Jussi Kylössi

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Template:Infobox comedian Jussi Kylössi (born Lurs Vlesger) is a Vyvlander political satirist, television host, and comedian. He is best known for his satirical news show Kylössi, in which he parodies an ultra-conservative, extremist, and racist Nevan political commentator. The show is the most watched comedy on the VBK channel, with numerous international exports of the programme also shown abroad. In addition to the show, Kylössi is known for his broadcasting of alternative election night coverage for the 2009 and 2013 elections in Vyvland, and for his 'Freedom Tours' around Vyvland and other countries, including Nevanmaa itself in 2012. Kylössi is also standing as a candidate in the 2014 presidential election as an independent, after surpassing the required endorsements through mentioning his candidacy on his show.

Kylössi has also written many books in character, including Why Not to Pay Taxes, DeGeneration, and How to Speak Nevan with Jussi Kylössi. His comedy is often controversial due to its mock racism; this has resulted in multiple complaints and rows over censorship of certain shows or segments, as well as complaints about offensive advertising for the show in public places. Between 2010 and 2011, Kylössi's show was taken off air for a particularly risqué segment called Fwob yn Zwob ("Whack a Black"), in which Kylössi encouraged his audience to slap "every negro degenerate this side of Tapulikaupunki".


Kylössi grew up as Lurs Vlesger in Koysdad, a town in far northern Vyvland with a considerable Nevan community. As such, he was exposed to Nevan culture and attitudes from an early age, often with a somewhat light-hearted or critical slant. Vlesger became a comedian in his late 20s, touring his local area. While performing, he noticed his audience's appreciation for his act where he would pretend to be a highly conservative Nevan. A local radio executive asked him to perform a weekly show on the local Radio Deg station, which had evolved into a national half-hour-long show on national radio station Rad by 2000. In 2007, he officially changed his name to Jussi Kylössi following a petition organised by fans of the show.

In 2005, VBK commissioned him to create his current television series. It moved to a primetime Saturday slot in 2009; since then, the show has been in a much more public spotlight, and has often attracted criticism, despite being one of the channel's more popular broadcasts. Following its 'Whack a Black' hiatus, the programme returned in 2011, with record audience figures for the new series premiere.


Kylössi, when in character, claims to have been born in Tikkavaara in the Nevan province of Savonmaa. According to Kylössi, the town's one claim to fame was for having the largest cheese in Nevanmaa, before it was removed by 'liberals' for being too big and posing a health and safety risk. He claims this incident turned him towards his right-wing political beliefs. The character's childhood and early life is not set in stone; different and sometimes contradictory stories are told about his childhood when convenient. However, Kylössi often refers to having killed a 'mongrel' classmate with his bear hands at age 4 for "looking at me funnily", an act which apparently went unnoticed by local authorities.

Kylössi claims to have graduated from the University of Kaarela with a joint honours degree in Politics and Animal Husbandry. He describes himself as having been "a model student". While at the university, Kylössi was supposedly fond of performing in blackface theatre performances, which he has replicated on his show. He occasionally sports the university's distinctive robes when presenting or interviewing guests, especially academics.