BBV Season 20: In-Depth Episode Synopsis

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Introductory Statement
This is the episode synopsis for Big Brother Vitosium Season 20!

How does the game work?

The contestants, known as "houseguests" must become the last one standing to win $500 000! The week begins with somebody becoming the Head of Household or "HOH" for short. This person then nominates two people for "eviction", which is the term for "elimination" in this show.

After this, they compete to win the Power of Veto, which allows the holder to save one of the two nominees. Of course, the option to not use it is there. Should the Power of Veto, or POV for short, be used, the reigning Head of Household must name a replacement nominee. This person can not be the ex-nominee who was just saved or the Power of Veto holder.

The only choice for the two nominees is to campaign to ensure that they stay past the end of the week. Once that time comes, everybody, except for the nominees, vote for who they want gone. The Head of Household can only vote in the event of a tie. The person with the most votes is "evicted" and must leave the game immediately. Following this, another Head of Household competition is held but the outgoing HOH is not eligible to win it.

Additional Info For This Page

Each episode of the season will be receiving an in-depth synopsis, which will include confessionals. Confessionals are private moments when the contestant will tell the camera information, such as their thoughts on things or even strategy. In short, these are noted as CC or "Confessional Cam" in the synopsis. Contestants have these confessionals in the "Diary Room". Their location in the synopsis is based off the edit on the episode.

Episode Notes
1 (Premiere) Everybody enters the house except for the Intruders. Darren tells everybody that he will choose last, with regards to the beds. Darren DRs that he is hoping to show people his kind and caring side as that is who he is, even though he knows that, within the next couple of days, everybody will get very cutthroat. Jameson and Chase talk about how attractive the women are in the house. Shelby and Olivia choose beds in the third bedroom. Shelby DRs that she will be the type who everybody will trust but nobody should. Her, Olivia and Levi, who comes into the third bedroom, talk. Olivia brings up the three of them recruiting 5 more people and taking control of the house with an eight person alliance. Shelby tells her that they'll get along fine. Levi DRs that he is unsure about those two. Levi and Virgil talk in the bathroom. Virgil DRs that he's been a superfan since forever ago and, now, he is in the house he's been watching on his TV for the past 8 years. Levi and Virgil discuss being superfans. Virgil DRs that Levi seems like a great choice for an ally. Everybody does introductions in the living room, where Victor says that he is a postal worker, DRing that he is going to hide that he is, actually, a retired police inspector After that, they are told that four more will enter the house tomorrow and of the VIP twist. Afterwards, the host reveals to the audience of the Week 2 Weekly Twist (found above).
Everybody heads to the backyard for the HOH comp, which is endurance. Sheeva DRs, during the HOH that, if she wants to enact any sort of plan, she has to last longer than this week so, while throwing the first HOH is key, you can't be one of the first four eliminated as the first HOH could use that as a copout excuse to put you up. The host reveals when the next episode will be on and that they can find out who wins HOH when that time comes.
2 Sienna DRs that she plans to throw the challenge and, if she appears weak enough, nobody would vote her out. She also DRs that, as an actress, she knows how to be convincing. Sienna falls off and takes a minute before heading to the seats. Darren asks if she's okay as, to him, it looked like the landing was rough, and drops down to keep her company. Rita drops. Jameson drops. He DRs that he might as well keep Sienna company as well. After 20 more minutes, Levi drops, followed by Sheeva. Victor DRs that, while he may be 58, that also makes him an easy target and that he plans to win the HOH to prove his worth, while taking the risk. Romina, Ian and Olivia fall. The only people remaining are Victor, Chase, Virgil, Alia and Shelby. Shelby DRs that she is surprised that a kooky and energetic person like Alia has survived this long in an endurance competition, while also that now is the best time to drop, thinking it could further cement Alia as a threat. Shelby drops. Virgil drops. Victor asks that, if he drops, whoever is runner-up will choose him to be immune. They both promise, allowing Victor to drop. Alia tells Chase, "you win", and drops. CHASE wins Head of Household.
Chase DRs that all is right in the world, now that he is HOH. After everybody sees Chase's HOH room, he calls up Victor, Alia, Virgil and Shelby and tells them that they are all safe and he wants to work with them. Virgil DRs that, as a superfan, it is amazing when you get an opportunity to become part of an alliance like this one. Shelby DRs that this could not get any better and wonders how soon she should wait before she backstabs the alliance. They come up with the name The Final Five (alliance consisting of Chase, Victor, Alia, Virgil and Shelby) as they were the Final Five in the comp and they should be the Final Five of the game. Victor DRs that the alliance is intriguing and wonders how long before cracks start to form. Levi and Virgil talk. Levi tells Virgil that he doesn't want to strategize too early. Virgil tells him it's fine but they should look out for eachother. Levi agrees. Levi DRs that he's spoken with Virgil a couple of times and enjoys his company. Jameson flirts with Olivia and Sienna. Sienna DRs that, if Chase puts her up, it would make no sense and that she can't even concentrate on Jameson's flirting because she is starting to get worried. Chase and Vic talk about putting up two potential coasters. Vic tells Chase that Rita and Ian seem like they would just coast straight to the end and that people may want either of them in the end with them. Chase agrees and DRs that the alliance was a great idea. Chase then tells Vic that he is worried about Darren as he immediately went to keep Sienna company. Vic then notes that Jameson was the same way. Chase tells Vic that he wants to break up a potential showmance. Vic tells Chase that he will support whoever he puts up but he, Victor, should also leave the HOH room so nobody suspects them of being together. Chase agrees and Vic leaves. Sienna flirts with Jameson and DRs that she could use her body just in case she is nominated. Ian tells Darren that he respected how he was being chivalrous to Sienna. Darren tells Ian that he was worried but wonders if Jameson has the same thoughts.
Darren and Jameson are nominated.

Reasons: He suspected that Darren and Jameson were trying to get into showmances, which is something he wants to prevent.

3 Darren is confused and tells Chase that he has no interest in anybody like that. Chase brings Darren up to the HOH room. Darren explains that he thought she was injured and wanted to help her. Chase tells Darren that he is too nice for his own good. Later, Jameson and Olivia flirt. Jameson DRs that he hopes to get all of the women onto his side. He later flirts with Sienna again. Sienna DRs that she plans to use Jameson until it stops being convenient. Alia and Olivia talk. Olivia DRs about Alia's energetic and bubbly personality. Virgil and Sheeva talk. Sheeva DRs that she likes Virgil's intakes on people and is mainly playing the observer role so she can gather information about everybody. Virgil tells her that Jameson likes to flirt with Olivia and Sienna but he also saw Sienna flirt with Darren, Jameson and Ian and thinks both of them are trying to play the same game. Virgil DRs that he finds Sheeva to be a good ally and hopes that they can go to Final 3 together with Levi. Virgil also comments how Levi is very trustworthy. Sheeva DRs that what Virgil just said is good to know. Rita tells Ian that Jameson and Sienna have been flirting with everybody, including themselves and wonders if they are in a showmance. Olivia comes by and Rita repeats herself. Rita tells them that showmances are stupid and she doesn't tolerate people who think they can fall in love after only knowing eachother for a short amount of time. Olivia tries to start an all-girls alliance with Sienna, Alia, Shelby and Romina. Shelby DRs how great it is to be in another alliance that helps give her the numbers. Sienna DRs that this alliance is perfect and that she hopes the VETO will be the same way. VETO PLAYERS: Chase, Darren, Jameson, Romina, Ian and Victor. Later, Chase tells Vic that he is his number one ally and that it is best to take down Darren should they win it. Olivia tells Sienna that people keep bringing up her and Jameson's names and asks if they are in a showmance. Sienna DRs that this VETO is crucial if she wants to stay off the block.
SIENNA wins the VETO.
Chase gathers The Final Five (alliance consisting of Chase, Victor, Alia, Virgil and Shelby) and explodes in the HOH room over Sienna winning the VETO and says that, now that she is obviously going to take Jameson off, Darren has to go. Virgil tells them that Darren's social game makes that an unlikely possibility as nobody wants to vote him out right now. Chase tells him that Darren will head to the end if they don't take him out now. Virgil tells him that it's only the first week and, that, people will come to understand down the road. Virgil and Levi sit outside. Levi mentions how his younger brother went missing a couple months ago and was found a couple of weeks later but he was really scared because he was afraid that his brother's recklessness was going to be the end of him. Sienna ponders who to take off and DRs that she is unsure because she likes both of them but, no matter who is taken off, she wants the replacement evicted.
Sienna uses the POV on Darren, causing Chase to put up Levi as he doesn't know him well.
4 Levi DRs that he is really confused as he recalls talking to Chase quite a few times and thinks that HE is the real target but doesn't want to do or say anything that will make that a self-fulfilling prophecy. Sienna DRs that Jameson is bad for her game and decided to save Darren so people can see that sacrificing Jameson means that she is not in a showmance with him. The Final Five (alliance consisting of Chase, Victor, Alia, Virgil and Shelby) meet up in the HOH room. Chase is super surprised over Sienna's choice. Vic says that she is probably willing to cut Jameson due to the showmance rumour going around. Shelby agrees with Vic. Romina tells a story to Alia, Sheeva, Levi and Ian about how she was a rocket engineer at one point but didn't last too long when she realized her skills with modelling. Olivia is torn because she is falling in love with Jameson. Rita calls her naive and says that she should go next. Olivia immediately takes offence but Rita then tells her that she has no right to take offence because she should know that she, Rita, is right. Rita DRs that she doesn't handle bulls**t. Jameson flirts with Olivia, then Alia, then Romina in an attempt to gather votes. When Jameson tries to flirt with Shelby, she tells him that he should try to strike a deal, instead of blatantly trying to manipulate her. Jameson offers a Final 2. Levi and Virgil talk about the game. Levi mentions that it'll be unfair for him to go so soon but he is unsure if he should campaign if people may be trying to target him already. Virgil tells him that he will vote to save Levi, who really appreciates it. Virgil DRs that Levi is his closest ally and he does not want to lose him so early since they have the potential to be the Final 2.
Jameson is evicted by a vote of 9-2.
5 Everybody is in the backyard. Whoever guess the question right chooses who should be eliminated from the competition. Shelby gets the first question right and eliminates Ian. Victor gets the second question right and eliminates Sienna. Darren gets the third question right and eliminates Victor. Shelby gets the fourth question right and eliminates Darren. Shelby gets the fifth question right and eliminates Sheeva. Virgil gets the sixth question right and eliminates Olivia. The contestants remaining are Virgil, Levi, Shelby, Rita, Alia and Romina. Shelby gets the seventh question right and eliminates Levi. Romina gets the eighth question right and eliminates Shelby. Rita gets the ninth question right and eliminates Virgil. Alia gets the tenth question right and eliminates Romina. Rita answers the final question correctly. RITA wins Head of Household. Alia gives immunity to Virgil.
In the HOH room, after Rita reads her letter, she DRs how she misses her family and she loves watching her five grandchildren grow. Olivia DRs that, while the letter made her seem nicer, she still can't get over what she said to her last week. Romina asks Olivia if she is okay and recalls her time as a chef and how, even thought it was stressful at times, there was a lot of teamwork and the moral of the story is that she, Olivia, can rely on her for support.
Later, BB calls everybody to the living room where they meet the newest four houseguests:

Gavino's Challenge alumni, Sylvia Rheingold
Survivor alumni, Adrian Silva
Nomination Roulette alumni, Joaquin Salinas
Survivor alumni, Maria Pattina

It's revealed that the four of them have immunity this week.

