill. Many will continue to the University of The Arts and become members of some of the greatest Orchestra's and Art Institutions within Zanaro.

Academy of Advanced Military Sciences 10th-13th Grade A School for Students who wish to focus there career's in the Military sphere. Students will pick a branch there senior year to begin studying under. This academy has many apprenticeship and mentoring programs to aid in the students development as a future Member of the Zanarite Military.

Academy of the Trades 10th - 13th Grade This is the primary Trade school for students. Graduating from here will land a student a job easily, without a need to go to additional college level education except for additional specialization if there is interest.

Academy of the Spirit 10th - 13th Grade Students that go to school here will begin to learn how best to serve the spiritual and religious needs of their community. There are multiple religions available to study in, as well as multi-religious, and spiritual courses. Students would still need to go to Theology school at the college level in most cases to serve their faith group as a priest/priestess depending on the religion.

High School 10th-13th Grade A well rounded school for students who didn't seek out, or earn a specialty school. This school focus's on building upon prior education and gives students the most option of class's to take.

Nobility Leadership Academy 10th - 13th Grade The Nobility who attend this exclusive and elite school focus on military and political leadership. They are taught tactics, strategy, history, and train in several martial arts. It is a high demand school that is known to have a few students die from the training every year. After graduation many will begin the process of becoming officers in the military, or begin apprenticing for a major leadership position among the great houses of Zanaro.

Nobility Academy 10th - 13th Grade Most members of the Nobility will attend this school which will continue to prepare them to run the nations sprawling noble bureaucracy. They will also continue their education and training in the cultural aspects of nobility and of 'higher' society of Zanaro.

Tier Four

University of Science of Technology College The University of Science and Technology is one of the Largest Universities within Zanaro and it is focused entirely on the development of scientific minds, and on advancements within different scientific fields. It is funded through both the Government and several major Technology and Science based state-corporations. Many of which recruit graduates immediately after they finish schooling.

University of The Arts College The only true art college, The University of The Arts is exceedingly picky on who it allows in. It is funded mostly by nobility who are always looking to increase the prestige of their court. To be have a noble family become your patron is considered a great honor.

University of Medicine and Life Sciences College This college is dedicated to the development of a professional medical force, training nurses, doctors, surgeons, and medical researchers. The various programs provide specialization, or generalization as needed.

Naval War College/Army War College/Air Force War College/ Marine War College College The college for the best and brightest who seek to be an officer in the Zanarite Military. Upon completion of the school you will serve a Four Year term in the branch that you went to the college for. Upon completion of the school the student will become an officer assigned to a Noble Commander.

General College College A General college typically offers a wide range of majors and minors for students to pursue. Some will be specialized, some wont be, but they all have one thing in common options.

Lords College of War College The Lords War College is attended by all Nobility who seek to become Commanders within the military. Most members who attend this college had previously attended the Nobility Leadership Academy. The College builds upon the education that the academy taught to its students. It is a highly competitive environment meant to create the best military and noble leaders possible as they have trained most of their lives to be leaders and politicians.

University of Lords College The College available to all nobility. Here they will hone their skill and craft in running and ruling the nation, and the various parts of the Imperial Bureaucracy.









Gay marriage had been legal in Zanaro since at least the early 1900's. In addition multispousal marriages for nobility have been allowed since the 1500's which allowed for homosexual unions so long as there was also a heterosexual union involved.







