Cogoday Delta

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View of the Wora River from Ekowon Island in the delta.

The Cogoday Delta is the delta of the Cogoday River, located in south-eastern Tiwura. The delta is located on the point where the Cogoday drains out into the Bay of Bahia.

The delta is home to savannah plains inland along with a dense rainforest along the coast with the bay. The delta has historically been a major site of agriculture and several civilizations exised along the rivers, including several houregic states like the Obo Empire.It is also the ancestral homeland of the Mwo people, who remain the most populous group in the region. The delta is a central component to the modern Tiwuran economy and society. It is home to a significant percentage of Tiwura's population, with major cities such as Omamiri, Riverstown, Obondilidu and Wonli.