Darren makes them all drinks and gives them the biggest welcome. Adrian DRs about how he's never played Big Brother before but he is super excited. Chase gets very pissed off later on and vents to Vic about the Intruders and how this has changed the game. Rita tells Maria and Sylvia about how Jameson and Sienna were flirting with everybody but Jameson is now gone. Sylvia reads Rita's letter and thinks it's heartwarming. Rita laments to them about how the stress from the game caused her to lash out at Olivia. Maria tells her that she needed this letter and Rita agrees. Joaquin, Virgil and Levi decide to ally. They catch Joaquin up with what happened last week. Joaquin DRs that he hopes he can make it far. He's loved the game for years. Vic asks Alia how she can be so energetic and bubbly all the time. Alia says it's just part of who she is. Vic tells her that the happy energy is appreciated and contagious. Olivia talks to Maria and Sylvia about what Rita said to her last week. Olivia DRs that she hopes her mouth doesn't send her out the door as she could easily regret telling them. Sienna DRs about how she is confident about Rita. Rita tells Ian that certain people in the house need to go and she hopes she can count on him.
Darren and Sienna are nominated.

Reasons: She wants to split them up as she suspects that they could form a showmance together.

6 Rita DRs that whoever stays will be the target next week so it doesn't matter who goes home this week and she could care less. Darren DRs that he doesn't have a single ally and is confused as to why he is turning into a pawn. Olivia tells Shelby that she can't stand Rita as she was being very rude to her last week. Shelby understands. Shelby DRs that Olivia was happy and chipper until her conversation with Rita and wonders if she can save Darren AND Sienna and send home Olivia this week as those two will always be the target. Shelby talks to Rita about what Olivia said. Rita gets very pissed off and storms out and starts to yell at Olivia, saying that she, Olivia, has no right to get mad at her and, if she wants to be that way, she will find herself on the block after the Veto Ceremony. Adrian tells Maria and Olivia that he saw Shelby walk into that room recently. Olivia gets even more upset, thinking that Shelby betrayed her. Sylvia comes by and tries to calm Olivia down. Sylvia DRs that she doesn't like seeing Olivia like this. Later, everybody gathers in the living room to see who will be competing in the Veto Competition. VETO PLAYERS: Rita, Darren, Sienna, Olivia, Sylvia and Victor. Sylvia, in the bathroom, tells Olivia that she has her back. Olivia is grateful. Sienna comes in and asks if Sylvia could use the VETO on her. Sylvia tells her that she doesn't want Olivia to be the replacement. Sienna tells Olivia to apologize to Rita but Olivia objects and says that Rita was the one who started it. Sienna says she is going to find Victor and leaves. Sienna DRs that her game is crumbling and that she thought she made the right choice last week. Olivia tells Sylvia that this Veto Competiton is crucial.
SYLVIA wins the VETO.
Sylvia DRs that, with this, everybody will have to choose between Darren and Sienna. Rita pulls her aside and tells her that she will respect her decision if she wants to use it or not. Sienna tells Sylvia later on that, if she does use it on her and Olivia goes up, they'll just campaign to send Darren out as nobody wants to send home Olivia after Rita yelled at her in front of most of the house. Levi and Virgil are in the backyard, talking about how the targets are probably on the Intruders. Levi says how nice they are and Virgil agrees. Virgil DRs that he def sees a Final 2 with Levi and he has no doubt that Levi is thinking the same thing but he wouldn't mind Joaquin with them in the Final 3. Joaquin, Sylvia, Adrian and Maria meet in the backyard and form an alliance called The Outsiders (alliance consisted of Joaquin, Sylvia, Adrian and Maria). Adrian asks Sylvia on what she wants to do. Sylvia tells them that she has thought of every possible scenario.
Sylvia does NOT use the POV.
7 Darren DRs that he is worried. Sienna fake cries to Maria, Alia and Shelby. Rita and Ian talk. Rita tells him that the vote is obvious. Ian tells her that she doesn't have to worry. When Rita leaves, Sienna comes and asks if Rita told him to vote for Darren as she recently changed her mind. Ian didn't know but says that she doesn't have to worry. Sienna DRs that Ian is very gullible. Romina tells Darren a story about how, when she was competing in a marathon, she never gave up so he shouldn't either. Darren tells her that he is scared to campaign and turn people against him and he doesn't want to say anything bad about Sienna. Romina tells him that he signed up for this. Darren goes to Victor and tells him that Sienna is using her body to manipulate people, hence why she is flirting so much. Victor tells him that Jameson was doing the same thing. Victor DRs that Sienna is a threat and he had already realized that but it's nice to see Darren campaign and not give up. Sheeva DRs that Sienna will always be a threat and that maybe she should flip and, when they have the chance, go after the Intruders. Adrian and Maria are in the backyard. Adrian tells her that the game is so different from Survivor. Maria agrees and says she finds it intriguing. Adrian says that, even though they have a returnee alliance, he trusts her the most as they are both newbs to this game. Adrian DRs that he would like to go to the end with Maria.
Sienna is evicted by a vote of 12-2.
The host reveals the Week 3 Weekly Twist.
8 The competition involves an obstacle course to go back and forth to get letters and spell a phrase. CHASE wins Head of Household. Ian is the second person to complete it and gives immunity to Rita.
Ian DRs that Rita is his closest ally and he thought that she would've been the target had he not done done. Rita tells Ian that he is very grateful. Rita DRs that she did not expect that and is genuinely grateful. Maria DRs that the vote was awkward as it was her first time but she can see why people love the game so much and is starting to respect it more. Adrian tells Sylvia that they don't have the immunity this time around so it's possible somebody could easily take one of them out for an easy week. Sylvia hopes not as she wants to make jury, at least, this time around. The Final Five (alliance consisting of Chase, Victor, Alia, Virgil and Shelby) meet up in the HOH room. Chase tells them all that Darren has to go this time. Shelby tells him that it may be best to put somebody else that is able to win challenges beside Darren so that Darren has a lesser chance of winning. Shelby DRs that this person could easily target Chase. Victor suggests Romina as the replacement should either come off then they could focus on the physical threat. Chase likes that idea. Virgil recommends Adrian as, even though he has yet to win a competition, he would definitely fight to avoid going home. Victor is unsure about wasting a week on Adrian should Darren come off. Virgil notes that Darren has yet to win a competition either. Virgil DRs that he doesn't want Adrian to go but he seems like the Intruder who is fighting the most so he may win the Veto. Sheeva, Darren, Romina, Maria and Levi talk. Sheeva DRs that she has been staying under the radar for awhile now and knows that the people who play the most at the beginning will be targeted before the rest so she'll let others fall before she rises. Adrian comes up to speak to Chase to see where his head is at. Chase asks if he is allied with the other Intruders. Adrian tells him that it would've been too obvious so he chose to remain distant and talk to others. Adrian DRs that he hopes this works as he would not want an ally to go home. Chase tells him that he is heavily considering an Intruder as a pawn.
Darren and Joaquin are nominated.

Reasons: He, straight up, tells Darren that he is too much of a social threat to keep in the game and says that Joaquin is a pawn.

9 Darren DRs that he's been a threat since day one and refuses to give up. Darren talks to Sheeva, Levi, Sylvia and Virgil. Sheeva tells him that he likes him and wants him to stay. Virgil DRs that this could mean trouble if Sheeva and Darren campaign to stay ... but he is starting to get tired with Chase's attitude and so he will let it play out. Olivia notices the phone booth in the living room and calls everybody to it. The phone rings, prompting Chase to answer it. He says that he was told that he smelled nice from a mysterious voice. Victor is the 2nd person to answer the phone. Later, Sheeva tells Adrian, Virgil, Olivia and Levi that the phone booth is probably a twist. The rest agree. Adrian suggests all waiting by the phone booth so that they can get a chance to answer the phone, just in case she is right. Adrian is the 3rd person to answer the phone and DRs that he would've loved to win the power and see what it was. Later, Joaquin and Sylvia talk. Joaquin says that he may be nominated but he was evicted due to being really sneaky and trying to create drama and, this time around, he wants to play it safe. Sylvia tells him that he already has numerous votes to stay. Joaquin tells her that Chase is a really big threat. Sylvia tells him that Adrian mentioned that Chase asked if all four of them were allied but Adrian said he was keeping his distance. Joaquin tells her that the replacement needs to go since there is no doubt that Darren will win it after being told that he was the target. VETO PLAYERS: Chase, Darren, Joaquin, Olivia, Adrian and Rita.
JOAQUIN wins the VETO.
The Former Players Alliance (alliance consisted of Joaquin, Sylvia, Adrian and Maria) celebrates but Maria points out that one of them could be the replacement nominee so they shouldn't be near eachother for the next couple of days. Sylvia agrees and says that they should cut the celebration short right now. Alia answers the phone. The Final Five (alliance consisting of Chase, Victor, Alia, Virgil and Shelby) meet up in the HOH room. Chase tells the alliance that he wants to honour Vic's suggestion so Romina will be going up since nobody would vote for her to go. Darren, Alia, Sheeva, Olivia and Joaquin sit and talk. Darren tells them that they should keep him since he is very trustworthy and he plans to go after massive threats like Chase. Olivia mentions that, if he puts up Rita as well since they both won an HOH, her vote is secured. Darren promises since Rita is rude and is controlling Ian. Sheeva wonders who the replacement will be.
Joaquin uses the POV on himself, causing Chase to put up Romina, specifically telling her that she is a pawn. Darren then stands up and tells Chase that, after he survives this vote, he will win HOH and send him home.
10 Darren DRs that all he has to do now is secure the votes to stay and he is golden but feels a bit guilty over declaring war so rudely. Romina DRs that there is a chance that she could go home as she doesn't feel safe as the pawn, much like when she was a pilot. Romina talks to Rita and tells her that she doesn't have a game, compared to Darren, who people are starting to trust more. Rita tells her that she wants Darren out and she can convince Ian to vote her way as well. Romina talks to Olivia, Virgil and Levi about how people may want to keep Darren but, if that logic continues, one of them could be the next pawn sitting next to him that will go home. Romina tells Olivia that Rita could win HOH again and that Darren has yet to win a comp. In the living room, Sheeva is the seventh person to answer the phone. Sheeva is told of the twist. Rita apologizes to Olivia and tells her that she shouldn't have said those things. Olivia DRs that she is unsure if she is being genuine. The Former Players Alliance (alliance consisted of Joaquin, Sylvia, Adrian and Maria) discuss who should go. Adrian is unsure who would help them more. Maria mentions that Romina could always remain a pawn. Joaquin tells her that Romina campaigned to him and made a lot of really good points and that they don't want to be the next pawn up against Darren. Adrian thinks that either of them could help their game as Romina won't come after them and Darren will always be Chase's target. Maria suggests splitting the vote and watching it play out.
During Sheeva's vote (the first one), she chooses to cancel the votes of Victor, Rita and Ian.
Romina is evicted by a vote of 6-4.
The host reveals a double eviction and that the VIP twist won't apply.
ALIA wins the Head of Household.
Ian and Rita are nominated.

