2022 Hverlandic HverVision referendum

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The Hverlandic HverVision Referendum was a nationwide public vote held in Hverland on 5 June 2022, to approve or reject the implementation of the HverVision plan. The ambitious project, proposed by the Visionary Party, the Centre Party, and the Conservative Nationals, aimed to transition Hverland to a 100% digital society. This comprehensive plan included the digitization of all existing paper records, creation of a new digital public services portal to eliminate the need for any paperwork/mail, provision of a digital mailbox for all citizens, and a broader transition to digital technology wherever feasible.

Proposal and debate

The HverVision plan was unveiled by the government in early 2022 as a transformative initiative to make Hverland a leading digital society globally. The Visionary Party, in coalition with the Centre Party and the Conservative Nationals, had gained parliamentary approval for the initiative. However, due to the plan's extensive scope and its implications for the society, a public referendum was called to ensure broad consensus and approval.

The campaign period witnessed vigorous debates on the merits and potential drawbacks of the HverVision plan. Proponents touted the benefits of increased efficiency, accessibility, and environmental sustainability. They also emphasized the potential for advanced analytics and AI-powered services in enhancing public service delivery. Meanwhile, opponents raised concerns about data privacy and security, the transition cost, and the potential marginalization of individuals lacking digital skills or access.


Of the 100,539 eligible voters in Hverland, 82% turned out for the referendum. The final results showed that 83% of voters were in favor of implementing the HverVision plan.


The ballot presented to voters during the 2022 HverVision Referendum asked the following question:

"Do you approve the implementation of the HverVision plan for a fully digital Hverland?"

Party positions

Position Political parties
Yes Centre Party
Visionary Party
The Greens
Urban Progressives
Neutral Social Democratic Party
Conservative Nationals
No Natural Balance


2022 HverVision referendum
Choice Votes %
Referendum passed Yes 68,834 83.49
No 13,608 16.51
Total votes 82,442 100.00
Registered voters and turnout 100,539 82.00
Source: Hverlandic Electoral Authority


Following the successful referendum, the government began the extensive process of implementing the HverVision plan. The Office for Technological Modernization was reorganised as the Office for Technology and Data Governance which began the digitization of vast archives of paper records, development and launch of the digital public services portal, and the provision of digital mailboxes for every citizen.

See also