Kentrikós Cluster

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Kentrikos Globular Cluster
A Swarm of Ancient Stars - GPN-2000-000930.jpg
An image of the Kentrikos Cluster
Observation data
Distance31.1 kly
Physical characteristics
Radius46.5 ly
Estimated age12.54 billion years
See also: Globular cluster, List of globular clusters

The Kentrikos Cluster is a medium-sized globular cluster that orbits the Phanes Galaxy. It was discovered by Domninus Kerularios in 1779. The star cluster is currently above the Phanes Galaxy's beta quadrant, somewhat close to the galactic core. It has a spatial diamter of around 93 light years and countains several hundred thousand stars. It is fairly dense.

The cluster was originally called "Messier 107" but was renamed by the Rhomaions after the Greek word for "Central." It is likely that coining the term "central" is remniscent of Rhomaion ethnocentrism.

Currently, the the entire star cluster is under the Rhomaion Empire with 191 inhabited star systems.


The Lost Civilization

Colonizers from other worlds discovered that the cluster was once home to an extremely high-tech alien civilization through discovering their remnants. Their level of technological development dwarfed anything else known to man. They are currently extinct despite the prescence of habitable planets throughout the cluster. The reason for their disappearance remains a mystery, though more information about their civilization and technology has been gradually acquired through study of their remnants. These remnants are estimated to constitute less than 0.1% of what remains of the aliens. Their damage also makes them incredibly difficult to study. Regardless, alien and Rhomaion colonizers have found valuable information through these records that resulted in great technological advancements.

The species seemed to very closely resemble human beings. As a result, some Rhomaion scholars have speculated that the species was a Lost Tribe of Israel, which was smitten by God over their abuse of technology. This stands in contrast to radiometric dating demonstrating that the alien civilization predates the first humans. Though some "omega era" alien writings suggest that the aliens discovered the ability to hijack the spacetime fabric, which may potentially explain such a mismatch.

Alien writings of extreme technologies and their use in exploiting the Universe is referred to as the "omega era." The descriptions of such technologies are mind-boggling and teriffying. Examples include the editing of spacetime, entering and escaping black hole event horizons, creating quasars, transforming into neutral matter, ex instant conversions into anti-matter, the existence of anti-anti-matter and pro-matter, methods of initiating universal destruction, uploading consciousness into machines, instant wormhole-tachyon teleportation, etc. Many of these technologies are described in the context of causing "universal-scale environmental destruction" or enslaving and exploiting alien species. Provided that the context of these writings is unknown, many scholars believe most (if not all) of such writings to be works of fiction. Particularly superstituous Rhomaions affirm that some omega-era technologies existed, which were contrary and insulting to God resulting in their divine judgement and destruction. The latter theory is considered to be a fringe and extremely unlikely belief. Additionally, the existence of many technologies appear to be scientifically impossible. The Rhomaions have discovered several blueprints of alien technology in the cluster, though no blueprint from the omega-era has ever been found.

Rhomaion Colonization