Reasons: They are very close and need to be split up.

JOAQUIN wins the VETO.
Joaquin does NOT use the POV.
Rita is evicted by a vote of 12-0.
After the votes are read, as Rita is leaving, she tells Olivia that, when she apologized, she meant it. Olivia tells her "all is good". As she leaves, she tells Ian, Good luck, Ian". the host reveals to the audience of the Week 4 Weekly Twist (The Viewer's Player) (found above) and lets the audience know that they will be able to vote.
11 The competition consists of everybody, except for Alia, obviously, having to untangle a rope through an obstacle-ish course. Chase DRs that he is pissed and wants Darren out more than ever. Darren DRs that, if Chase wins again, he may actually leave this time and can't risk it. Sheeva DRs that Darren is becoming her closest ally and, as such, he can't let Chase be the VIP. DARREN wins the Head of House while Sheeva becomes the VIP, with Chase in third. Sheeva gives immunity to Ian.
Sheeva talks to Ian and tells him that she wants to work with him and that, if he ever needs a shoulder, he can lean on hers. Sheeva DRs that she feels bad but Rita had to go and it's obvious that Alia took the conversation to heart and based her reign around it. Ian thanks her. Ian DRs that he is going to miss Rita but he has to move forward and not let her down. Chase pulls Victor into a room and rages about Darren staying and now he's HOH. Chase tells Vic that he is very mad at Alia for not taking a shot at Darren and, instead, going for two people who weren't going to do any damage. Victor tells him to calm down and apologize to Darren. Victor DRs that, as long as he is not seen with Chase, he won't be guilty by association. After people see Darren's HOH room, Sheeva, Darren, Ian, Olivia and Levi meet. Sheeva tells them that she's noticed a particular 4 go up quite a bit during Chase's HOH and them being Virgil, Shelby, Alia and Victor. Darren is surprised that Alia didn't put him up. Sheeva thinks that Alia has her own agenda. Olivia doesn't trust Shelby as she back-stabbed her in Week 2. Levi asks about Victor. Sheeva says that Victor is hard to read so perhaps Victor should go up. Darren tells them to vote the best way for their games. Sheeva tells him that it's not bad to just say "I want Chase gone". They laugh. Adrian and Maria talk. Adrian DRs that he feels like him and Maria could go really far as a duo as they do have their Survivor experience as something that binds them together as outsiders. He also DRs about him as Yusri in his original season. Adrian tells Maria that, right now, he sees her as his partner in the game. Maria appreciates that and tells Adrian that they have to do their best. Chase pulls Alia aside and asks why she didn't put Darren up. Alia tells her that Rita was controlling Ian. Ian comes in. Chase asks who Darren is putting up. Ian says that he doesn't know. Chase tells Ian that he wants him to vote with him. Alia tells Chase to calm down. Ian leaves and tells Darren about how forceful he is being. Darren's had enough and DRs that, while people can vote however, he wants Chase out so that the house can be happy.
Chase and Victor are nominated.

Reasons: Darren apologizes but tells Chase that he is a physical threat and is openly against him, then turns to Victor and says that he's a pawn who could easily be the target should Chase come off.

12 Victor DRs that the tables have turned but, unfortunately, he is now guilty by association with his mission being to do damage control. Victor goes up to the HOH room and tells Darren that he isn't mad at him but, rather, would like to work with him. Darren asks Victor if he, Chase, Virgil, Alia and Shelby are in an alliance and that he's noticed them go up a lot during Chase's HOHs. Victor says he's been up to the HOH room during Chase's HOHs but it was mainly to make sure that he was safe and that he has nothing to worry about with regards to any alliances. Levi enters the DR and is given the option to become "The Viewer's Player". He accepts and is given his first task: instigate a fight. Levi comes into the HOH room, while Victor is in there, and tells him that Chase was on the verge of yelling at him. Darren asks why Chase was taking out his rage on him. Levi says he doesn't know. Darren goes downstairs to confront him, causing Chase to yell very loudly. Victor DRs that he needs to separate from Chase immediately as he's a massive loose cannon. Levi is awarded one point for completing the task and is given another task: ensure that one nominee is taken off. Darren, Sheeva, Ian, Olivia and Levi are in the HOH room. Levi brings up Darren and Victor talking earlier and suggests using the VETO on him and putting up somebody like Shelby. Sheeva seconds that as they can get Victor on their side. Olivia third that as Shelby may be sneaky but isn't a threat at the moment. Levi DRs that he hopes everything goes through. VETO PLAYERS: Darren, Chase, Victor, Olivia, Sheeva and Virgil. Chase DRs that he will do whatever it takes to get off the block. Chase talks with Virgil and Victor and says to use the VETO on him. Victor is confused. Chase tells Vic to also use the VETO on him. Victor says that he is insane and would rather save his own skin first. Chase calls him self-centered. Victor says that he's (Chase) changed and he is done working with him. Shelby comes up to the HOH room and spills the beans on the entire Final Five alliance. Darren DRs that, if what she is saying true, this changes everything.
OLIVIA wins the VETO.
Darren calls Victor up. Darren tells him that he definitely wants to work with him. Victor thanks him and tells him that he wants Chase gone. Virgil tells Shelby and Alia that Victor has gone rogue. Shelby tells them that Chase is becoming more of a liability but, if he stays, he will become everybody's target. They talk. Virgil tells Alia that her positive attitude is appreciated because he is very stressed right now. Virgil DRs that, after this week, he plans to leave the alliance and branch elsewhere. He also DRs that him and Levi have been a bit distant like they have been branching out elsewhere without realizing it and it sucks because they used to talk all the time and, now, he feels like his closest ally is anything but close now.
Olivia uses the POV on Victor, causing Darren to put up Shelby, telling her that she is a pawn but, should the house decide to flip, the reason she is specifically up is due to her being so sneaky.
13 Shelby DRs that her outing the alliance must've cast a bad light on her but her plan is to betray every ally at one point or another and it was time to betray the alliance, but, most notably, Chase the musician. Chase DRs that Shelby is done and that he will secure her exit. Levi goes to the DR and is awarded a second point and $1000. The Former Players Alliance (alliance consisted of Joaquin, Sylvia, Adrian and Maria) discuss who should go. Adrian is unsure about Chase. Maria mentions that everybody will want Chase gone but they could easily flip the script and send her out. Adrian mentions splitting the votes like last time as the both of them are threats. Joaquin DRs that he doesn't want to be seen as the leader or a number two in the Former Players Alliance as those are the two people that people are more likely going to target to try and crumble the alliance and he would rather be seen as somebody who is sitting back, so, in hindsight, taking him out would be a waste. Ian is in the HOH with Darren and Sheeva. He DRs that he doesn't like either of them but Chase is easier to read. He mentions taking out Shelby instead as she is the most untrustworthy. Darren tells him that Chase is a massive physical threat but he does appreciate his input as he has brought up a good point. Sheeva mentions that she doesn't trust the Intruders. Virgil and Olivia talk about sending votes Shelby' way so she stops feeling so comfortable. Olivia likes the idea. Alia DRs not sure where to vote and doesn't know who to betray. Shelby DRs that she's noticed Olivia be a bit distant from her and thinks that something must have happened. They talk. Olivia talks to her about how Shelby ratted her out, despite being one of her closest allies. Shelby DRs that she thought she was being sneaky and apologizes to Olivia. Olivia DRs that she will try and move forward with Shelby if she stays.
Chase is evicted by a vote of 6-5.
The host mentions the Double Fake Eviction next week.
14 One at a time, Houseguests slid a ball down the lane attempting to get the highest point value. The Houseguest with the highest point value will be the new Head of Household. Ian DRs that, while he could win HOH and avenge Rita, he needs to worry about the future of his own game and that he is satisfied with his allies. Shelby DRs that, if Olivia doesn't fully trust her, she has to go and, while it makes sense, it was her (Shelby') mistake that is beyond repair. Shelby wins Head of Household with Adrian being the VIP, who gives Immunity to Sheeva.
Adrian DRs that, if he gave Immunity to a member of the Former Players Alliance (alliance consisted of Joaquin, Sylvia, Adrian and Maria), it would confirm all suspicions and he couldn't afford that. Shelby DRs that she will no longer rely on an alliance that may harm her but the other members of said alliance can still believe it exists all they want. Shelby brings Ian, Virgil, Alia and Levi into the HOH room and suggests an alliance. Everybody agrees. Virgil DRs that Victor being excluded must mean that she wants to start over ... but three of the original five are in the new alliance so perhaps something happened between Shelby and Victor. He also DRs that him and Levi being in the same alliance might help them talk more again as he doesn't know why they haven't been talking. Shelby asks around. Ian suggests Darren since he took out Chase. Shelby DRs that Ian suggesting that reason must mean that a lot of people were on to the Final Five. Ian DRs that he hopes that his suggestion wins over Shelby. Adrian and Maria talk. Maria tells him that this experience has been surreal but fun. Adrian agrees and says that they are in a good spot as long as the four of them don't meet up together at the same time. Maria agrees. Maria DRs about how her season has Redemption Island in it, which would've helped save her had her coming back after winning the final duel not be pointless with her going out again. She DRs that she is learning to respect some people as nobody has shown to be excessively mean and every eviction has been strategical so far. Adrian tells her that he wants to remain friends with her after the season. Maria agrees. Maria asks if Sylvia and Joaquin would be bigger targets over them as they played this particular game before. Adrian hopes that it doesn't come to that. Shelby' new, unnamed alliance leaves the HOH. She DRs that quite a few names have been thrown around and she is excited. She also mentions that she would've invited Adrian or Sheeva but Adrian may be tied to the other Intruders and Sheeva seems to be close with Darren and both of them are immune. Darren comes into the HOH room and they talk about real life stuff. Darren DRs that he doesn't want to talk game with her as that'll come across as "I'm only up here to make sure I'm safe". He also says that he wants to get to know Shelby better. Shelby DRs that this will be a fun ceremony.
Darren and Olivia are nominated.

