Civil Rights Party (Venadia)

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Civil Rights Party
Native Name Партия Прав
Leader Valeriya Shalyapina
Founded 9th of August, 2004
Headquarters Venagorod, Venadia
Membership 86,328 2014
Ideology Social-democracy
Identity politics
Political position Centre-Left
Official colours Orange
Great Veche
7 / 400
Website http://www.prava.vda

The Civil Rights Party (Venadian: Партия Прав, transcript: Partiya Prav) is a minor political party in the Republic of Venadia. The CRP split from the Socialist Party in 2004, largely from the youth organization of the SP. The CRP is a third-way social-democratic party with a large focus on feminism, environmentalism, gay rights and anti-racism, and managed to enter the Great Veche in 2015 with seven deputies. The CRP is mainly supported in the larger cities, and its core membership and electorate is among intellectuals, students and various minority groups.