Airaig Scurn

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Airaig Scurn was an Earad religious reformer and theologian. He was a principal figure in the development of the system of Christian theology later called Scurnism.

Early Life

At the age of 16, Scurn decided to take up an eremitical life in the Earentian wilderness, devoting his existence to the thought and study of the Bible.

Reform in Eanbyre

Hearing that opposing religious views would be welcome in Eanbyre, Scurn gave up his hermit lifestyle at the age of 42 and travelled to the city, intent on debating others and informing fellow thinkers of his ideas.

Scurn's teachings made a strong impact on Klonby Torshak, who subsequently became the first minister of the Scurnist Church after being appointed by Scurn to lead Bible studies in Eanbyre in Scurn's absence.

Spreading The Religion

Following the publication of Tenets of True Belief, Scurn left Eanbyre to travel the countryside of Earent, spreading his beliefs on the importance of community Bible study, salvation through faith, the authority of the Bible, and the sovereignty of God to all who would listen. Before leaving each village, Scurn made sure to set up study groups so that villagers could continue to discuss and debate ideas amongst themselves without the need for the local parish priest to guide them.

Final Years
