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Daphomir, officially the New Republic of Daphomir, is a huge country located on the Greater Flumen continent. With 20 provinces and 2 territories, Daphomir covers nearly 2/3 of the Greater Flumen continent, and has a population of roughly 1.5 billion people. The country is a parliamentary democracy with 523 seats in the Daphomirian Parliament, and has six major political parties: the Republican Party, the Liberal Party, the Conservative Party, the National Unitary Party, the Social Democratic Party, and the Green Party. Daphomir is a member of the Democratic Assembly, and has one of the most powerful militaries and economies in the organization. In addition, the country enjoys good relations with several states across the NS multiverse. Daphomir has taken on an extreme anti-communist stance, to the point where it purges anyone found to support communism, which is why none of Daphomir's neighbours have communist or socialist parties.