Library:Rezese names

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"Tei" means "of" but in personal names (eg. Maryam of Eporte Vir), it is a "ke" or "pe" affix depending on region, sometimes dropping the "e"; thus, the k’Rossi family (from the city/region of Rossun), the KeIpixune of Ipixune, Pevir of Eporte Vir. "Ke" is of northern Oxidentali origin, while "pe" is southern.

The Rezese language traditionally lacks gender, for example lacking a specific word for "brother" or "sister" and instead using "sibling." Influence from its parent languages as well as others have retained the use of gendered names, however, at least in part. The decision to pick a gendered or genderless name is considered personal, and people may change their names from one to another throughout their lives. To fully gender names, one may adopt an ending of "a" (fem.), "o" (masc.), or "u" (third) - for names ending in a consonant the vowel is added, for those ending in a vowel the last vowel is changed.

The tables below are broken into gender bias, however note that a masculine bias does not inherently mean that the name is most commonly given to men, nor feminine to women, nor a lack of bias to third gender or equally amongst all genders.

Common given names

No Bias Masculine Bias Feminine Bias
Name Pronunciation Name Pronunciation Name Pronunciation
Abideme (ah-BEE-deh-may) Aliye (ah-lee-yay) Ade (AH-day)
Abiole (ah-BEE-oh-lay) Ambre (ahm-bray) Affene (ah-FEN-nay)
Adele (ah-DEL-lay) Ayube (ah-yoo-bay) Alegre (AH-lay-grey)
Daye (DAH-yay) Enriq (ON-reek) Alhere (ahl-hay-ray)
Elesandre (el-ES-enn-dray) Erman (err-mahn) Alessand (ahl-ES-ond)
Engele (AHN-ghey-lay) Jatau (juh-tah-oo) Amine (AH-mee-nay)
Eniole (eh-NEE-oh-lay) Jiorge (jee-or-gey) Ane (ah-NAY)
Franzesq (FRAHN-chessk) Jiovan (jee-or-vahn) Bianq (BEE-ankh)
Ife (ee-FAY) Lawal (lah-wahl) Cataline (kah-TAH-lee-nay)
Kayin (kah-YEEN) Leandre (lay-on-dray) Demilade (day-ME-lah-day)
Kyaute (kee-YAH-oo-tay) Luke (loo-kay) Elixe (AY-lee-shay)
Lanre (LAHN-ray) Marq (mark) Engeline (ahn-GILL-lee-nay)
Maurize (MOHR-ee-chay) Nikole (knee-koh-lay) Esebele (ay-SAY-bay-lay)
Milane (MEE-lah-nay) Olufemi (oh-LOO-feh-mee) Geme (GEH-may)
Monive (MOH-nee-vay) Omberte (ohm-bur-tay) Ginevre (GEH-nef-ray)
Neke (nay-KAY) Paole (POW-lay) Hadize (AH-dee-chay)
Olusole (oh-LOO-soh-lay) Pietre (pee-AY-tray) Halime (AH-lee-may)
Ravaele (rah-VAH-ayl-ay) Qipriane (kip-REE-ah-nay) Hauwe (AH-oo-way)
Sani (SAH-nee) Rabiu (rah-BEE-oo) Ilarie (ee-LAH-ree-ay)
Simisole (see-ME-soh-lay) Remije (RAY-me-jay) Illeane (eel-LAY-ah-nay)
Taiwe (tah-EE-way) Salisu (sah-LEE-soo) Livi (lee-VEE)
Toyin (Toh-YEEN) Salvade (sahl-VAH-day) Mare (MAH-ray)
Virgile (VEER-gi-lay) Umare (oo-MAH-ray) Mirelle (ME-real-lay)
Vitorie (vi-DOHR-ee-ay) Valentin (vah-LEN-teen) Qeleste (KEL-es-tay)
Yalwe (YAHL-way) Savine (SAH-vee-nay)
Yejide (YAY-zhee-day) Amadi (AH-mah-dee) Saviye (SAH-vee-yay)
Zite (CHEE-tay) Sienne (SEE-ehn-nay)
Olamide (oh-LAH-mee-day) Valere (vah-LAY-ray)
Ver (VEHR)
Alabe (AH-lah-bay) Zainabe (cha-EEN-ah-bay)
Adisi (ah-DEE-see) Zamile (CHA-mee-lay)
Zeli (CHAY-lee)

Common surnames

House-based Locational Other
Name Pronunciation Name Pronunciation Name Pronunciation
Cardiki (kahr-dee-KEE) k'Ipixune (keep-eesh-OO-nay) Alakare (ah-LAH-kah-ray)
Cazini (KAH-chee-nee) k'Ordiane (kor-DEE-ah-nay) Enozri (ay-NOTCH-ree)
Giarelle (gi-uh-RILL-uh) k'Uneiuxi (koo-NAY-ee-oo-shee) Madinai (MAH-dinn-eye)
k'Rossi (kuh-ROHS-see) Kebaeze (kay-bah-AY-chay) Mafarauzi (mah-fahr-OW-chee)
Kondozi (KOHN-doh-chee) Kebaraba (kay-bah-rah-BAH) Mairane (mah-ee-RAH-nay)
Palazin (pah-LAH-cheen) Kepanakoze (KAY-pah-nah-KOH-chay) Makere (mah-KAY-ray)
Venzurin (venn-chur-EEN) Keqieve (kay-KEE-eh-vay) Patapua (pah-tah-PWAH)
p'Orete (pay-oh-ray-TAY) Sambyhyarai (sahm-bee-HEE-arr-eye)
Pe Tarauaze (pay tah-rah-oo-AH-chay) Volzurin (VOHL-chur-een)
Pevir (pay-VEER) Zaramitare (cha-rah-ME-tah-ray)