Reasons: Darren is a social threat and she doesn't think Olivia fully trusts her.

15 Darren DRs that he is surprised. Olivia DRs that Shelby has, once broken, gone back on her word and, if she survives, she will, personally, win HOH and take her out. Victor talks to Sheeva, Darren, Virgil and Levi about how Shelby seemed to not want to talk to him at all. Victor DRs that he is worried that he is the backdoor plan and has to win the VETO at all costs. Sheeva talks to Adrian and thanks him again for the Immunity and asks about his experiences on Fake Survivor 4. Sheeva DRs that she wants to maintain her friendship with Adrian, which will help if he wins the VETO and, hopefully, take Darren off. Adrian DRs that this game is all about numbers and, if Sheeva is happy, he is happy. She does not seem like somebody you would want to piss off. Ian talks to Shelby. Shelby tells him that, if he is chosen for VETO and wins it, she hopes that he can keep it the same. Ian DRs that he must be really good with Shelby for her to ask him for favours. Ian tells her that she has nothing to worry about and, if he is chosen and wins it, he will not use it. Shelby also tells him that he can't read Maria at all. VETO PLAYERS: Shelby, Darren, Olivia, Victor, Ian and Sheeva. Levi is given a task to find excuses to hug 5 people for 10 seconds without asking them to hug or tell them about the task. He completes it. Sheeva tells Darren to not win the VETO since it'll make him look like a threat and they have the votes.
IAN wins the VETO.
Darren tells Ian that, while he hopes that he will use the VETO on him, it's his choice and he won't be mad at him. Ian DRs that this makes it slightly tempting since Darren is a really nice guy. Adrian, Sylvia, Joaquin and Maria meet up. Joaquin wonders if they should split the votes for a third time. Maria tells him that it may be too risky this time. Adrian suspects that some people may be on to them. Adrian also DRs that Victor seems to be flying under the radar. Sylvia, Sheeva and Alia talk. Sylvia tells them that she is very glad to play the game again and wants to make a big move. Sheeva jokingly asks if both her and Alia will be safe. Sylvia tells them, of course, and offers a Final 3 between them, to which they accept. Sylvia DRs that she really wants to make a big move. Ian and Shelby talk. Shelby tells him that it's best for him to not use the VETO. Ian understands. Ian DRs that he's in power, although he trusts Shelby completely. However, it's his choice, albeit Shelby' argument persuading him. He DRs that he doesn't mind being a number, as he's loyal and that's all that matters.
Ian does NOT use the POV.
16 Olivia DRs that she is worried and thinks that Romina was right about whoever being up against Darren going home. Maria, Sylvia, Olivia and Alia talk. Olivia tells them that, if she stays, she will let them control any future HOHs of hers. She also tells them that Darren will stay until the end game because everybody will always want to keep him so it's best to take him out now instead of dealing with him later. Olivia DRs that she hopes this works. Adrian, Joaquin, Maria and Sylvia talk about where the votes should go from them. Maria thinks Darren should go because people will always keep him. Joaquin says that he is predictable and that he is unlikely to win anymore HOHs if it makes the target on his back bigger. Sylvia argues that Olivia spoke to her and Maria and she recalls Romina mentioning the same thing before she was evicted. Adrian suggests they sleep on it or wait until new information comes up. Adrian DRs that, if Darren goes, that'll split up any alliance Darren and Sheeva may have but that'll send the rest of her alliance after them. With Olivia, it doesn't seem like she'll win an HOH. Shelby tells Ian that, after whoever goes, they should target the Intruders, especially Maria. Ian asks if Maria should go up immediately but Shelby tells him that it may be best to backdoor her. In the DR, Levi is given his final mission: vote in the minority. Levi and Virgil talk. Virgil wonders if taking out Olivia is even a good idea as a lot of people love Darren. Levi DRs that he's heard both names a lot over the past couple of days so it'll be hard to tell who people want to stay. Virgil DRs that him and Levi were really close in the beginning but not as much now. If anything, they are just friends but he still wouldn't mind taking him to the Final 2. Victor is alone, wondering who he should vote for. Victor DRs that it's not about who is the biggest threat but, rather, who has the numbers on their side.
Olivia is fake evicted by a vote of 7-3.
The host reveals a double eviction and that the VIP twist won't apply.
IAN wins the Head of Household.
Adrian and Joaquin are nominated.

Reasons: They are very close and need to be split up.

JOAQUIN wins the VETO.
Joaquin uses the VETO on himself, causing Ian to put up Maria as a replacement nominee.
Maria is evicted by a vote of 5-4.
The host lets the audience know that THEY will vote on which of the two fake evictees will come back into the house and that it'll be decided before the next eviction.
17 In this competition, Houseguests faced off in one-on-one matches. Each question will refer to a past competition. The person to buzz in with the correct answer will eliminate their opponent, and an incorrect answer will eliminate themselves. The person who survives will pick the next two players to face off. The last Houseguest standing will be the new Head of Household. Adrian DRs that he was almost voted out, while also losing Maria in the process so he wants to win this HOH really badly. Adrian gets the first question right and eliminates Shelby. Shelby DRs that whoever wins HOH must put up the other Intruders. Sheeva gets the second question right and eliminates Alia. Sheeva DRs that she won't eliminate the Intruders as they will win and put up Ian after Maria went home. Darren gets the third question right and eliminates Virgil. Victor DRs that he chose to lay low after what happened with Chase, which has allowed him to make observations and he has noticed that, when Rita was evicted, Ian has gone straight to Shelby, who most likely convinced him to put up the Intruders and hopes to use the Intruders to his benefit. Victor gets the fourth question correct and eliminates Levi. The remaining contestants: Victor, Darren, Joaquin, Adrian, Sheeva and Sylvia. Victor decided to cut a deal with the remaining contestants that, if he wins, nobody currently left will go up. Everybody agreed. Victor gets every remaining question right and eliminates Darren, Sheeva, Joaquin, Adrian and Sylvia in that order. Sylvia gives Adrian the Immunity since he survived the last vote.
Victor DRs that he wants to build trust with the Intruders. He brings the Intruders, Darren and Sheeva into the HOH room after people leave and tells them that he is going to keep his word and that he's noticed that Ian has been attached to Shelby so it's highly likely that Shelby controlled him. Sylvia suggests taking out Shelby. Victor then says that Ian should go as he is easily manipulated and that, if Shelby goes, he'll just latch onto somebody else. Shelby and Ian talk. Shelby says that Victor's deal made her pissed and that, if they survive the week, he has to go next. Ian tells her that there is no way he would put up an ally as long as Victor is still loyal to Chase. Shelby tells him that she forgot to mention that Victor may have left the alliance before Chase was evicted. Shelby DRs that Victor is stupid for making a deal like that but he could just be crafty with the plan to put them up anyway. Sheeva, Darren, Levi and Virgil talk. Sheeva tells them that Victor is going after Shelby and Ian and tells them his thought process. Virgil wonders if the reason why Victor wasn't talking too much game was because he wanted to observe what Ian would do after Rita's eviction. Levi thinks Virgil is giving Victor too much credit. Virgil DRs that they haven't been getting any closer so it may be time for him to find another Final 2 partner. Levi DRs that he never noticed Shelby and Ian around too much and wonders if he is just making this up as a reason to fool the Intruders. Sylvia is crying over Olivia and Maria going home. Alia comes over and tries to cheer her up. Sylvia is appreciative of Alia's energetic behaviour as it's hard to be sad around her. Victor tells Adrian and Joaquin that he wants to work with them and Sylvia. Joaquin likes that idea as Victor is a cool guy. Adrian DRs that he likes the idea of a new ally but it is odd that Vic waited this long.
Shelby and Ian are nominated.

Reasons: He tells them that they are both major threats in different ways and wishes them luck in the VETO competition..

