Drugs in Fratanica

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Drugs in Fratanica have been regarded positively for the last several decades. Marijuana, LSD, and natural psychedelics have all been federally legalized since the 1960s. This positive sentiment originated from earlier marketing and cultural shifts. The use of legal drugs is considered a common part of social life and nightlife throughout Fratanica. Harder drugs, such as cocaine and methamphetamine on the other hand, are frowned upon and discouraged. Dispensaries selling both cannabis and psychedelics exist in all 14 provinces, further increasing narcotic presence within Fratanica.

Substance abuse and addiction programs are well-funded and administered by federal, provincial, and local levels of government. The Substance Abuse Commission serves as an independent agency which deals with substance addiction and oversees programs involving substance abuse.


The official classification of controlled substances stems from the Controlled Substances Law of 1966, which separated the classification of narcotics into two systems: legal narcotics and illicit narcotics.

Legal narcotics:

  • Controlled medications: This special category deals with the use of painkillers, medical opiates, and such. Prescribed medications fall into this category.
  • Legal synthetic substances: Synthetic substances are classified into their own category. There are very few approved narcotics classified under this category, such as certain strains of synthetic cannabinoids and synthetic cathinones. Such narcotics is heavily regulated and examined by the Synthetic Narcotics Control Board, under the Ministry of Health.
  • Legal substances: This category includes cannabis, LSD, and natural psychedelics.

Illicit narcotics:

  • Hard substances: This category includes cocaine, methamphetamine, and PCP.
  • Synthetic illegal substances: This category includes MDMA (ecstasy), certain strains of synthetic cannabinoids, bath salts, and other man-made drugs meant to emulate cocaine or amphetamine usage.
  • Medications of high addiction risk: These medications or anesthesia substances are heavily regulated and may only be procured in a medical setting, such as in a hospital. Examples include ketamine and nitrous oxide.