Bastarneian grammar

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Bastarneian grammar is the set of structural rules of the Bastarneian language, which in many respects is similar to that of the other Germanic languages.

Although some features of Bastarneian grammar, such as the formation of some of the verb forms, resemble English, Bastarneian grammar differs from that of English in that it has, among other things, cases and gender in nouns and a strict verb-second word order.



The plural


Nominal phrases

Articles and article-like words




Personal pronouns

The Bastarneian personal pronoun system is relatively similar to other Germanic languages, particularly German and Icelandic. Pronouns inflect for person, for number, and, in the third person, for gender. Much like many other Germanic languages, Bastarneian has a separate third-person reflexive pronoun se.

Pronouns beginning with 'e' are pronounced with a preceding weak palatal approximant.

Singular Plural
Person Direct Oblique Genitive Person Direct Oblique Genitive
1st e me min 1st vi ui unsăr
2nd (familiar) țu țe țin 2nd
(plural or formal sing.)
eu zve zvăr
3rd masculine en em ei 3rd ea eam eze
3rd feminine se ea ezu
3rd neuter etă ei
3rd indefinite ("one") mână mân mâini
3rd reflexive se șin 3rd reflexive se șin

Possessive pronouns

Bastarneian possessive pronouns exist in the first and second person as independently declined forms, as well as in the third person reflexive. Non-reflexive possessive pronouns do not exist in the third person, as simply the genitive form of the respective personal pronoun is used instead. Possessive pronouns differ from the simple genitive form of the personal pronoun in that they precede rather than follow the modified substantive.

Case Number First person
Singular Plural
Masculine Neuter Feminine Masculine Neuter Feminine
Direct Singular minăn min mină unsărăn unsăr unsără
Genitive mini mineazui unsări unsăreazui
Dative minăm mine unsărăm unsăre
Direct Plural mine mină minui unsăre unsără unsărui
Genitive mineze mineazu unsăreze unsăreazu
Dative minem unsărem
Case Number Second Person
Singular Plural
Masculine Neuter Feminine Masculine Neuter Feminine
Direct Singular ținăn țin țină zvărăn zvăr zvără
Genitive țini țineazui zvări zvăreazui
Dative ținăm ține zvărăm zvăre
Direct Plural ține țină ținui zvăre zvără zvărui
Genitive țineze țineazu zvăreze zvăreazu
Dative ținem zvărem
Case Number Third Person Reflexive
Masculine Neuter Feminine
Direct Singular șinăn șin șină
Genitive șini șineazui
Dative șinăm șine
Direct Plural șine șină șinui
Genitive șineze șineazu
Dative șinem

Demonstrative pronouns

The demonstrative dăn carries the meaning of both this/that and of the definite article when used in place of the suffixed definite article.

Case Demonstrative: This/That, The
Singular Plural
Masculine Neuter Feminine Masculine Neuter Feminine
Direct dăn dăt do dăni do doi
Genitive de dezoi deze dezo
Dative dăm deze dem

Relative pronouns

The relative pronouns of Bastarneian are nearly identical to the demonstrative dăn, diverging only in the genitive case.

Case Demonstrative: This/That, The
Singular Plural
Masculine Neuter Feminine Masculine Neuter Feminine
Direct dăn dăt do dăni do doi
Genitive dezi dezoi dezei dezoi
Dative dăm deze dem

Interrogative pronouns

Indefinite pronouns




