Legislature of Volstokn

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The Kuninkaallinenperustaminen, officially the Kuninkaallinenperustaminen of the Tsaral Realm of Volstokn (Strangerealan: The White Chambers), is the legislative branch of the Volkish Government. Unlike Many Legislative Branches which have 2 Houses, the Kuninkaallinenperustaminen is composed of 3.

At the ground level of Volstokn, Citizens can enjoy the privilege of voting for very local government if their Duchy's Duke/Duchess doesn't appoint someone to said position they are voting for, which most don't as its long been considered too totalitarian and could brew Discontent. City Mayors, School Board Members, Police Commissioners, and everything in between that doesn't rise upon its local jurisdiction / area. However they have the luxury of voting for people to represent their Duchy in the Herttuakunnanryhmänavo which is the Lowest and Weakest of Houses of the Volkish Legislative Branch.

Above the Elections of Mayors and other Local Positions there are the Dukes and Duchesses that act as Provisional Governors over their Duchy. For the longest time, the Region where Volstokn now dominates were a bunch of fractured Duchdoms, Kingdoms and Realms that were slowly absorbed into the then Volkland Tsaral Constituency. As Volkland absorbed these states into its Realm they replaced the former Dukes and Duchies with Volkish Ones. These Dukes appoint people to then represent their Administrations for the Alaskuninkonpano, the median branch of the Volkish Legislative Branch. One caveat to these Line of Successions where an upcoming Duke/Duchess be denied their position of the "The White System" a system that dates back to the 1750s where a separate, independent council made of people appointed by the Tsarina/Tsar that has the power to reject people's ascension to Duchdom Thrones if they don't need the qualifications.

At the toppest of the top is the Neuvostonhuone, a council made of all Dukes and Duchesses of all 32 of the Duchies of Volstokn as well as the Governor of the Autonomous Territory of Nordlando which still has a say in the Political System of the Tsaral Realm. Along with that, the Position of the Tsar within the Political System is the Speaker of the Neuvostonhuone, acting as the voice of reason and order within this High Council. While this House is technically a part of the Legislative Branch it is rarely handed new laws unless they are of high importance. The Neuvostonhuone is the broad Advisory Council for the Queen and can act on her behalf.