Blue and green provinces (Belhavia)

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Blue provinces and Green provinces refer to those provinces of Belhavia whose residents predominantly vote for the Conservative Party (blue) or Liberal Democratic Party (green) in Belhavian elections.

This terminology came into use in the presidential election of 1988 when Goldberg News, a highly-watched cable news network, used the color schemes, based on each party's main color, to depict the outcome of the 1988 elections. That was not the first election during which the news media used colored maps to describe the winning candidate in the various provinces and territories, but it was the first time a standard color system took shape. Prior to 1988, the colors were often changed or swapped for different colors as the development of more sophisticated imagery on television evolved over the course of the late 20th century.

Since 1988, use of the term has been expanded to differentiate between Belhavian provinces and territories being perceived as conservative and those perceived as liberal.

See also