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List of Wolf Palatines (First Palatinate)

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Palatine Reign Appointed
Portrait Name
Ascension End Reign Time Magistratus Vicarius
1 Árpád I X X X X X
Árpád I is declared to be the first Wolf Palatine and established the capital of the Wolf Palatinate in Oroszlána within the Imperial South. Under Árpád I, the First Wolf Palatinate held the unified area of most of the western regions of the Imperial South and reached partially into the Imperial Central. Árpád I also wrote the beginning of the First Palatinate Constitution, a set of various laws that formed an unwritten constitution that evolved with the Empire. Árpád I died during the Battle of Facsád in the south of the Imperial West while invading a group of Facsád Wolf tribes.

2 Álmos I X X X X X
Álmos I was the first son of Arpad and primarily commandeered over the Palatinate's expansion into the rest of the eastern regions of the Imperial South and the eventual incursion of the Volgai into the Palatinate. Álmos I reign was comparatively short and considerably more brutal with the subjugation with the Imperial South compared to his father. Álmos I was killed in a duel with the leader of the Volgai, Ügyek the Mad.
3 Árpád II X X X X X
4 Álmos II X X X X X
5 Zoltán I X X X X X
6 Ügyek I X X X X X
7 Zoltán II X X X X X
8 Előd I X X X X X
9 Szabolcs I X X X X X
10 Boteza I X X X X X
11 Árpád III X X X X X
12 Géza I X X X X X