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The Jakarta Tribune is a daily Hindia Belandan newspaper published in English, Indonesian and Dutch. Founded in 1835 by Edwin du Perron, Andreas van Dijk and Mochammad Djojokartadiningrat as De Bataviaasch Nieuwsblad, it is the oldest newspaper still in circulation in Hindia Belanda with over 3 million average circulations of its print version and 21 million online subscribers. The Jakarta Tribune is known for its commentary on Hindia Belandan public life and culture, its distinctive narrative style, its graphics-dominated special reports, its daily news briefings and its wide range of radio and podcast shows covering numerous topics from art, current affairs, poetry, Astyrian life and politics to architecture, gastronomy, travel and nightlife. The paper has a marked centre-left bias, although it has consistently ranked amongst the most trustworthy by the Kebenaran Institute, a Hindia Belandan charity based in Jakarta which checks and verifies facts. (See more...)

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