Glasic Defence Force

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The Glasic Defence Force (Glasic: Fórsaí Cosanta de Tír Glas), constitutes the military of Tír Glas, within it are the Army, Air Force, Naval Service and their associated Reserve Forces.

The Supreme Commander of the Defence Force is Queen Jane I, All officers of the Defence Force hold their commission from the Queen, but in practice the Minister for Defence acts on the Queen's behalf reporting to the rest of the Glasic Government. The Minister for Defence is advised by the Defence Council consisting of officers from each branch of service as well as members of the civil service and the Minister of State

Glasic Defence Force
Fórsaí Cosanta de Tír Glas
Flag of the Kingdom of Rohan No Border.svg
Flag of the Glasic Defence Force
MottoGníomhais, Ní Focail
Deeds, Not Words
FoundedMarch 3rd 1902
Current formMay 12th 1960
Service branchesGlasic Army
Royal Glasic Air Force
Royal Glasic Navy
Royal Glasic Naval Fusiliers
HeadquartersJoint Forces Headquarters Avallone
Supreme CommanderQueen Jane I
Defence SecretarySorcha Collins
Chief of DefenceEnda Byrne
Military age16-55 Years Old
Available for
military service
26,126,400 males, age 16-49 (2015),
27,215,000 females, age 16-49 (2015)
Fit for
military service
20,901,120 males, age 16-49 (2015),
21,772,000 females, age 16-49 (2015)
Reaching military
age annually
306,990 males (2015),
332,560 females (2015)
Active personnel460,400
Reserve personnel489,600
Deployed personnel~79,500
Percent of GDP3.33%
Domestic suppliers
  • GAIA (GAe + GIA)
  • IAe (International Aerospace)
  • Glasic Aerospace
  • Brennan Brown
  • Byrne Heavy Industries
  • Glasic International Aerospace
  • Toyota Tír Glas
  • Timoney Technology


The Glasic state has since its inception held a long-standing policy of non-intervention outside of its immediate sphere of influence of Vinya, despite this Glasic military capabilities remain robust, centring around the instability of the Vinyan continent and protection of the Queen's dominions. Tír Glas has however a long history of involvement in overseas peacekeeping and law-enforcement operations. Functions of the Glasic Defence Force include:

  • Defence of the Glasic state and overseas territories against armed attack
  • Assisting the police force, (an Garda Síochána) in time of civil unrest and strife
  • Peacekeeping, crisis management and humanitarian relief operations in support of the Vinyan Union and other NGOs
  • Policing the Glasic EEZ including fisheries and resource protection
  • Civil contingency operations such as repatriation of expatriates, maintenance of essential services, search and rescue and seaborne rescue


The Defence Force is organised under the Chief of Defence (as of 2019, Admiral Enda Byrne CSMD, supported by Deputy Chief of Defence Major General Ardál McKenna CSM. The force consists of the Permanent Defence Force (PDF), which is a standing force and provides the main capability for military operations, and the Reserve Defence Forces (RDF) which support the PDF as necessary.

The PDF is organised into a triad of service branches: the Army, the Naval Service, and the Air Force. The RDF may be further subdivided into a Primary Reserve (PR) and a Supplementary Reserve (SR); the Primary Reserve comprises former members of the Permanent Defence Force, while the Supplementary Reserve recruits directly from the civilian population

A reorganisation of the RDF in 2010, referred to as the "unified force concept", has resulted in units of the RDF being embedded within units of the PDF, rather than existing entirely in parallel as a separate reserve force; this moves away from the traditional view of the RDF as a fourth arm of service of the Defence Force.


IC.90 Ermin laid up in Vyzhva c.2019

As of mid-2017, the Army had approximately 297,550 active personnel, with 392,460 personnel in the Army Reserves. Organised into four corps, two PDF and two RDF additionally there is the Glasic Home Guard which provides a provincial brigade (Essentially a yeomanry) to each federal province as well as a battalion to each county.

The two-on-two-off corps structure envisages distinct operational areas of responsibility for each of the corps. III Corps is nominally responsible for the southern provinces of Tír Glas, XIV Corps is responsible for the eastern coast of Tír Glas and permanent commitments to the Vinyan continent XVI Corps is responsible for the northern provinces of Tír Glas whilst XVIII Corps is responsible for western coast.

In addition to the main fighting corps there are multiple specialist corps, each designated as either combat, combat support or combat service support. These include entities such as the: Joint Forces Medical Corps, Royal Logistics Corps and Royal Signals Corps. A Corps Director and staff are provided to each of these to coordinate requests for purchasing of equipment, executing specialised training and other activities.

The Glasic Army is equipped with a plethora of broadly modern equipment from a variety of supplies, both domestic and foreign.

Distinct from the regular army is Special Operations Command, comprising of eight Special Assault Groups, six Specialised Infantry Battalions (military advisors), the Army Ranger Regiment and the Special Operations Support and Sustainment Regiment (SOSR). These form the bulk of the special forces of Tír Glas. Of the eight units two of them specialised in particular schools of warfare. 14GFS specialises in Arctic and mountain warfare, whilst 63GFS specialises in jungle warfare.

Air Force

Iolar flying in the Black Mountains

The Royal Glasic Air Force is the air component of the Defence Force. Head-quartered in Galway, the Royal Glasic Air Force is the second largest branch of the branch of the Defence Force, with approximately 135,000 personnel, its primary roles are defined as:

  • Direct support of the Glasic Army
  • Direct support of the Glasic Naval Service
  • Maintaining the security and sovereignty of Glasic airspace

Secondary roles include:

The Royal Glasic Air Force is tasked with the traditional role of defending Glasic airspace; however, much like the Army it is increasingly being deployed to the Glasic dominions due to the increasing instability on the continent. The Air Force provides support to the Army and Naval Service, alongside non-military services such as Air Ambulances, VIP transport, and search and rescue (in support of {{wpl|Coast Guard|Glasic Coast Guard]] search and rescue efforts). The Air Force's helicopters operate in a common pool alongside army and naval helicopters under the Joint Helicopter Force initiative.