History of Lionsroar

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The history of Lionsroar is extensive and will be continued in the following days, weeks and months. There will always be new additions.

Historical Timeline

Timeline of important and relevant historical events of Lionsroar


Lionsroar, a collection of interspersed large and small territories, has undergone a long and dynamic transformation throughout its history. The boundaries of this territory have undergone constant shifts, with islands disappearing and others emerging, while others were altered by natural disasters such as earthquakes and hurricanes, or war and human activities. The entire land mass of these islands has undergone dramatic changes over millions of years, with geological processes such as tectonic plate movements and volcanic eruptions affecting their shape and size.

Lionsroarian researchers believe that the islands originated from the protocontinent of Trica, from which the Lionsroarian archipelago split off over the history. Over millions of years, the continent underwent various geological transformations, including the rising and falling of mountains and the formation of new land masses through volcanic eruptions. During this time, the continent was home to a variety of exotic creatures, including dinosaurs, which dominated the land with their size and power.

However, a catastrophic event, such as a massive tidal wave, brought an end to the reign of the dinosaurs and paved the way for the emergence of mammals as the dominant animal species. The rise and fall of sea levels over time, as well as the shifting of tectonic plates, ultimately led to the transformation of the continent into the current Bay of Lionsroar. This transformation, along with its unique geological history, has created an incredible biodiversity of flora and fauna, making Lionsroar a fascinating place to explore and study.

First humans

(> pre 10,000 years)

The first humans reached Lionsroar and the islands around 40,000 years ago. Proto-Trican ethnic and tribal groups migrated up from the south and colonized much of the North Trican continent in this first migration. Long before these newly immigrated groups, other humans and human-like beings dominated much of the northern continent.

In a second smaller migration for unexplained tribal and environmental reasons, scattered groups of people crossed the Western mountains and reached what is now western Lionsroar mainland. Now isolated from other tribes and ethnic groups, important cultural characteristics of the predecessors of the Lionsroarians developed.

Old-tribal period

(20,000BC to 12,000BC)

During this period, the first cultural characteristics of the pre-Lionsroarians developed. A clear differentiation from other North Trican ethnic groups took place. This included the development of a Proto-Lowenitsch language, as well as the first genetic traits and other forms of cultural identification. Isolated from other ethnic groups, the tribes lived in the region around the southern and western Lionsroarian mainland. They formed hunting and gathering groups, and only later developed the first sedentary tendencies. Cave paintings and discoveries of proto-mainland animals, which were not actually at home on the lands of Lionsroar, provide evidence of the second migration. Exhibited in museums on the Lionsroarian mainland, traces of the past can still be seen today.

Sedentary period

(12,000BC to 3,000BC)

After 8,000 years of development in the hunting and gathering groups, the individual nomadic tribes around the Western Mountains became more sedentary and founded various settlements on the west coast of Lionsroar. Today, the old settlements have been found and some have even been restored, providing an insight into a simple time of survival. These settlements, built on the west coast, were based on the warm northern currents and the fish-rich coastal areas. Agriculture, livestock and farming were practiced. The wheel was used and fire was spread. Simple hierarchies developed according to the strength and wealth of a settlement, while basic funerary customs and shamanic idolatry were practiced.

In a third migration at the beginning of this period, the islands of Lionsroar were completely colonized with simple boats and rafts originating from the Mainland, which were used for fishing. The trigger is buried in history, but cultural displacement and overpopulation is given as the reason. These pre-Lionsroarian ethnic groups developed their own cultural diversity and regional identities on the islands, which still exist today. Around 3,000 BC, the settlements expanded into the first real cities through increased primary trade with each other, also establishing settlements on the eastern part of the bay, forming the first borders of what shall later become Lionsroar.