18 Shelby DRs that she's pissed. Ian DRs that Shelby is the bigger threat so he knows he is safe. Victor DRs that, if Shelby feels like the target, she'll have more of a reason to win the VETO than Ian, securing Ian, the real target, on the block. Victor also DRs that Ian is not bad at challenges at all so, if he wins the VETO or an HOH, it is very likely that the person he latches onto will control it, which makes him a threat. It then shows Olivia and Maria walking into the Secret Suite after the eviction. Olivia tells Maria that she is excited. Maria DRs that one of them will go back into the house so they both need to work together to figure out the threats. The TV comes on. Olivia notes that they can't hear anything. Maria notes that, judging by the interactions, Victor has won HOH. Olivia says that she doesn't know what Victor is like as he kind of remained in the shadows, especially after Chase was evicted. Maria tells her that he probably laid low for a reason. On the TV, it shows the Intruders, Darren, Sheeva and Victor in the HOH room. Olivia notes that Victor is talking the most out of everybody but she can't read lips. Maria hopes that Shelby or Ian goes up as both of them were responsible for their evictions. Olivia tells Maria that, should she get back in, she'll probably be close with Sylvia as they were really good friends. Maria says that Sylvia is a really kindhearted person. Olivia tells Maria that the returnee has to find a way to send Darren out as he is too big of a threat. Shelby asks Victor why she went up when the alliance was still a thing. Victor tells her what's done is done. Shelby tells Vic that, once she gets herself off of the block, she'll win HOH and send him out. Victor tells her that she can say whatever she wants but actions speak louder than words. Victor DRs that he is sick and tired of Shelby' attitude. VETO PLAYERS: Victor, Shelby, Ian, Alia, Levi and Sheeva.
VIRGIL wins the VETO.
Virgil tells Victor that he is thinking of not using the VETO but wonders who the target is. Victor tells him that he is risking keeping Shelby in order to send out somebody who may be a jury goat and is currently a puppet. Virgil likes the idea and wonders if they can still work together. Virgil DRs that he's been laying low as to avoid detection and, that, while that may cause people to say how he's being unproductive, he's been doing well at establishing relations and gathering information. He, in the DR, says that, as a superfan, he knows that the gameplan he has may not be exciting, but it's effective.
Virgil does NOT use the POV.
19 Shelby immediately starts campaigning before everybody leaves the living room. Alia tells Shelby that she is starting to act like Chase with how frantic and aggressive she is. Adrian and Joaquin talk. Joaquin DRs that he hasn't done much in this game but that's because he isn't being given a chance so he wants to wait a bit before he tries to VETO his way to the end. Joaquin then DRs that he has to strike soon but who would he even target? Adrian tells Joaquin that he wants them and Sylvia in the end. He doesn't fully trust Vic but he is giving him a chance. Ian asks Sylvia if Shelby is going. Sylvia tells him that, currently, it seems that way. Sylvia DRs that she doesn't have the heart to tell him but that's mainly because you never know what will happen. Alia, despite the energetic, bubbly, crazy and optimistic attitude, tells Shelby off. Shelby DRs that she is screwed. Levi and Virgil talk. Virgil tells Levi that Victor is insistent with Ian but he may decide to try and flip the votes since they could use Ian. Levi asks Virgil if their Final 2 is still open. Virgil says it is and says that he would like to stay in contact after the game as well. Olivia and Maria are watching the TV. Maria notes that Victor is a great player for managing to secure allies like that, despite being so open. Olivia thinks that Victor can be a good ally for now. Maria agrees and says that whoever stays this week should be targeted next. Olivia notes that they should go after Darren but, if Darren gets off the block or doesn't go on due to the HOH, the person staying is the next safe bet.
The host calls Olivia and Maria onto the stage to reveal the audience vote that will decide which one of them will re-enter. The person re-entering ... is ... Olivia!
Maria is eliminated.
The eviction happens next while Olivia heads back into the Secret Suite before she re-enters the house tomorrow. However, she won't be able to spy on the houseguests. The host also reveals the HOH twist.
Ian is evicted by a vote of 8-0.
20 Shelby DRs that she just lost her closest ally in the game and she knows she is on the outs. Joaquin wonders if Ian made jury. Shelby says that she hopes so as there are only 10 people left. Sheeva DRs that Shelby seemed to be close with Ian, which debunks her theory that Ian was only a pawn to her.
The next morning, the host calls everybody to the living room and tells them that the last double eviction was fake, meaning that Olivia and Maria were not actually evicted. However, only one of them could re-enter and the public voted for who should re-enter. Olivia enters through the front door, getting hugs from most of the remaining contestants. The host then reveals that it's time to cast your votes and that, one by one, everybody will enter the DR but they can only vote for one person and that nobody is safe from this. Victor is the first to vote and DRs that Olivia is most likely safe as there is no way they would have her at risk after the Fake Double Eviction twist.
The host reveals the twist that the two houseguests with the highest score will become the HOHs and that each HOH has to nominate one HG and, should one come off, the HOH who placed them up chooses the replacement.
Shelby DRs that her plans have changed now that Olivia has re-entered the house. Victor, Joaquin, Adrian and Sylvia talk. Joaquin says that he wants to target somebody who everybody will want to keep but nobody should. Victor asks who his options are. Joaquin says Darren and Sheeva as they are really close. Victor is worried that Shelby will put him up. Sylvia reassures him that it won't happen. Olivia comes by. Sylvia wants her to join them then mentions this this should be a Final 5 alliance. Everybody agrees and they come up with the name Soup Group. Adrian DRs that he really likes this alliance and he is starting to trust Vic more and hopes to trust Olivia. Adrian tells Joaquin that, he should put up Darren first as he may win the VETO and take off Sheeva should he put her up first. Joaquin understands. Olivia tells Joaquin that she is absolutely fine with sending Darren home as anybody who goes up against him goes home. Sylvia is worried about Sheeva's influence in the house as nobody seems to want to target her. Adrian points out that she has Levi and, possibly, Virgil but Alia seems like a free agent. Virgil, Alia and Shelby talk. Virgil DRs that he has to do whatever he can to stay off the block and tells Shelby that Darren's crew most likely voted for her. Alia wonders who voted for her. Virgil thinks Sheeva did as she seems to be under the radar. Virgil DRs that he really doesn't like throwing people under the bus but, if people catch on to his UTR game, he may be sent home and he, especially, doesn't want to be up against Darren as Darren is one of the most influential people in the house. Virgil DRs that his entire game has been to hide in the shadows and to observe the chaos and personalities among him and, so far, it has worked. However, staying in the shadows may overshadow his game in the end. Adrian and Joaquin talk about the outside. Later, Joaquin asks to speak with Shelby. They both sit in private and Joaquin proposes an alliance and a deal. He tells her that they should work together. Shelby asks if he is close with Victor or Olivia. Joaquin says that he isn't but she should wait to target them as the most influential people in the house are Darren and Sheeva and he will risk his game to ensure that one of them goes home. Shelby DRs that, since she knows who he is putting up, she can ensure his downfall.
Victor(1) and Darren(2) are nominated.

Reasons: Shelby tells Victor that he put her up so she wants him to understand why she is putting him up. Joaquin tells Darren that people love him and that makes him a social threat but he wishes him good luck in the VETO.

21 Darren DRs that he's really surprised that Joaquin put him up. He goes to talk to Joaquin. Joaquin apologizes but hopes he understands. Joaquin DRs that Shelby has betrayed his trust by going an easy path while making sure the target goes on him this week but, if things play out the way they should, there should be no problem. Olivia DRs that she is surprised that she isn't up but understands as Victor did win HOH and nominate her during the week that Maria and her were fake-evicted. Olivia and Sylvia talk about the outside. Darren and Sheeva talk about potential votes. Sheeva says they have Levi, Alia and Virgil for sure but they lack the Intruders and, possibly, Olivia. Darren notes that there are 7 votes to evict and they may have the votes as they have Sheeva, Alia, Virgil and Levi. Shelby DRs that putting up Darren was really bad for Joaquin as, if he somehow leaves, a lot of people will be coming after him, which is good for her game, so she has no objections if Darren does go. Joaquin tells the other members of the Soup Group (alliance consisting of Adrian, Joaquin, Sylvia, Olivia and Victor) that, if they succeed, they may have a few people trying to take them out within the next few rounds. Adrian says that he is worried about Shelby as well. Sylvia mentions how this was a needed move but a very risky one. Victor DRs that, if people find out that him and Olivia are associated with the Intruders, there is no doubt that they will be targeted as well. Adrian says that they have to make sure that the VETO is in the hands of the Soup Group. VETO PLAYERS (the last two are decided by random draw by each HOH): Shelby, Joaquin, Victor, Darren, Sheeva, Adrian. Sheeva tells Shelby that, if she wins the VETO, they need to take off Darren or, at least, make sure they have enough votes to send Victor packing. Shelby tells Sheeva that she has nothing to worry about. Shelby DRs that she plans to throw the VETO as it doesn't matter to her who wins it.
ADRIAN wins the VETO.
Adrian DRs that he didn't want to win the VETO as he wanted to continue playing under the radar but people are catching on that the remaining Intruders are allied so he needs to protect the Soup Group alliance. Adrian tells Victor that he can't use the VETO on him as it'll give away that Victor is part of the alliance and Shelby will just put up Olivia anyway. Victor understands and says that they need to talk to Virgil.
Adrian does NOT use the POV.
22 Joaquin DRs that he waited five years to play again and, so far, he's really proud of himself for, not only making it this far, but for also winning three VETOs. He DRs that he really screwed up badly in Season 1 and, to him, this was a much-needed redemption. Joaquin tells Adrian that Virgil is the swing vote. Adrian tells Joaquin that he was really good with Virgil and hopes that he still is. Adrian asks Sylvia to join him and Joaquin. Adrian then suggests admitting to Virgil about the three Intruders sticking together but also making a false alliance with Virgil as a "new number four". Joaquin says that he volunteers to talk to Virgil as he is the HOH and, to him, the target will only get bigger if Darren goes so he wants to be the alliance's shield. Sheeva and Darren are talking with Alia, Levi and Virgil about voting Victor out. Everybody is set on it. Virgil DRs that he is unsure about sticking with such a duo but him, Levi and Alia are 3 to their 2 so he isn't worried and, if Darren goes, the target will be going onto somebody else. Joaquin approaches Virgil and asks if keeping Darren is really worth it. Virgil says that he isn't close with Victor. Joaquin tells him that Victor targeted Shelby and Ian and Shelby put him up again. He tells Virgil that he wants to ally with him and that it would be them, Adrian and Sylvia. Virgil DRs that this is interesting that Joaquin is admitting to being allied with the Intruders, which is a trio, meaning it'll take two rounds to lower them down to 1 compared to Darren and Sheeva where it'll only take 1 round. However, he also DRs that he could always split up Darren and Sheeva now and then work on the Intruders next. He asks Joaquin if they have the votes. Joaquin says that he has campaigned and he is positive. Virgil DRs that he could very well be the split vote so he'll have to think about it.
Darren is evicted by a vote of 4-3.
The host reveals the Diamond Power of Veto twist and tells the audience to vote on who should get it and that the next person to win the Power of VETO will be able to nullify one person's vote. The host then tells the houseguests that the VIP is officially over.
23 It's an endurance challenge. Sheeva DRs that she wants to win this really badly and target the Intruders as they are slowly taking control and she wants to avenge Darren. Sylvia DRs that she wants to win so she can finally make a move as she is starting to slowly realize who she can't trust in the game. Shelby DRs that people are, obviously, coming after her so she wants to lay low and let Sheeva's crew go after the Intruders and vice-versa. Levi DRs that he, Alia, Virgil or Sheeva have to win HOH. He DRs that everybody is really nice and he likes everybody, but he knows that the Intruders need to go. Adrian DRs about how the eyes are most likely on the Intruders but he can't give up just yet. Olivia drops (6:47) and DRs that the Intruders are, most likely, the biggest targets at this point and wants to take this time to talk to Shelby. Levi drops (13:25) and DRs about how he failed his team and that he feels really bad. It's now at the 25 minute mark. Joaquin DRs that this is the HOH that will make or break their game and he wishes he could compete in it. Victor DRs that he doesn't want to win two consecutive HOHs as that will increase the target on his back but he is worried about Adrian and Sylvia as they would be alone against the rest. It's now at the 40 minute mark. Sylvia DRs that she was taken out in Season 5 to split up a potential power duo and she wasn't even given the chance to play due to the alliance that controlled the pre-jury and that she has been given a second chance and she wants to use that. Virgil drops (42:53), followed by Victor (42:58). REMAINING PLAYERS: Virgil, Adrian, Alia, Sheeva, Sylvia. It's at the 1 Hour and 20 Minutes mark. Virgil DRs that it's highly likely that he could be targeted but hopes to subvert that without having to throw others under the bus again. He also DRs that Darren going was a good move and wonders why he has to blow up his under the radar game over a rivalry. Virgil drops (1:22:36). Sheeva says that she won't put up anybody left if they all drop. Sheeva DRs that she won't keep her word like Victor did and wonders if Victor used that opportunity to start an alliance with them. Nobody budges. Adrian tells everybody left that, if people let him win, he won't target anybody left. Nobody budges. Joaquin tells everybody to let him win and, if they do, he won't target anybody left. Obviously, nobody budges considering Joaquin, as an outgoing HoH, isn't competing. Adrian drops (1:28:45). Sheeva tells Sylvia that she means it and tells both her and Alia that they can choose one other person to be immune. Sylvia says she'll think about it. Alia drops (1:42:52). It's now Sheeva vs Sylvia. Sheeva drops (1:52:43), which means that SYLVIA wins Head of Household.
Sylvia DRs that she never got a chance to make a move and, now that she is HOH, she wants to do one of two things: take out a strong competitor or a goat but that, if she takes out somebody who could be a goat, it'll cause people to continue targeting everybody else and they may see her as a viable option, especially when everybody else could be too big of a target. She DRs that her goal is to wipe the game of every goat. Sheeva, Levi and Alia are sitting in the backyard. Sheeva DRs that Darren leaving was not part of the plan and she thought she had the votes. Now, she has to hope that Sylvia doesn't target her and, when she wins HOH, she will definitely strike. Levi apologizes to Sheeva for losing the competition. Levi DRs that the constant losses are starting to get to him and that he really wants to prove himself, especially when he is on the outs. Sheeva says that it's alright and tells Levi and Alia that, due to it being a 4-3 vote, that means Virgil must have flipped. Virgil, Adrian and Victor are talking. Virgil DRs that he may have revealed his cards too early but Darren was a legitimate threat. Adrian thanks Virgil for flipping. Later, Sylvia tells the Soup Group that she wants to put up two threats and that it doesn't matter who goes home. Sylvia DRs that Adrian usually takes command but, this week, she wants to be calling the shots.
Alia and Sheeva are nominated.

