Earth (Terran Concordium)

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Capital World
Earth and luna.jpg
Etymology: Meaning ground or earth
Mother Earth, Gaia, Green Blue Dot
Spei antemurale, "Bastion of Hope"
Founded byHumanity
World typeCapital
 • TypeFederal Legislature
 • BodyTerran Consensus
 • GovernorVincent De Maser
 • Total510,100,000 km2 (197,000,000 sq mi)
 • Total100.3 billion

Earth, also known as Terra is the third planet from Sol, located in the Sol System and is the capital of the Terran Concordium and the homeworld of its founding species, humans (also known as Terrans). Earth is a dominant world throughout the Omniverse due to its role as the capital of Terran Concordium, making Earth at the forefront of omniversal affairs. Earth as of 3320, features a population of 100.3 billion people and is host to headquarters of almost every major Concordian governmental institution, enshrining its importance to one of the dominant powers of the Universe. The planet has an orbital rotation period of 365 days (making one Standard Universe Year) as well as an axis rotational period of 24 standard hours (making one Standard Universe Day) and features seven major continents as well as five major oceans. Climatically, the world has a temperate climate with significant temperature increases at the equator and decreases at the poles. Despite widespread devastation of the planets environment during the 21st century from unregulated human industrialisation and urban growth, by the 34th century, technological advances have led to a restoration of Earth's environments and ecosystems.


Earth is without doubt the most important planet in the Terran Concordium, being the heart of its entire operation and sovereignty. Due to this, Earth is arguably one of the most heavily defended and fortified locations throughout not only the Terran Concordium, but also the entire Universe. The defence of the planet extends not only around the world, but also through the entirety of the Sol System and beyond as the entirety of the Concordium is essentially layered around the core system of Sol, providing an immeasurable amount of territory that any invader would have to advance through to even reach the outskirts of the Sol System.

Interdiction fields

The first layer of defence for Earth and the Sol System itself would be the massive interdiction field that surrounded the entirety of the Sol System, which prevented any unauthorised FTL jumps from accessing the heartland of the Terran Concordium. These interdiction fields are located in the outskirts of the Oort Cloud, generated by 100 massive interdiction generators placed equidistant in a circular formation, hidden in the Oort Cloud. While the interdiction fields block any direct attempts to reach the planets within the Sol System, their primary purpose is to regulate the superluminal lanes that terminate and intersect the Sol System, whose routes consisting of designated quantum jumpgates and riftspace regulators allow for the smooth and safe flow of trade within the Standard Universe. The interdiction fields are instrumental in preventing any direct incursions or attacks on Earth, forcing any unauthorised vessels to drop out of riftspace approximately 2.5 light years beyond the rim of the planetary system, being then surveyed by long range sensors to identify them, allowing time for the defenses of Earth to be readied.

War Fleet Sol

War Fleet Orion is the primary fleet assigned to the Orion spur of the Milky Way, featuring its headquarters in the Sol System and also provides for Earth's ship-based defensive capabilities. At well over 25,000 warships of varying types, the Sol fleet is the largest of its kind in the galaxy. War Fleet Sol assigns approximately 5-10% of its fleet to garrison the Sol System at any given time, under the name of Battlegroup Primis (Latin: "First"), with vessels being regularly rotated in and out of the Battlegroup. Serving under Battlegroup Primis is considered one of the most privileged assignments any captain may undertake.

Orbital Defence Stations

Orbital Defence Stations serve as stationary defensive stations anchored in key points amongst the orbits of either planets, moons or Sol itself. The ODS's come in primarily three types; weapons stations which essentially house large anti-ship weapon systems to engage enemy vessels from long range, sensor stations whose primary purpose is to use a vast array of sophisticated sensors to gather information on the battlespace and command stations which direct the space-based defence of Earth and the Sol System.

Weapon Stations

Weapon Stations are the largest in physical dimensions out of the three types of defence stations. They primarily carry a large spinal relativistic accelerator that rival the guns of even the largest battleships. They also feature large hangar bays that facilitate the deployment of strike craft and fighters. Nearly twenty thousand weapon stations exist in various orbits around the Sol System, forming concentric rings of interlocking fields of fire. Current weapon stations in service are the Trebuchet-class orbital defence station.

Sensor stations

Sensor stations are the most numerous of the orbital defence stations and are responsible for detection and information gathering on enemy fleets.

Command stations

Command stations coordinate the entire defence network of the Sol System, working in tandem with flag vessels of the navy to coordinate the overall defence of the system.