Fedala, founded in 2004, is the imperial capital of The Golden Throne.
The area of modern day Fedala was considered no man's land between 1932–1973, when boundaries of Macabea, Sidi Rezegh, and Soburguntia shifted with the movement of armies. Despite the land's fertility, the terrain of today's Imperial Provence was criss-crossed with trenches, fortifications, and obstacles.
Fedala was incorporated as a military colony of the Kingdom of Díenstad in 1974, the year after the Treaty of Vinrayán. Centered around the headquarters of Forces Central Empire, it was of considerable size even at its founding. These forces were responsible for rear guard security in the occupied provinces and were strong enough to prevent rebellious Soburguntian, Rezeghian, or Weigari forces from linking up with each other.
It rapidly grew in size during the late 1980s, becoming Díenstad's principal administrative center for the occupied provinces. In 1991 the city became the capital of the newly organized Kolán Territory, which in 2004 was reorganized as the Imperial Province when the city became the imperial capital.