List of Worlds of the Imperial Confederation

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The Imperial Confederation is an intergalactic confederal republic that consists of one confederal territory, six primary member states, six observatory member states, eight colonial possessions and various uninhabited systems and planets. The Imperial Confederation's six primary member states are located within habitable planets of systems within the Hyporian Sector, alongside the one confederal territory, Avestion. Three of the observatory members are also located within the Hyporian Sector. Both Sormidia and Rokophantes, two of the six observatory members are located within the Malvidian Sector near the Akannite Empire. The planet of Viedma is the only observatory member that is located in the Lesphagian Sector near Lijiang. The majority of colonial possessions are located within the Hyporian Sector, with the remainder being located in the Malvidian Sector. The planet of Viedma is considered to be disputed territory with Lijiang.

Numerous constitutional amendments that were approved by the Imperial Legislature determines that the only firm central authority that the Imperial Confederation considered to be federal is the station of Avestion. All other members are bound to the decisions made on Avestion not as a federal government but as representatives delegated by the determined central government of all primary members. All primary members are given five voting seats on the Imperial Legislature, and are given one executive seat on the Imperial Confederation Executive Council.

Primary Members

  • Apregius - Apregian Republic - Planet of Apregius - Apregians - AP
  • Barylius - Barylian Republic - Planet of Barylius - Barylians - BY
  • Stellus - Stellan Union - Planet of Stellus - Stellans - ST
  • Octavius - Octavian Empire - Planet of Octave - Octavians - OT
  • Canideria - Hothirian Empire/Caniderian Empire - Planet of Canidoria - Caniderians - CH
  • Canidium - Beszmorthirian Republic/Canidium Republic - Planet of Canidoria - Canidiums - CB

Observatory Members

  • Qel - Qeldorian Republic - Planet of Qel - The Qel - QL
  • Kiridus - Kiridorian Republic - Planet of Kiridus - Kiridorians - KI
  • Ardomachia - Ardomachian Unity - Planet of Ardomachia - Ardomachians - AU
  • Sormidia - Sormidian Republic - Planet of Sormidia - Sormidians - SR
  • Rokophantes - State of Rokophantes - Planet of the Roko - Rokophantians - RK
  • Viedma - State of Viedma - Planet of Viedma - Viedmans - VM