Council of the International Freedom Coalition

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IFC Council
Logo of the IFC
Logo of the IFC
FoundedJuly 26, 2014
Alex Trimbel, The Empire of Romic
Deputy Speaker
Gegania Apellina, New Roman Imperium
SeatsNumber of seats is equal to membership numbers
AuthorityIFC Membership
Council Thread
Standing Resolutions

The International Freedom Coalition (IFC) is an intergovernmental organisation and military alliance formed as a result of a merger between the International Freedom Alliance and the Western Coalition.

The IFC Council is made up of one representative from each of the member nations of the alliance and is the main decision making body for the alliance. Member nations may put forth a Resolution, as per procedure and using the format authorized by the Council, for any subject in which the nation feels is applicable to the Alliance. The membership will then vote on the aforementioned resolution and the Speaker or Deputy Speaker will call the vote after a set amount of days and either consider the Resolution as passed or failed.


Resolution 00 -- *
Resolution 01 -- Definition of Powers/Reinterpretation Act || PASSED (12 - 2 - 0)
Resolution 02 -- Environmental Conservation Act || PASSED (7 - 0 - 0)
Resolution 03 -- Functional Unity Act || PASSED (3 - 1 - 0)
Resolution 04 -- Rectification and Overhaul Act || PASSED (2 - 0 - 0)
Resolution 05 -- Multi
05 -- Judicial Powers Act || EDITED into 05a
05a -- Judicial Powers and Constitutional Restoration Act || EDITED into 05b
05b -- Judicial Powers and Constitutional Restoration Act || PASSED (3 - 2 - 2)
Resolution 06 -- Condemnation of the Ardokian Government and Clarification Regarding Usage of Military Force in Space || FAILED (2 - 3 - 0)
Resolution 07 -- Declaration of Hostilites against Ardoki || PASSED (5 - 0 - 0)
Resolution 08 -- Multi
08 -- Declaration of Expulsion Of Ardoki || EDITED into 08a
08a -- Ardoki Reform Act || EDITED into 08b
08b -- Ardoki Reform Act || PASSED (7 - 0 - 1)
Resolution 09-1 -- Articles of Impeachement against the Prime Minister of the International Freedom Coalition || FAILED (5 - 8 - 2)
Resolution 10 -- Multi
10 -- Protection of Membership Status || EDITED Into 10a
10a -- Protection of Membership Status || EDITED Into 10b
10b -- Protection of Membership Status || EDITED Into 10c
10c -- Protection of Membership Status || PASSED (9 - 0 - 0)
Resolution 11 -- Rapid Response Force Removal and Reformation Act || FAILED - Reintroduced as Resolution 16
Resolution 12 -- Government Reformation Act || PASSED (8 - 5 - 1)
Resolution 13 -- Multi
13 -- Embargo of Asigna Act || EDITED Into 13a
13a -- Embargo of Asigna and New Yama || PASSED (12 - 4 - 1)
Resolution 14 -- Explusion of Libraria and Austoria || PASSED (12 - 1 - 1)
Resolution 15 -- Council Procedure Reform || PASSED (7 - 1 - 0)
Resolution 16 -- Dissolution of Rapid Responce Force Act || PASSED (8 - 1 - 0)
Resolution 17 -- Joint Military Readiness Act || PASSED (9 - 0 - 0)
Resolution 18 -- Condemnation of Colonialism Act || PASSED (9 - 2 - 0)
Resolution 19 -- Multi
19 -- Removal of Membership of the Union State of Chkalovsk || EDITED into 19a
19a -- Chkalovskian Crisis Act || PASSED (7 - 4 - 0)
Resolution 20 -- Member Re-Admittance Act || PASSED (7 - 1 - 0)
Resolution 21 -- Emergency Powers & Repealment Act || PASSED (7 - 1 - 0)
Resolution 22 -- Freedom, Continuity, and Legacy Act || FAILED (4 - 7 - 2)
Resolution 23 -- Multi
23 -- International Freedom Coalition Peacekeeping Forces (IFC-PKF) || EDITED into 23a
23a -- International Freedom Coalition Peacekeeping Forces (IFC-PKF) || PASSED (5 - 0 - 0)
Resolution 24 -- Condemnation of Slavery and the Slave Trade in All Forms || PASSED (9 - 0 - 0)
Resolution 25 -- Multi
25 -- Freedom, Continuity, and Legacy Act || EDITED into 25a
25a -- Freedom, Continuity, and Legacy Act || IN VOTE