Reasons: Both of them are physical threats.

24 Sheeva DRs that she is not surprised. Alia DRs that she doesn't recall angering Sylvia at any point and thought that they were really good friends. Alia and Sylvia talk. Sylvia tells her that she is just a pawn and apologizes for putting her up without consulting her first. Alia says that she just didn't expect this. Sylvia tells her that her positive and zany attitude is what will keep her here against Sheeva so she won't have to worry. Sylvia DRs that she feels bad but Alia is the next most likable person after Darren and she could win at the end. Sylvia and Alia hug it out. Sylvia DRs that she has sat back and let Adrian take the reigns for far too long. She never realized how well he kept the group in check without them noticing and that she may turn on him really soon since he will win in the end. Sheeva enters the DR and receives the Diamond Power of VETO. Sheeva DRs that this changes everything but she will have to wait until after the Veto Competition before looking over her options. Olivia and Sylvia hang out in the HOH room. Olivia DRs that she spoke with Shelby during the HOH comp and they managed to patch things up. Shelby doesn't have anybody after she isolated herself so this was the perfect opportunity to get another potential ally. Olivia tells Sylvia that her and Shelby are good now but she doesn't trust her. Sylvia tells Olivia to be careful. VETO PLAYERS: Sylvia, Alia, Sheeva, Olivia, Joaquin, Adrian. Joaquin tells Adrian that he is his closest ally. Adrian says the same thing. Joaquin says that he felt like he really redeemed himself and is having a lot of fun. Adrian tells Joaquin that Sylvia just laid out her plans, rather vaguely. Joaquin tells Adrian to not doubt the alliance or else it will fall. Victor comes by and tells them that it's definitely between Sheeva and Alia. Adrian tells Victor his issue. Victor tells him that it's her HOH and to calm down. Adrian DRs that he is getting the impression that he may be too controlling and will definitely tone is down.
LEVI wins the VETO and comes to the DR where he is told that he has the power to nullify one person's vote and he has to choose right now and can not tell anybody else. He chooses to nullify Olivia's vote but also says that he had the biggest urge to nullify Virgil's.
Virgil DRs that, if Sheeva or Alia won, it would have been down to Levi or him as Shelby is the target that would be too much of a waste to go after this week. With Levi winning, he is sure to go up. Levi DRs that he finally won a challenge and can help his team advance forward! Sheeva DRs that she won't give up, despite, definitely being the target, plus she has the DPoV if she can't convince Levi to use the VETO on her. Alia tells Levi that she hopes that Virgil is the replacement as he backstabbed them. Levi tells Alia that he probably had a reason to take out Darren. Alia tells Levi that all he did was listen and listen but didn't contribute too much. Levi DRs that this is a new side to Alia, as she has always been very happy. Virgil talks to Levi about not using the VETO as he will, most likely, be the replacement. Levi tells Virgil that he took out Darren so he will gladly use the VETO. Virgil argues that Darren was the most social and liked person in the game and that anybody would take the chance if they could.
Levi uses the POV on Sheeva, causing Sylvia to put up Virgil, telling him that he is playing too under the radar and that she can't read him.
25 Sheeva DRs that she didn't have the votes to take out who she wanted so she didn't use the DPoV and feels like she should've, at least, done so anyway. Virgil DRs that he placed himself in this situation and, now, he has to try and get out of it by himself. He also DRs that he thought he was good with the Intruders but, with Sylvia doing this, he knows that he is on his own for the rest of the game. He DRs that he is being punished for making the right move at the right time but, in the end, it's a game and, if he leaves, he will leave with his head high, knowing that he did his best and couldn't do any better. Alia talks to Olivia. Olivia tells Alia that she really likes to hang out with her. Alia DRs that her social game is the only way that she can keep herself safe. Sheeva and Levi talk with Adrian, Shelby and Victor about how Virgil is a massive wildcard and is very untrustworthy. Victor tells them that it's better for Virgil to go. Later, Virgil talks to Sylvia about how Alia is very liked and that he has nobody to go to. He also tells her that, if she saves him, he will use any and all VETOs on her if she is on the block and she has the say of the nominees the next time he wins HOH. Sylvia DRs that she really likes Alia but, with Virgil all alone, that could be a definite number. Sylvia tells Olivia that the plan has changed. Olivia says that she trusts her.
Alia is evicted by a vote of Sylvia, after a 3-3 tie.
The host reveals that somebody will be re-entering the game temporarily and they, the audience, have the say on who should return for just the week and they have just two days to vote. The person returning will have to convince everybody that they are, indeed, returning to the game to play again.
26 It's a puzzle! Sheeva DRs that winning the HOH is the only way that she can move forward while not using the DPoV. Virgil DRs that he doesn't want to win the HoH, only because he wants the target on his back to shrink but he may if there is a chance that he could use it to gain numbers. Levi DRs that his VETO only left them in a situation where it prolonged Sheeva's eviction and put him at risk should she come off the block again. Levi DRs that he wants to win the VETO to prove himself and to help out his team. Adrian DRs that he may go up no matter what, even if Olivia wins. He feels like Sylvia may go rogue and her not keeping her allies in check could possibly mean that she wants to move on her own and Olivia will follow. He then DRs that it doesn't mean that Sylvia doesn't have to keep them in check, rather that she seems like she is hiding something from the alliance. Olivia DRs that she is noticing Adrian looking at Sylvia from time to time and this is starting to worry her. ADRIAN wins Head of Household.
Adrian DRs that, if Sylvia was planning something, she, now, has to wait. Levi DRs that he is determined to find a way to keep his team in the game this week. Sheeva tells Levi that she has a plan but it will only work if one of them wins the VETO. She will give him more details should that happen. Sheeva DRs that she lost Darren, then Alia and she doesn't want to give up just yet. Olivia pulls Sylvia aside and tells her that Adrian is worrying her because he kept looking back during the challenge. Sylvia tells Olivia that it's probably nothing but thanks her for letting her know. The Soup Group meet up and Adrian says that Sheeva and Levi are the obvious targets as they may have secured Virgil thanks to Sylvia. Sylvia tells Adrian that she hopes Virgil will stick with them. Adrian DRs that he only wants what's best for his alliance and doesn't want to act on assumptions. Later, Chase Gallander, the fifth person voted out, enters. Everybody gathers and he tells them that the viewers voted for one of the pre-jury boots to re-enter and they chose him but he gets Immunity for this round only. Chase DRs that his only regret is that the two of the three people he wanted to apologize to the most for his behaviour, Darren and Alia, are both gone. Chase pulls Victor aside and apologizes for how he acted and the game just got to him. Victor forgives him and they hug it out. Victor says that he's in luck as he has has the numbers and he, Chase, can join them. Chase asks why Darren and Alia both went. Victor tells him that both of them were massive social threats and Darren, in particular, was the right hand of Sheeva, who is their target this week. Victor asks why Sheeva didn't go two weeks ago and Victor tells him that she wasn't a massive social threat like Darren, plus the twist included two HOHs. Later, Sheeva talks with Chase and asks if Darren is still in jury. Chase tells her that him coming back bumped Darren up to 12th, which kicked him out and that everybody was in sequester until the results were revealed so Darren never entered the jury house. Chase DRs that it is surprisingly easy to lie in the house. Sheeva cries a bit and tells Chase that it's been getting really hard for her recently in the house.
Levi and Sheeva are nominated.

Reasons: They are the last two remaining of the opposing alliance.

