First Siege of Adeleux

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First Siege of Adeleux
Part of South Terrifica War
Date14-16th September 1821
Adeleux, South Gallandia
Result Vionna-Frankenlischian Victory
Flag of Castile-La Mancha.svg Vionna-Frankenlisch Gallandia.png Kingdom of Gallandia
Commanders and leaders
Flag of Castile-La Mancha.svg Duke of Teutonberg Gallandia.png Baron de Adeleux

54,000 men
24 shore cannon

18 ships

9,000 men

134 cannon
Casualties and losses

3,000 killed and wounded

5,000 captured

The First Siege of Adeleux was a major battle of the South Terrifica War and the opening battle of the Vionna-Frankenlischian South Gallandia Campaign. The Vionna-Frankenlischian army of the Duke of Teutonberg, along with the Frankenlischian fleet under Admiral Lord Hilton, attacked the port town of Adeleux. In a three-day battle, the Vionna-Frankenlischian sailors, soldiers and marines captured the town with heavy urban fighting.


The Gallandic Coastal Campaign prosecuted by Vionna-Frankenlisch's naval forces lasted six months. The effect of said campaign was heavy on Gallandic shipping and even involved the Capture of île-de-Beaumont which provided the Imperial Navy with a base near the Terrifican continent which remained Vionna-Frankenlischian until after the war. However, after a few months of incessant raiding, Gallandic resistance stiffened and Gallandic trade was able be rerouted over land. King Edward of Vionna-Frankenlisch, therefore, charged his forces with making a foothold on the Terrifican continent.

Landings and Bombardment

Battle within Adeleux
