Coronial Officer

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The Coronial Offices of Kouralia are particular public sector positions that claim descent from the ancient Crown Officers. Due to this they are considered especially prestigious, entitle one to a senior position on the Order of Precedence, and often come with additional honours due to this.


Hierarchy of Offices





The Crown Office of Legate comes in two forms, both of which are commissioned by the Crown and which require the joint signature of the Crownbearer and the approval of the Senate by one of two means. The Legatæ-Ynvierei, or 'Legate-Envoy', is a diplomat of the highest rank whose profession can then be subdivided into a number of seniority grades. The Legatae-Lecionem, or 'Legionary Legate', is a senior military officer from any of the three armed services.



Municipal Captain

After Appointment