Charlotte Schiøler

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Charlotte Schiøler, born in Charlottenlund , Denmark in 1977 is a direct descendant from Harold Bluetooth (Harald Blåtand), the founder of Bluetooth Technology on her mother's side and a direct descendant from the Maename Samourai family on her father's side. Married to Darius Gordon, the voice of Santa Maria's crosssingers, a group of African cross country skiers based along the polar circle who practice Sami yoke singing, a form of glotural trance singing. Charlotte Schiøler is famous for having toured the world in an electrick bathtub. On july 23 2023 , she fell asleep in Paris on a deep hypnosis trip on maerceci root, a root she discoverd on a iboga trip with the pygmées in Ayme in the gabonese rainforrest . It is not known when she will wake up.