Jacqueline Séchelles

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Jacqueline Séchelles (XXXX-YYYY) was a Chenique writer, merchant, statistician, politician and philosopher that lived in Ville de Amiens during René Sieyès's tenure as Statesman of Ville de Augusta. She specialized in farming and was originally part of a family that migrated west from Sainte Josephine into the newly established Ville de Amiens, the first village of Chenes to be established by a Chenique-Alnobak creole family. Jacqueline wrote the Gazette de Amiens, which was recorded to be the first trading guides that was published monthly that told of what products would be where in line with Chenique trading schedules. The focus of the guide soon shifted towards being a guide for trading and as one of the first political pieces, then dedicated to the Société des Commerçants during the Penobscot Renewal Era.

Jacqueline's work was initially focused on materials that traders were expected to bring in on a schedule. Before the Augusta Assembly, there were only three towns that were able to have their own self-sustained government: Ville de Augusta, Vignobles and Sainte Josephine. Smaller villages like Ville de Amiens, at the time, were reliant on traders and Alnobak natives to bring in materials and goods. At the time, Ville de Amiens was getting their food supply from the Alnobak village of Onameg, while other necessities such as fur for warmth and lumber for construction were being traded in from Sainte Josephine. As a result of the volitale nature of traders and the desperate need for those