Domestic Threat Advisory Level (Fratanica)

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Fratanica's Domestic Threat Advisory Level are alert states based off of intelligence and security assessments which warn of potential terroristic or domestic threats. The threat level indicates the potential for a domestic attack. This alert level system has been in place since 8 October 2002, succeeding the National Danger Condition Level system.

The alert level is maintained by the Joint Security Intelligence Initiative, a joint office between Fratanica's security and intelligence agencies, under the Ministry of Home Affairs.

As of 5 August 2021, the current alert level is Low.

Alert states

The Ministry of Home Affairs designated these levels on 10 June 2004.

Threat level Response
Catastrophic A large threat is looming and attack is imminent.
Maximum protective security measures to meet specific threats and to minimize vulnerability and risk. Catastrophic may also be used in case of nuclear, radiological, chemical, or biological attacks.
Severe An attack is highly likely.
Additional and sustainable protective security measures reflecting the broad nature of the threat combined with specific business and geographical vulnerabilities and judgements on acceptable risk.
High An attack is likely to occur at this level.
Moderate Possible attack, but unlikely to occur.
Routine protective security measures appropriate to the business concerned.
Low There is either no security concern or little security concern regarding a possible attack at this time.