First civilization

(3,000BC to 100NC)

Trade and the relationships associated with it began the development of the Lionsroarian national identity. Clearly defined as different regional and cultural units of the same origin, the simultaneously developed civilizations were perceived. Individual dialects of Proto-Lowenitsch, as well as a standardized basic language, are convincing evidence of the different regional identities on a common historical basis. Tribal religions and idolatry declined, while various pantheons developed in the cities. At the same time, the pantheons also took on an important role in the new culture of a social system. Religious superiors took the lead, while a simple caste system of warriors, peasants, religious and secular leaders and various outcast groups was formed.

Historically lost wars were fought among the cities for the prosperity and simple wealth of cattle, land, resources and people. The political landscape of the archipelago changed annually. Alliances among long forgotten castes and houses were formed, the origin of today's aristocratic system, while plagues and natural disasters caused the common people to suffer alongside human oppression. For about 2000 years, these powers struggled for supremacy and control over their territories. Various unknown fell and crumbled under the wars, while others had short living periods of peace and prosperity. An advanced civilization from the mainland formed an alliance of cities that shaped the entire archipelago. The first scripts on Old-Lowenitsch, a standardized currency and even a feudal-like system of rule shaped the bay and led to a new leap in development. The civilization crumbled under the boots of the other cities, but the system endured and was eventually taken up by another great power in 41NC.

Era of the First Dynasties

Founding of the League of Kings

(41NC to 203NC)

This great power was the First Dynasty. Born out of a confederation of cities in the west, this monarchic system is specified as a system with a king as supreme head, similar to the first advanced civilization. Uniform currency, uniform language and uniform trade in the archipelago were its characteristics. In a campaign of naval battles, the First Dynasty conquered a large part of today's Lionsroarian western and southern territories, as well as the islands of the belonging archipelago and formed a unified Lionsroarian confederation for the first time in history. This confederation ruled the entire for 1104 years and shaped the self-image of the Lionsroarian population like no other political event. It established the entire monarchist system as a matter of course and for the first time shaped a prototypical idea of a Lionsroarian identity. At the time, of course, there was still little sign of this, as it was an extremely loose confederation that ceded a great deal of autonomy and independence to the cities. Regional identities were solidifying.

At that time, there was still no talk of a unified confederation of states, but rather a union of equals among equals. The name "League of Kings" was only given later by historians in the course of a stronger self-identity.

Era of the Aurinas

(203 to 412)

The years of the League of Kings are often given differently and a clear historical attribution of events and personalities is unfortunately not possible. Religious and glorified depictions, often victims of deliberate changes or misfortune, distort past reality. This includes the reign of King Valentin Aurina, the historical figure behind the legend of the Godking. A king in the golden age of the League, taking rule over the established eastern territories and uniting Lionsroar under his rule in the divine campaigns. With his work, he created a state with order and laws from a loose monarchist system. He wrote the Great Codex, an earlier collection of laws, he established a state and set up institutions, including the Council of the People and the Council of States. He reformed the medieval army and firmly prescribed the feudal estate system. He established aristocratic absolutism and had magnificent buildings erected. He created a personality cult around himself and established himself as a god. To this day, he is celebrated in the Lionsroarian state religion of Imperial-Royal Polytheism of "Imperatius" as the first official king and founder of the current system. According to the belief, current monarchs are advised by the souls of their predecessors, who look down on Lionsroar from the Eternal Palace, led by the Legendary Godking, legitimizing the monarch's actions.

Era of the Second Dynasties

(412 - 789)

This next long period directly follows the 371-year period of the First Dynasty. Under Valentin Aurina the Great, a proper formal state system was established and advanced philosophies, sciences and arts were practiced. The Second Dynasty followed after the end of the 18th ruling family of the First Dynasty, the Aurinas, and ended a long period of history known as the Golden Age. The arts and sciences only declined in the period that followed, while militarism and oppression greatly increased. The early period of the dynasty (until 489NC) was ruled by the Dinars, a noble family who served as chamberlains to the Aurinas. They put down many rebellions and wars and consolidated their own power until a bastard son of the Aurinas took the life of the king and the reign of the bastard family began. In the following centuries, 8 ruling families alternated the history until 769NC. The previously established Council of States took power and squeezed the peasants of the lands hard. A series of revolts arose as other ruling families attempted to take power, plunging the land into a dark period of war and destruction. The League of Kings was in a full-blown Civil War.

