June ultimatum
The June Ultimatum is an ultimatum demand put forward by Eastarland Empire to the Principality of Lusivec on June 22, 1940 after the assassination of Emperor Kristian VI and ex-Emperor Gustaf II on May 20, 1940. The ultimatum served as the casus belli for the start of the second Eastarland-Lusivite War.
Ultimatum requirements
1.Prohibit publications that promote hatred of Eastarland and violation of its territorial integrity.
2.Close the People's Defense Society and all other unions and organizations conducting propaganda against Eastarland.
3.Eliminate anti-Eastarland propaganda from public education.
4.Dismiss all officers and officials who are engaged in anti-Eastarland propaganda from military and public service.
5.To allow the state services of the Eastarland Empire to operate on the territory of Lusivic in order to terminate any anti-Eastarland activity.
6.Conduct an investigation against each of the participants in the murder involving the Eastarland government's investigation.
7.Arrest Major Voitek Tarevich and Milaslav Dmitrovich, involved in the murder.
8.Take effective measures to prevent the smuggling of weapons and explosives into Eastarland, arrest the border guards who helped the assassins cross the border.
9.Explain post-assassination statements by Lusivet officials that were hostile to Eastarland.
10.Immediately inform Eastarland government of the measures taken under the preceding paragraphs.
Of the ten points of the ultimatum, Lusivec accepted seven, except for the second, sixth and seventh.