Capital Punishment in Foriana

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Capital Punishment in Foriana - One of the forms of punishing criminals for breaking wrongdoings that are worse than predicted. The death penalty, otherwise (Capital Punishment), is often used in the case of an attempted murder.

Capital Punishment

Reason of Capital Punishment

List of Reasons to be punishment in Capital Punishment:

  • Murder (super rarely)
  • Aptempt Murder
  • Homosexuality (Including: Love Interest, Sex, etc.)
  • Rape
  • Blasphemy of Authoritarian Religion
  • etc.

Method of Capital Punishment

is used so-called death penalty, as the authorities do not have to hang someone for no reason all the time. This includes:

  • Being hanged
  • Electric Chair (Rarity)
  • To be shot (usually homosexual couples, criminals and killers and other guilty on the Execution Wall)
  • Choking criminals (using a choking machine)


How often are death penalties carried out (The Forianan Sources and World Census Sources say 0% of the Death Penalties. They are wrong because they are carried out without regard to law and political freedom). People want the death penalty end because they can't sleep (rarely). But the government decides whether to stay or not, which is why political opponents are hanged.