Dark Era (Civil War)

(789 to 968)

The Civil War, also known as the Dark Era, was a long-lasting period in the League of Kings with pronounced warfare, plagues and inhumane periods. With over 5 million deaths from conflict alone, and much more from famine and plague, it was the largest population decline in Lionsroar ever. Various parties tried to seize power and control of the League. None succeeded, and the League continued to be divided.

Era of the Minor Kingdoms (Third Dynasty)

(968 to 1145)

After the dark years of the Civil War, several minor kingdoms and states emerged as joint claimants to the throne of the League. There was no clear winner or dominator, but by common consent the structure of the League was changed and a puppet was placed on the throne. The third dynasty is also known as the puppet dynasty. Trade increased again and the severe population decline was compensated for.

The Great Plague

(1145 to 1203)

During the Third Dynasty, the League recovered from its bad times and grew back looking to revive a new Golden Age. However, this was once again interrupted by the 65-year plague, also known as the Great Plague. A plague outbreak from the mainland quickly spread throughout Lionsroar in the revitalized trade and destroyed entire regions. The League never recovered, officially dissolving in 1203, a full 1104 years after its founding, and redistributing power to smaller kingdoms. This period also saw another great cultural, economic and artistic collapse and was the end for many old ruling houses.

Era of the Warrior Kings (Fourth Dynasty)

(1203 to 1487)

After the dissolution of the League, a great power vacuum had been created on the Lionsroarian islands. Various small monarchist states tried to fill this vacuum and fought over the remnants of the glorious state. The Eastern part emerged as the most prominent of these, whose isolation on the islands and strong trading fleet meant a great deal of power. After 2 centuries of war and renewed changes of power, the power vacuum was filled with the founding of the Eastern Confederation of Lionsroar in 1487.

The Eastern Confederation of Lionsroar (Fifth Dynasty)

(1487 to 1869)

The Eastern Confederation of Lionsroar was founded in 1487 and represented the Fifth Dynasty of Tradekings. With their fleets, they ruled the vast seas and were responsible for much of the trade. They reunited much of the archipelago of Lionsroar, while the southwestern part and the western mainland in particular continued to exist as a separate realm. This was also the first time that the entire archipelago was united as "Lionsroar" in another confederation. At the same time, the confederation also turned part of the social order upside down, as middle-class businessmen and traders in particular were now included in the nobility and the government. The economy was liberalized and successfully capitalized. The Confederation successfully adapted to the industrial revolution in the 19th century and switched to new commercial techniques. At that time, however, art was once again emphasized and many traditional buildings from the Middle Ages of the earlier dynasties were restored. Nevertheless, there was still no commercial tourism, but the economy was based more on the resources of the East and the materials of the islands, which could be processed in factories.

Collapse of the Confederation

(1869 to 1911)

The collapse of the Confederacy was a gradual process. With the industrial revolution, the labor class developed, which was now at the bottom alongside the farmers. At the same time, the bourgeoisie meant more again. The lower classes were exploited more and more, the land and the surrounding area suffered more, while the nobility and the new bourgeois elite gathered more and more power. An independent self-image of the lower classes developed, which was to be understood in terms of the Enlightenment. Secret underground movements of a philosophical and political nature increased. Suffering and misery were perceived more strongly and blame was placed on the elite of the Confederacy. Democratic, socialist and communist movements opposed the liberal economic functionaries and the conservative monarchists. Acts of violence were not uncommon and the political situation was more than unstable. This all culminated in the murder of many of the heads of the elite at an extraordinary council meeting in Meridiumsburg on March 29, 1911 by the "United Underground", a movement of democratic, socialist and communist forces. In the aftermath, however, various forms of government were proclaimed throughout Lionsroar by different resistance groups. A period of anarchy followed.

