Kalrurn Penal Station

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Kalrurn Penal Station

Kalrurn Penal Station is a prison operated by the Galactic Union on Kalrurn in the Hermesa Sector of the Core of the Talin Galaxy. Built in 33 AHT, the prison is known for housing some of the galaxy's most reprehensible criminals. The prison is powered by geothermal energy produced in the crater-lake of an ancient volcano. The prison's structure is widely believed to be impregnable, with its front section sticking out over the acidic lake, the back giving out to the prison's landing field protruding hundreds of meters over a cliff, which is protected by plasma-fences and security emplacements. The outer walls of the Station are laced with hundreds of electromines, which, when combined with the planet's high winds, prevented infiltrations by pushing would-be infiltrators from the vast desert scape below. Every door along the outer walls are protected by energy shields.

Within the Station is a labyrinth of identical hallways and corridors. Each hallway is protected by electrified walls, magnetic ceilings and floors, rapidly closing blast doors, cameras, and automatic lasers. All security equipment is monitored from a central control room located at the top of the prison tower.



Notable inmates