Energy in Malgrave

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Malgrave has no sizeable oil or coal reserves, such a position combined with the isolationism employed by the country between 1938 and 2000 has led to Malgrave developing an extensive renewable energy sector. MalEn, a state-run company has been responsible for all power generation and transmission in Malgrave since the establishment of the country in 1910.

Renewable Energy

MalEn operates a large number of wind farms, solar plans and hydroelectric dams which contribute to tackling the countries energy demands. A large number of hydroelectric dams are located in the territories of the Socialist Republic of Malgrave, as the Republic preferred this form of energy to meet three-year plans instituted in the country.

In the Research Colony, a number of hydroelectric dams were absorbed into MalEn following the annexation of that territory and this energy capacity has been increased with wind farms. MalEn has previously worked with MalCon to construct artificial islands which it has used to support the development of offshore wind farms and establish battery farms for efficient energy storage, and it has exported this technology to other countries in Mystria.

Tesla Towers

A majority of power in Malgrave is produced from Tesla Towers. Developed from 1910 to 1941 Tesla Towers help provide wireless power across the country and are considered to be one of the proudest accomplishments of the country. As Tesla Towers were developed by Nikola Tesla himself it is considered a privilege and honour to work at these facilities as part of MalEn and competition for these jobs is quite fierce.

It has been rumoured that Tesla Towers also perform a defensive function, as part of the project was financed by MalDef, although, this has not been confirmed by MalEn and remains a conspiracy theory.

Nuclear Power

MalEn operates a number of small experimental nuclear reactors which it operates for research and medical purposes. Historically, the National Workers' Republic of Malgrave also operated a couple of nuclear reactors which are in the process of being decommissioned.

Since 2000 MalEn has also exported its knowledge on nuclear reactors abroad and has assisted the construction of nuclear power stations around the world.

Energy Storage

As Malgrave has been reliant on renewable energy for decades, the efficient storage of this energy has been a major priority for MalEn since 1910. Historically, the country used to rely upon gravity batteries for storage which was primarily used alongside hydroelectric power generation (especially in the SRM) but this was unpopular in less mountainous parts of the country and seen as unfairly favouring regions like Portmon and Rensk.

MalEn has frequently worked with MalTec, MalDef, MalTra and Malgravean Automotive Industries on research projects, a result of these collaborations has been the development of a succession in highly-advanced indigenous batteries which have been used to fuel innovations in multiple fields.