Legal system of Kalea

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The justice system in Kalea is influenced by the libertarian socialist ideology of democratic confederalism. At the local level, citizens create Peace and Consensus Committees, which make group decisions on minor criminal cases and disputes as well as in separate committees resolve issues of specific concern to women's rights like domestic violence and marriage. At the regional level, citizens (who need not be trained jurists) are elected by the regional People's Councils to serve on seven-member People's Courts. At the next level are four Appeals Courts, composed of trained jurists. The court of last resort is the Provincial Court, which serves the region as a whole in each province. Separate from this system, the Constitutional Court renders decisions on compatibility of acts of government and legal proceedings with the constitution of Kalea.

Kalea proclaims absolute equality of women under the law, allowing civil marriage and banning forced marriage, polygamy and underage marriage. A new criminal justice approach was implemented that emphasizes restoration over retribution. The death penalty has been abolished in Kalea.