Period of Anarchy

(1911 to 1945)

The period of anarchy followed the fall of the Confederacy and the proclamation of several state systems. The Sixth Dynasty was proclaimed in the west of Lionsroar in the capital Lowenburg, while democratic and socialist states emerged in the northern islands and the east. The monarchist west (called West Lionsroar) declared war on the democratic and socialist states on April 29, 1911, one month after the fall of the Confederation. Civil war reigned again for 34 years, while the country sank into a humanitarian crisis. It was not until January 8, 1944 that the newly formed Union of Democratic and Socialist Republics of the East, joined the war and changed the tide for a democratic future of the archipelago. West Lionsroar collapsed and the ruling family went into exile. In 1945, the Second Democratic Republic (officially: Second Union of Democratic and Socialist Republics of Lionsroar) was proclaimed as the first united nation state of the Lionsroarian Bay and Islands.

The Democratic Second Republic

(1946 to 1992)

The Second Democratic Republic of Lionsroar was proclaimed in 1945 after the civil war was won against the monarchist West Lionsroar. A direct democracy organized in people's councils and a people's parliament, led by a single president, combined the socialist ideology of equality with democratic tendencies in a federal state. The monarchy was now officially deposed after two millennia. The word "freedom" was now at the forefront. A liberal-capitalist economic policy was introduced, partly to the reluctance of socialist MPs, while the estate system was officially abolished and former aristocratic dynasties were greatly disempowered and expropriated. For 24 years, the economy and the liberal memories of the citizens prospered. Until the first political instability occurred in 1970. Radical monarchists and communists undermined the state and eroded the local authority of the authorities. Oligarchs and other economic giants dominated the capitalist market and, to the disgust of the socialists, established a strong monopoly at the expense of the common people. The nobles bribed MPs and used their old power to paralyze large parts of parliament. Crises rocked the islands while democracy had its hands tied. Until September 1991, when a military coup led by the House of Rothmond officially captured the parliament building and executed the MPs there. A military dictatorship ruled for the next year until the Seventh Dynasty, led by the Rothmonds, re-established a monarchy on November 11, 1992.

Era of the Seventh Dynasty (Currently)

(1992 to current)

On November 11, 1992, after a year of military dictatorship, the House of Rothmund officially proclaimed the seventh dynasty. This time as aristocratic absolutism, in which the aristocratic houses co-ruled and the people were once again divided into estates. With a well-developed military apparatus, a uniform healthcare system, clear propaganda and the religious imperial-royal cult of leadership, Lionsroar was once again united. The population is largely behind the government, blinded by ideology, propaganda and religion, the nobility is in power and the economic elites also influence the king. A large bureaucratic apparatus carries out the will of the government down to the smallest village on the smallest island. A foreign policy of neutrality and a Löwenitch-regulated economy bring satisfaction ... to a certain part. The big and heavy bureaucratic apparatus, the strong regional division historically and politically in Lionsroar, as well as the remaining strong power of the Upper and Noble Class make the Kingdom a heavy job to govern.

Present Time and the Confederation of Trica

(2015 to current)

In a major political decision in 2015, following the successful establishment of the state, it was controversially decided to abandon the long policy of isolation and instead join the modern world stage of Trica. For many decades, Lionsroar was isolated from outside political influence of neighboring countries and preoccupied with itself. It was only with democracy that Lionsroar experienced a first wave of new political terrain through internationalization and globalization, triggered above all by the global political socialist ideals of a unified world. However, this only lasted a short time due to the flare-up of internal conflict and led to it quickly fading away again. After the fall of democracy, the isolationist policy of the short-living military dictatorship was continued in the monarchy in order to avoid external influences and to be able to establish the state in peace. In 2015, this policy was overturned by an election of the Council of Nobles and a subsequent decision by the king.

Over the next few months, Lionsroar straightened itself out and once again presented itself in the world politics of Trica. It was a founding member of the Confederation of Trica, a project to try and bring prosperity and peace onto the continent. Not to the expense of Lionsroarian sovereignity and independence of course.