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Imperial Aquarian Force
Imperial Aquarian Force Emblem.png
Emblem of the Imperial Aquarian Force
Imperial Naval Jack.png
Imperial Naval Ensign/Jack
Active311 BC (Roman Navy) 2009 (Imperium Aquarian Force [Current Form]
AllegianceImperia et Imperatricia
RoleMaritime Fighting Force/Blue Water Navy
Part ofImperial Armed Forces (Imperia)
PatronNeptune/Poseidon, Aquaria,
Commander in Cheif/ImperatriciaJulia Ivsilla Aestiva
Imperial President of ImperiaCorrinne Aquila
Proconsul of ImperiaAlex Cooper
2nd Consul of ImperiaLuna Imperia
Imperial Secratary of DefenceVictoria Delphina
Chairman of the Council of Joint Praefectsn/a
Praefect of the Imperial Aquarian Forcen/a
Praefect of the Imperial Navyn/a
Praefect of the Imperial Marinesn/a

The Imperatoria Aquaria Force (Imperial Aquarian Force) is the maritime service branch of the Imperial Armed Forces and one of the nine Imperial Armed Forces Branches of the Imperial Armed Forces. It is one of the largest and most powerful navy in the world. It has of of the world's largest aircraft carrier fleet, with twenty in service and four new carriers under construction. With 400,000 personnel on active duty and 300,000 in the Reserve, the Imperatoria Aquaria Force is the second largest of the Imperial Armed Forces service branches in terms of personnel. It has 600 deployable combat vessels and more than 2,724 operational aircraft as of 2022.