Kettuan Military
Brigades of the Kettuan Armed Forces
(Main article|Brigades of the Kettuan Armed Forces)
Erikoisjääkäri Osastokomento (EROSKO). EROSKO is the branch of the Kettuan Armed Forces that deals with Special Operations/Special Forces.
Tutkimukset ja Havainnointiryhmä (TutHav, EROSKO-TutHav), part of Erikoisjääkäri Osastokomento (EROSKO). Elite reconnaisance force, specially trained for rescue operations. Consists of four squads composed of 5 men. Each squad is led by a Sotilasmestari, and all members must be at least rank Kersantti. TutHav is under the direct control of EROSKO.
Erikoisjääkäri Osasto (ERIK, EROSKO-ERIK) is the Special Missions Department of EROSKO. Special Missions Units are subordinated to ERIK.
Food of the Kettuan Military
Main Article: Food of the Kettuan Military
Equipment of the Kettuan Armed Forces
See also: - Equipment of the Kettuan Armed Forces
Uniform of the Kettuan Armed Forces
Main Article: Uniforms of the Kettuan Armed Forces