27 Sheeva DRs that her lives in the game are running out so she or Levi have to win the VETO. Shelby and Olivia talk. Shelby DRs that she is somehow bonding with Olivia. Shelby tells Olivia that it's unfair that Chase returned so they have to get rid of him next week. Olivia tells her that everybody will be going after him so there is no need for them to do it. Olivia DRs that Shelby and her have spoken about both game stuff and personal stuff and it seems like Shelby knows she screwed up by betraying her allies. Shelby apologizes again to Olivia, who tells her to stop apologizing and that it's water under the bridge. Olivia DRs that she is taking a huge risk trusting Shelby again. Virgil and Chase talk. Virgil tells him that his entire game blew up and he became the largest threat at one point. Chase tells Virgil that he still wants to be allies with him and, that, they still have 4 of the 5 members of The Final Five. Chase DRs that he is enjoying keeping up this charade. Virgil DRs that he just has to stay under the radar and let Sheeva and Levi fight the Intruders and vice-versa. Adrian tells Victor, Joaquin, Olivia and Sylvia that they have to make sure that Sheeva does not win the VETO. Victor mentions going after Levi if Sheeva is taken off as he seems to be more determined. Victor DRs that he is starting to notice that he keeps taking a "Second In Command" role with alliances as he was SIC with Chase, and, now, Adrian. Joaquin wonders if wasting an HOH on Levi would be worth it. Adrian mentions that, if they don't take out Sheeva or Levi, those are two people who will win HOH next week. Sylvia DRs that, after this week, she may get her and Olivia to flip sides as she doesn't want to go down with the ship. VETO PLAYERS: Adrian, Levi, Sheeva, Olivia, Sylvia, Shelby. Olivia, Sylvia and Shelby are talking together and form the Black Widow Trio. Olivia says that she trusts this trio. Shelby tells them that this is a definite final 3. Shelby DRs that she can't afford to betray them at this moment, despite them being major threats. Adrian and Joaquin talk. Joaquin tells Adrian that they are a definite Final 2. Adrian agrees and hopes they can make it there. Joaquin asks about the replacement if one of them comes off. Adrian is thinking Shelby but wonders if they should put up Virgil anyway.
SHEEVA wins the VETO
Sheeva celebrates in the DR. Sheeva pulls Levi aside and tells them that neither one of them are going home. Levi is confused and wonders why when there is only one VETO. Sheeva tells him that he is wrong and she'll prove that soon enough when she blindsides the Intruders at the Veto Ceremony. Levi tells her that he is excited now. Later, Victor asks Sheeva when she plans to do. Sheeva says that she doesn't know as she doesn't want to give up, yet she's been through a lot so far so she may need to lay down and think about how to move forward. Victor DRs that she has a trick up her sleeve and she is lying. He wonders why she would have to lie about using the VETO on herself. Victor asks Adrian who the replacement will be. Adrian tells Victor that he still needs to think about it.
Sheeva uses the POV on Levi, causing Adrian to put up Shelby, and tells her that she is a pawn and tells Sheeva that he is really confused. As Sheeva goes to sit down, she immediately gets back up and takes out the Diamond Power of VETO. She takes herself off and she, using the power of the DPoV, names Joaquin as the replacement, telling him that he declared war when he took out Darren Ramsey and, now, she's going to avenge both him and Alia, right here and now!
28 Joaquin DRs that he doesn't know what happened and, that, he is still trying to process it. Joaquin tells Sheeva that he respects her move and would've done the same thing so he isn't mad. Adrian's DR is 7 seconds of silence as he tries to process what just happened. Olivia DRs that this is a massive decision ... does she take out Shelby, who has been heavily untrustworthy in the past and was responsible for her eviction in Week 5, or, does she turn on Joaquin and separate from the Soup Group. Olivia tells Sylvia that she doesn't mind this power shift and, that, maybe Adrian will focus on Sheeva, rather than Sylvia. Sylvia tells Olivia that she doesn't trust Adrian as much anymore. Victor and Virgil talk. Virgil tells Victor that, since his side votes to keep him, he has his vote to save Joaquin. Victor thanks him. Victor DRs that, had this still been 2 weeks ago, he may have created another alliance before the house split in two but he's already crossed the Rubicon. Adrian and Joaquin talk. Adrian tells Joaquin that he is okay as it'll be a 4-2 vote as they have Victor, Virgil, Olivia and Sylvia voting. Joaquin agrees but wouldn't be mad if anybody flipped. Adrian asks if Joaquin felt like he got the whole experience this time. Joaquin tells Adrian that he redeemed himself. Shelby DRs that her game is in the hands of somebody who she took out and betrayed and the other alliance and will have to rely on the Black Widow Trio in order to get farther but she isn't confident as she did isolate herself.
Before the nominees say their speeches, Chase gets up and reveals to the house the twist of the week. The host tells Chase that he was successful. Chase then leaves the house. The host then reveals to the viewers that there are no more major twists happening in the game for the last three weeks.
Joaquin is evicted by a vote of 4-2.
29 It's a massive puzzle. OLIVIA wins Head of Household.
Olivia DRs that she finally won an HOH and she is very excited as the Black Widow Trio can move forward. Adrian DRs that he lost one of his closest allies thanks to Sylvia and Olivia and hopes to, somehow, move forward with them while thinking of his next move. Sheeva DRs that her plan worked and she got rid of Joaquin with the only people voting for Shelby being, most likely, Virgil and Victor. Sheeva and Olivia talk. Olivia DRs that Sheeva has had a massive journey and is, no doubt, a massive threat to win. However, her sights are set elsewhere and she'll make an alliance with her and Levi for now. Sheeva tells Olivia how grateful she is. Olivia tells Sheeva that she wants to form something with her because she had always wanted to work with her but didn't feel like she could be close enough at the time. Sheeva tells Olivia that she understands. Victor talks with Adrian and Virgil about how screwed they are. Virgil DRs that Victor appears to be worried. Victor mentions how it's obvious that Olivia and Sylvia flipped, which is odd as Olivia hated Shelby, which would make more sense if Olivia and Shelby were friends again. Virgil wonders if Sylvia went along with Olivia. Adrian mentions how that would make sense and, if so, maybe Olivia is more crafty than they thought. Virgil DRs that Victor is really smart but also right that Sylvia and Olivia are definitely a duo, much like how Olivia and Shelby are one now. Adrian wonders if he had come across as too controlling. He DRs that he wanted to be in control compared to his original season but he may have tried too hard. Olivia, Sylvia, and Shelby (Black Widow Trio) talk. Olivia says her sights are on Adrian as he is a threat to win, as well as somebody who is untrustworthy. Shelby is confused. Olivia tells her that he didn't trust Sylvia and showed it. Shelby DRs that it appears that Olivia was with the Intruders before the Joaquin vote. Sylvia mentions that Joaquin waited five years for another chance to play. Olivia reassures her that he definitely proved himself to be a good player. Olivia DRs that Sylvia and Joaquin had both played once and came back for redemption but, sometimes, she forgets that but believes that they both redeemed themselves. Olivia mentions that she knows who she will have to put up as a pawn and it sucks. Shelby is confused again. Shelby DRs that the person she puts up as a pawn is, most likely, the 5th person in the mega alliance. Adrian talks to Olivia one on one and tells her that she understands. Adrian tells Olivia that it's her HOH so, in the end, it's her final word on who goes up and he will support whatever decision she makes and also makes a note that he will always be loyal to her and Sylvia. Olivia appreciates that.
Adrian and Victor are nominated.

Reasons: They are a definite final two of very strong, strategic players, and one of them needs to go.

30 Olivia DRs that Adrian telling her that he'll support her no matter what and it was her decision made the decision that much more harder but she was set on a goal and she feels like it's best to fulfill it. Adrian is sitting in the living room and watches Olivia, Sylvia, and Shelby enter. He DRs that he was curious about something and that it appears that he was right. He tells Victor and Virgil that Olivia, Sylvia, and Shelby were in the HOH room for quite some time together and that they may be working together. Sylvia tells Olivia that she thinks that Adrian may be an asset to them. Olivia tells Sylvia that Adrian is the target. Sylvia suggests Virgil as he is under the radar and is in the best position right now. Olivia DRs that she just announced, during the Nomination Ceremony that she wanted one of her nominees to go and Sylvia wants to make the target somebody entirely different? Olivia tells Sylvia that she does not want one of the nominees coming off. Sylvia campaigns that Virgil is very tricky and Sheeva was pissed off when he flipped on their alliance, apparently, to vote off Darren, so putting up Virgil could win brownie points with her. Olivia declines and says that she just announced that she wants Adrian and Victor gone. Sylvia tells her to tell both of them that saying that was just a ruse. Olivia DRs that Sylvia, apparently, thinks it's her HOH. Sylvia DRs that she doesn't understand as, if Olivia does damage control with the both of them, and takes Virgil out, she is clear with everybody. VETO PLAYERS: Olivia, Adrian, Victor, Levi, Sylvia, Virgil. Virgil DRs that, if he wins the VETO and takes one of them off, him, Adrian and Victor will have 2 of the 3 votes they need. Victor talks with Olivia and Sylvia and tells them that he will vote however they want. Victor DRs that this deal does not mean they control his HOH. Olivia apologizes but says that she had to do what she had to do. Victor understands and asks that, if he isn't the target, if it wouldn't bother them for him to take himself off if he wins.
OLIVIA wins the VETO
Everybody congratulates Olivia. Olivia, Sylvia and Shelby later talk. Olivia says that she will take one of the nominees off and put up Virgil. Shelby says that taking Virgil out may secure all three of them more time. Olivia talks to Sheeva about taking Virgil out. Sheeva says it's too risky. Sheeva DRs that she doesn't know what Olivia is thinking. Olivia tells her how he could win the game due to how the target is on everybody else and he is using his social game to ensure that. Olivia tells Victor that she accepts his offer. Olivia tells Adrian that she accepts his offer.
Olivia uses the POV on Adrian, causing Olivia to put up Virgil, and tells him that he was her true target and, that, he has been under the radar for far too long.
31 Virgil DRs that he was not expecting this at all and wonders if things would've been different if he hadn't flipped and voted Darren out. Adrian mentions to Victor and Virgil that Shelby, Sylvia and Olivia need to be split up and they can worry about Sheeva and Ian later. Adrian also notes that the entire house is, basically, against them at this point. Victor says it's unfortunate, but true. Victor mentions the deal him, Olivia, and Sylvia made. Adrian is suspicious of it and thinks they were trying to fool him. Victor agrees. Victor DRs that, if Olivia had a plan to use him (Vic), she executed it horribly. Levi and Sheeva discuss who should go. Levi wonders if voting out Virgil would be beneficial. Sheeva mentions that he did flip and vote out Darren but, on the other hand, Victor seems like he is really intelligent. Virgil talks with Adrian about saving him as, regardless, it's the two remaining members of their three-person alliance against the rest of the house. Virgil then talks with Shelby about how they could easily work together and nobody would expect it, especially since Victor is a bigger threat. Victor, meanwhile, goes up to the HOH room and expresses his gratitude and tells Olivia that leaving him up as a pawn was genius as nobody would expect them working together. Victor DRs that he can see right through them and says that his trigger is being fed BS, while being treated as stupid. As the vote draws close, Adrian DRs that he is conflicted about Victor as he is a huge threat but that's why he should remain in the game.
Virgil is evicted by a vote of 5-0.
The host reveals a double eviction.
VICTOR wins the Head of Household.
Olivia and Sylvia are nominated.

