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Badussy War IV

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Badussy war IV has started just recently, around march. Badussy War IV is a Civil war between the Newgens and the Oldgens. Badussy war IV is the saddest war ever because never in our history have we ever fought each other. We have already lost 40,000 oldgens and 50,000 newgens. What can us Flops do to escape? there are a couple ways on how this war started. Lets dig deeper into the mess.

Jealousy. The Newgens were so jealous about what the Oldgens had accomplished. the Newgens wanted a new way to join floptropica. however, this backfired and this is one of the main ways the war was cause New icons. New icons were made everyday, like Meifei, and PossieCVM. There are so many i cant even count on 100 hands. This is the Main Major reason the war had started because the Oldgens couldn't keep up with this. The final Category that started the war was money. Floptropica was smart, and saying that printing more money was the right choice. However, amazon, where we get all of our deliveries, suspected something fishy with our government and how we got all the money. Amazon told the US government to send S.W.A.T's to our country. We saw the Newgens supporting the US, and we got very very mad. Badussy war 4 has already lead to so many great inventions within our empire. Such as: The Possie 747, A double-decker airliner that can fly at speeds up to 2000 KTS. or the longest runway, in kristine jenster square.

5 Main battles have started already. First, the battle of haunted house island. The newgens claimed this island.

2. The Barbussy Border II. The barbussy border battle was a gruesome war that happened in the first war, but this was in the same spot. The Oldgens claimed this territory

3. Battle Of the Flowering Rosalina. The Battle of the Flowering Rosalina was the worst battle yet, with near 10,000 Newgens dying. thats about 0.01% of Floptropica.

4. Battle of the Flag changer. The battle of the Flag Changer was a scary battle, and this made flops question if we should change our flag due to this Civil war.

5. Battle of the Possie Lice. Battle of the Possie lice was a normal battle at the start, but then the invasive species the Possie Lice, swarmed the Oldgens. This killed many. This might be a new outbreak of a Pandemic because the Possie lice were seen to be carrying a very scary virus known as "Possie-42" Which causes high fever, diarrhea, headaches, dehydration, and most commonly, dry eyes. If you even suspect you have this, get tested. The Doctors at floptropica health and co, are trying to develop a vaccine for this deady "Possie-42."