Elections in BlakeIsHere

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There are five types of elections in BlakeIsHere: presidential elections, elections into Parliament (commonly called 'parliamentary elections' when all seats are contested and 'federal elections' if put together with the presidential elections), elections to devolved parliaments and assemblies, local elections, and mayoral elections. Within each of those categories, there may also be by-elections. Elections are held on Election Day, which is conventionally a Friday, and under the 2001 amendments to the Constitution the timing of federal elections can be held at the discretion of either the president or the prime minister during any five-year period. All other types of elections are held after fixed periods, though early elections to the devolved assemblies and parliaments can occur in certain situations. The electoral systems used are: the two-round system (used in presidential elections), single transferable vote (used in parliamentary elections), first-past-the-post (used in parliamentary by-elections), multi-member plurality (used in some local elections and devolved assemblies and parliaments) and supplementary vote (used in mayoral elections).