Reasons: This week, he was fed nothing but BS and, now, it's best to split one of them up.

ADRIAN wins the VETO.
Adrian uses the VETO on Sylvia, causing Victor to put up Shelby as a pawn as he suspected people may try to get rid of another Intruder instead.
Olivia is evicted by a vote of 3-1.
32 [Flashback to Olivia's eviction: Olivia walks out the door. Sylvia DRs that she just lost her closest ally in the game and, what sucks, is that Shelby was growing closer to Olivia and wonders where she will stand now. Victor DRs that he could have taken out Sheeva or Ian but a trio is stronger than a duo and, by evicting Olivia, you split up Olivia and Sylvia, as well as Olivia and Shelby. However, the battle is far from over.]
It's an endurance competition with Victor sitting out. Adrian DRs that, if he loses, him and Vic are going up and he can't afford to lose another ally. Sheeva DRs that she watched Darren and Alia leave because of an alliance and, at the front of the alliance, is Adrian Thorne. Shelby DRs that she has been laying low since Olivia came back in and, now, nobody is targeting her so she doesn't see why she would need to win the comp and put that target back on her back. Shelby drops out at 12:32. Twenty more minutes go by. Sheeva tells Sylvia that her targets are Victor and Adrian and, if one of them comes off, she won't have to worry. Sylvia thanks her and drops off at 34:18. Adrian DRs that what Sheeva did was telling and that, now, he has to win the competition. Levi DRs that Sheeva and him made it to the Final 6, which is astounding, and that he would love to go to the Final 2 with his number one ally. Levi tells Sheeva that he'll drop once Adrian does. Victor DRs that they need to take Sheeva out if they have any chance of controlling Levi, who seems like Ian 2.0, with no disrespect to Ian, who is a very nice guy. Levi drops at 49:23. Adrian makes a deal that, if he wins, he will not put up Sheeva or Levi. Sheeva asks if he is willing to put up Victor. Adrian says he is. Victor DRs that he knows Adrian is lying to them. Adrian drops at 1:12:33. SHEEVA wins Head of Household.
Adrian DRs that, at the beginning, he was a massive target due to being a returnee and formed an alliance with them. He then lost Maria but gained allies in Victor and Olivia. At the peak of the alliance's reign, he lost everything due to Sheeva's DPoV and Olivia and Sylvia flipping, sending Joaquin out in the process and crumbling an alliance that he worked so hard before losing Virgil as well. He also DRs that he is sure to go home if he doesn't win the VETO. Sheeva and Levi are in the HOH room. Levi tells Sheeva that they are so close to the Final 2. Sheeva DRs that they needed this HOH. Levi tells her that he feels bad for not reconciling with Virgil as they were really close in the beginning. Sheeva tells him that, in the end, it's just a game. Levi wonders if he'll even get the chance to apologize since, if he thinks about it, Virgil's move did make sense. Shelby and Sylvia talk. Shelby notes that there are three duos: them, Levi and Sheeva, and Adrian and Victor. Sylvia says that, after this, Sheeva and Ian are their next target. Shelby is more worried about Victor after what happened with Olivia. Shelby DRs that she never expected Victor to win an HOH out of anger and be so unexpected like that. Sylvia tells Shelby that they just need to make sure the noms stay the same.
Adrian and Victor are nominated.

Reasons: Much like Olivia said, the two of them are a strategic duo.

33 Levi says that, no matter what happens, everybody should be proud that they made the Final 6. Victor tells Adrian that, no matter what, one of them is probably going home. Adrian agrees and says that the duos are out in the open anyway. Victor DRs that he isn't giving up but, rather, is more determined to win the VETO and stay. Victor talks to Sheeva and tells her that he understands and respects her move. Sheeva asks him about his job. Victor tells her that he is a postal worker. Sheeva tells him that he's stayed consistent. Victor tells her that he understands if there is any doubt but he can assure her that he is, in fact, trustworthy. Victor DRs that he kept his occupation hidden from everybody, including his closest allies. When Victor leaves, Levi tells Sheeva that he is still ecstatic about making the Final 6. Sheeva jokes about jinxing himself. Adrian comes in and tells them that, if he stays, he will not go after them at all and, instead, split up Sylvia and Shelby. Sheeva appreciates the eal and that they will think about it. When Adrian leaves, Levi wonders how they'll move next. Sheeva mentions that he may have to win the next HOH. Adrian and Sylvia talk. Adrian asks why her and Olivia flipped. Sylvia tells Adrian that she is sorry but she saw the alliance as something that would sink sooner or later. Adrian tells Sylvia that he feels betrayed. Sylvia DRs that him and Vic are on the outs right now so she understands. Adrian apologizes if he came off as controlling or bossy and, that, he only wanted to do what was best for the alliance. Sylvia tells Adrian that he is a great player and a great person and, if it stays the same, she will save him. Adrian thanks her and DRs that he understands and respects Sylvia.
Shelby wins the VETO.
Sylvia and Shelby celebrate. Sylvia brings up taking out Victor instead of Adrian. Shelby agrees and says that Victor is a bigger threat. Shelby heads up to Sheeva and tells her that she won't be using the VETO. Later, Adrian talks to Shelby about taking him off but Shelby says she doesn't want to risk Sylvia's game. Adrian says that he won't vote to evict Sylvia as Victor is the biggest threat. Adrian DRs that he would love to save Vic but wonders if it'll be worth it as they will be the target again next week for being a duo. Victor, later, talks to Shelby and tells her that he just wants to talk. Shelby asks if he wanted to discuss game or campaign for her to use the VETO. Victor tells her that he wouldn't want to come across as using her for the VETO and, sometimes, you just gotta turn the game off for a bit.
Shelby does NOT the VETO
34 Adrian and Victor shake hands and get up. Victor DRs that he feels slightly bad. Shelby DRs that she is unsure if she wants to get rid of Victor. Sheeva tells Levi that, after some thought, she does not trust Victor too much. Levi agrees and DRs that Adrian is more unlikely to win a competition. Sheeva tells Shelby and Sylvia that the target has changed to Victor and that they can get rid of Adrian during the double eviction. Sylvia agrees, although Shelby later sits down with Sylvia and discusses flipping the target back on Adrian. When Sylvia asks why, Shelby tells her that, if Victor does win HOH again, he will split up Sheeva and Levi before he splits up them. Sylvia agrees that it's a good idea but it's best to wait another couple of days to see if anything changes. It's the day of the eviction. Adrian and Victor have a last drink, 3 hours before the voting happens. Adrian tells Victor that nobody has fully decided yet who should go. Victor tells Adrian that it was fun playing with him. Adrian asks if Victor really is a postal worker. Victor tells him that he is a retired police inspector but Adrian laughs it off. Adrian says that Victor mentioned his son before but never talked about him or said his name and he just realized that. Victor tells him that his son is named Reynold and he is 28 and married. Adrian asks if Victor's last name is "Walker" as he previously said it was "Coleman". Vic confirms that his name is "Victor Walker". Victor DRs that he has had a fun ride so far and, despite all of his campaigning, his fate lies in the hands of everybody else. Adrian says that whoever stays is the number one target against four others. Victor says that the next HOH is crucial.
Victor is evicted by a vote of 2-1.
The host reveals a double eviction.
ADRIAN wins the Head of Household.
Sheeva and Ian are nominated.

Reasons: He congratulates them on making the Final 5 but says that one of them needs to go.

SHEEVA wins the VETO.
Sheeva uses the VETO on herself, causing Adrian to put up Shelby as a pawn again.
Levi is evicted by a vote of 1-1 (Adrian broke the tie-breaker).
35 Shelby wins the Head of Household.
Adrian DRs that Levi would've been a final 2 goat and he would rather a very interesting Final 2 than a predictable one, not that he has anything against Levi, who is a great person. He also DRs that he lost 3 very close allies within 3 weeks in a row so, since he has no allies left in the game, he plans to fight even more to ensure his victory. Shelby DRs that she has made it to the Final 3 and, now, all she has to do is ensure that Sylvia stays. Sheeva sits in the living room and DRs about Levi going and that her or Adrian needs to win the VETO. Adrian finds Sheeva and apologizes. She forgives him. He talks about winning the VETO and sending Shelby or Sylvia home. Sheeva likes the plan. Sylvia tells Shelby that, back in her season, she got 13th and, now, she made it to the Final 4. Sylvia DRs that she, definitely, stepped up her game this season. Shelby tells Sylvia that she would not mind being friends with her and Olivia after the game. Shelby says that, throughout the first half of the game, she made herself a target with her constant backstabbing and, now, she managed to prove how loyal she can be. Sylvia says she would like that and the main thing now is winning the final two comps since both Adrian and Sheeva are massive threats. Shelby agrees and says that they are the last duo in the game. Sylvia says that it's that fact that makes her worry.
Sheeva and Adrian are nominated.

Reasons: She tells them that both of them are massive threats and it's the Final Four.

Everybody gets ready for the Awards Ceremony. Awards Ceremony happens.
Sheeva DRs that everybody wants Adrian out and the three girls all agreed that it doesn't matter who wins the VETO as long as it's not him. Everybody goes to get ready for the VETO Competition.
36 ADRIAN wins the VETO.
Sylvia DRs that she really did not want this to happen. Sheeva pulls Adrian aside and congratulates him and that, now, Shelby and Sylvia will be broken up. Adrian agrees and says that it's time for Sylvia to go. Sheeva is glad that they are on the same page. Adrian DRs that it doesn't matter if a duo is split up or not because nobody will take him to the end. It's him versus them.
Adrian uses the VETO on himself, causing Shelby to put up Sylvia as a pawn again.
Sylvia DRs that she is getting nervous. Adrian DRs that he can either split up Sylvia and Shelby or send home the next most powerful jury threat. He says that, if Sheeva wins Final 3, she will probably take Shelby while Shelby and Sylvia will take eachother if Sheeva goes so, in the end, he has to ensure himself that he can head to the Final 2 with somebody he has a chance in beating.
Sheeva is evicted by the sole vote of Adrian.