Kaharan Expeditionary

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The Kaharan Expeditionary Korps
"God give us one more day and we will make it someone's problem"
Flag of Kaharan Expeditionary Korps.png
Motto: "God give us another day to live and we will make it everyones problem
Capitalcurrently being built
Largest cityunder construction
Official languagesKaharan
Ethnic groups
GovernmentGovernment in exile
• N/A
• N/A
• Estimate
GDP (PPP)estimate
• Total
$2.8 billion
• Per capita
No data
CurrencyLocal currencies vary (0098)
Date formatmm/dd/yyyy
Driving sideany side no one is around to stop you
Calling code0033
Internet TLD.KE

The Kaharan Expeditionary Korps was the offical reactionary goverment overseeing the colapse of kaharan civilisation. It contained around 207 Generator Sites across several islands and the kaharan mainland. The official powers of the Korp wouldve allowed for nearly any measure to be enacted for survival, however the emergancy goverment was usualy unable to enforce these powers apon the Generator Sites. Currently this nation has undergone complete collapse.

First Ancient Colonies

During the period of ocupation, terraforming and colonisation that plagued civilisation on the planet, an advanced space-faring civilisation known as Kijians settled in the region of the mainland where modern kaharan civilisation clings on.

The extensive archeology done by both reaserchers and scavengers, indicates that while the Kijian civilisation was incredibly powerful in comparison to modern day states, sadly it stood no chance against the other hyper-advanced forces on the eastern continent.

Northern Kijian Occupation

Over 3 million Kijian instillations were built across Sparkalia the majority fell to ruin over the 40 years of constant warfare between different non-Kijian factions. The only areas found to be successful settling areas was the remote and abandoned sections of Sparkalia. The most secluded and peacefull region settled by the Kijian Empire was the land that would be later called Kahara

The Oldest Genetic Archives

The Kijian occupation of Kahara would necessitate a new client species to survive in the northern climate. Efforts to deny other Offworlder and Native Empires would equaly need a species capable of surviving a war against the new rivals.

The resulting Species would be sourced from offworld and most Kaharan archiving has only found mention of a single subjugated civilisation that had been turned into a desired client species via genetic augmentation. The recorded species that wes altered were "Callinids" who's homeworlds were invaded by an unkown 3rd party.

In conclusion, the Kaharan species is likely a genetically spliced people who were created to serve the Kijians and toil away for their Empire. Fortunatly the Kijians would suffer a devistating setback that would leave only the most ambitious behind on Sparkalia.

The Kaharan People

An odd part of the recored history found in Kijian ruins, is that mention of exactly what was tampered with to create the Kaharans is not stated besides Kijian and Callinid DNA. After extensive research and genome mapping, most of the Scientific community believes that a seperate species was taken from Sparkalia. It is believed that the mix of insect, humanoid and mammalian DNA in Kaharan DNA is not infact Mammalian, but rather is from the far more moth like Species found within Kaidodzing