Legionary Nationalism

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Legionary Nationalism also known as Sepharian Legionarism is a political ideology within the nation of Sephariantasia espousing fervent nationalism and Sepharian irredentism. This includes expansion into both north and south neighbours bordering Sephariantasia. This was created by Sepharian Legionary Constantin Cuza Osmochescu in 1912 after the crowning of the unpopular monarch Theodor I. It called for abolition or weakening of the monarchy and the establishment of a state headed by a strongman with absolute rule with the monarch deposed or given a figurehead position. This would eventually happen 13 years later in 1932 with the March on Sepharteren. This led to the cession of power to the Legionnaires by the 77 year old Theodor I. Theodor I would die 10 years later in 1942 and led to the ascension of anti-Legionnaire King Valentin II. This led to a tumultuous times in Sephariantasia known as the Troubles. This led to the compromise which has led to the absolute rule of the King and the democratic system dominated by the Legionary National Party in current Sephariantasian politics.

Economics of Legionary Nationalism

Legionary Nationalism promotes a corporatist economy with all industries and companies being state-run. This is headed by a governmental department which monitors the businesses, their deals and their growth.