Seketese Revolution

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Seketese Revolution
Révolution secéteça
Crowd at Mansion House Dublin ahead of War of Independence truce July 8 1921.jpg
Date1914 – 1923

The Seketese Revolution was a period of intense sociopolitical change which occurred in Seketan between 1914 and 1923. Characterized by violent ideological struggle, the period encompasses Seketan's participation in World War I under the Nelbec Empire, the Seketese War of Independence, and the Seketese Civil War.

In the 18th century, the Kingdom of Alquiya replaced the Kingdom of Seketan as the principle power in the Nelborne after the latter's catastrophic defeat in the Great Northern War. In 1789, the two countries entered into a personal union when Fjedor IV of Alquiya became king of Seketan following his success in the War of the Seketese Succession. The countries formally united in 1884 to form what would be called the Nelbec Empire, an event that would radicalize the ongoing Seketese national awakening.

The revolution is said to have begun when the separatist Kjedorate Party swept the 1914 Seketese election. The party led by Loren Allis hardlined for an independent Seketese republic, however the outbreak of the First World War and the Nelbec Empire's participation prompted the party to moderate its separatist policies. Amidst the war, the far-left Sosymet separatist movement formed, which advocated for a violent upheaval of the Seketese government. They were represented by the Sosymet Party. As the Nelbec Empire began to destabilize in the later years of the war, the two prominent movements radicalized. In 1918, they both declared independence and established separate proto-states that are historiographically known as the Sosymet Republic and Kjedorate Republic respectively.

The two factions collaborated when the Seketese War of Independence broke out in 1918. However, following the collapse of the Nelbec Empire in 1919, the two sides were in conflict which led to the Seketese Civil War. The de facto independent Wilsk Republic assisted the Kjedorates, who eventually emerged victorious and established the Second Seketese Republic, commencing the revolutionary period in Seketan.

The revolution had a profound impact on Seketese society. Its legacy is still debated today by Seketese scholars.

See also